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Silver, Alchemically-Inverse (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Ganteka Future (talk)
Date Created: 3 August 2013
Status: Tentative Completion
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Alchemically-Inverse SilverEdit

When alchemically alloyed with mithral, its flexibility grants increased resistance to physical damage.

This metal, too malleable to be useful on its own, is infused into mithral items to create an alchemical alloy, often called "moon silver", "moonglow silver" or "maiden's silver". The mithral component is enhanced by this process, remaining solid but flexible. Such items return to their forged shapes after being bent. Physical damage against moon silver is reduced by half after hardness.

Freshly alloyed items shimmer with a mirror-like surface. However, over time, a patina of iridescence develops, allowing such items to be identified easier.

Ammunition made of alloyed alchemically-inverted silver is less likely to break upon use. Ammunition has a 10% chance of being destroyed regardless of a hit or miss.

Items not primarily composed of metal are not meaningfully affected by being partially made of moon silver. Hardness and HP are calculated by their mithral construction.

Ingots of pure alchemically-inverted silver are often available from alchemists and money-changing guilds where it is traded as a commodity for 20 gp per pound. The alchemical process to infuse this metal into mithral costs 20 gp per pound and is often carried out in an alchemy lab (with equal parts mithral needed). Moon silver items cost 40 gp more per pound of metal in their construction. The weight of such items is no different than their mithral counterparts as the alchemical alloying process creates worthless substrate waste from the differing remaining weights of the added inverted silver component.

Moon silver has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 15.

Alchemically-Inverse Silver Alloyed-Mithral Projectile CostsEdit

Table: Moon Silver Projectile Costs
Type of Item (Amount) Item Cost Hardness Hit Points
Arrows (20) 541 gp 5 2
Crossbow Bolts (10) 541 gp 5 2
Crossbow Bolts, Repeating (5) 541 gp 5 2
Bullets, Sling (10) 540 gp 1 sp 15 5
Shuriken (5) 291 gp 15 5

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