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Holy Hunter (3.5e Prestige Class)

236 bytes added, 20:09, 15 May 2013
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TWO-HANDED FIGHTING: If the holy hunter does not already have the Power Attack feat, he is treated as having this feat when attacking evil targets. Furthermore, when using Power Attack against evil targets, the holy hunter may choose to distribute any penalties associated with the feat among his AC, saves, and attack rolls. For example, a holy hunter taking a -5 penalty with a power attack could choose to take a -2 penalty to AC, -2 to saves (all saves are affected), and a -1 to attack rolls. He might also choose to take the entire penalty to AC or saves. However, this does not allow the holy hunter to take a penalty larger than his base attack bonus.
SWORD AND BOARD: If the holy hunter does not already have the Improved Shield Bash feat, he is treated as having this feat when attacking evil creatures. Furthermore, any evil target hit by his shield bash must make a Fortitude save of DC 10+ CHA mod + Holy Hunter Levelmodifier, or take an additional 1d4 damagebe considered flat-footed for the rest of the round.
TWO-HANDED FIGHTING: A holy hunter may change the alignment or material of his weapon as a swift action for purposes of overcoming the DR of a an evil target.
SWORD AND BOARD: A Once per encounter, if a holy hunter successfully hits an evil target with a shield bash, he may immediately attempt a bull rush, trip, or overrun as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. He may also choose to forgo any damage from the attack in order to add his shield's full enhancement to AC as a bonus to attack and damage rolls when performing a shield bash against an evil targetthe bull rush, trip, or overrun check.

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