Soothing Melody (4e Power)

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Author: Sam Kay (talk)
Date Created: 7th May 2010
Status: Complete
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Soothing Melody
Enchanter Attack 20
Your enchanting melody causes your foes to sink into a deep sleep and soothes your allies.
Daily ✦ Arcane, Charm, Healing, Implement
Standard Action Close burst 3
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: The target falls unconcious (save ends).
If an ally attacks an affected target, the target immediately awakens. The ally does not have combat advantage against the target for that attack and cannot make a coup de grace attack against it.
Effect: Each ally in the burst can spend a healing surge.

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Action TypeStandard Action +
AuthorSam Kay +
Identifier4e Power +
KeywordArcane +, Charm +, Healing + and Implement +
Level20 +
RangeCloseburst 3 +
RatingUndiscussed +
TitleSoothing Melody +
TypeEnchanter Attack Power +
UsageDaily +