Publication:Player's Handbook 3 (4e)

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Player's Handbook 3 (4e)
System: Dungeons and Dragons 4e 
Abbreviation: PHB 3 
Author: Mike Mearls, Bruce R. Cordell, Robert J. Schwalb 
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast 
Item Code: 251240000 
Publication Date: March 2010 
Format: Hardback 
Page Count: 225 
ISBN-10: 978-0-7869-5390-5 
Price: $34.95
Product Blurb
Think You've Seen It All? Think Again

Out of the Far Realm they came: creatures of horror and madness. As the gods rallied against the incursion, brave heroes arose with newfound powers of their own. Together they stood against this threat from beyond, just as they stand today.

This companion to the Player's Handbook® and Player's Handbook 2 core rulebooks introduces the psionic power source-powers of the will brought to bear against evil's madness. Player's Handbook 3 includes four classes tied to the psionic power source: the ardent, the battle mind, the monk, and the psion. It also presents a new divine class (the runepriest) and a new primal class (the seeker).

This essential book for DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® players contains other exciting options: new races, powers (including skill powers for all classes), feats, paragon paths, epic destinies, equipment, superior implements, and rules for hybrid characters.

This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.

Table of Contents[edit]

Section Page
The Psionic Power Source 4
1: Character Races
Githzerai 8
Minotaur 10
Shardmind 12
Wilden 14
Racial Paragon Paths 16
Blooded Champion 16
Nature's Avatar 17
Rrathmal 18
Shard Disciple 19

[In progress...]

2: Character Classes
Ardent 22
Ardent Class Features 23
Creating an Ardent 23
Ardent Powers 24
Ardent Paragon Paths 38
    Argent Soul 38
    Psionic Binder 39
    Stygian Adept 40
    Talaric Strategist 41
Battlemind 42
Battlemind Class Features 43
Creating a Battlemind 43
Battlemind Powers 44
Battlemind Paragon Paths 58
    Eternal Blade 58
    Iron Guardian 59
    Steel Ego 60
    Zephyr Blade 61
Monk 62
Battlemind Class Features 43
Creating a Battlemind 43
Battlemind Powers 44
Battlemind Paragon Paths 58
    Eternal Blade 58
    Iron Guardian 59
    Steel Ego 60
    Zephyr Blade 61
Psion 42
Battlemind Class Features 43
Creating a Battlemind 43
Battlemind Powers 44
Battlemind Paragon Paths 58
    Eternal Blade 58
    Iron Guardian 59
    Steel Ego 60
    Zephyr Blade 61
Runepriest 42
Battlemind Class Features 43
Creating a Battlemind 43
Battlemind Powers 44
Battlemind Paragon Paths 58
    Eternal Blade 58
    Iron Guardian 59
    Steel Ego 60
    Zephyr Blade 61
Seeker 42
Battlemind Class Features 43
Creating a Battlemind 43
Battlemind Powers 44
Battlemind Paragon Paths 58
    Eternal Blade 58
    Iron Guardian 59
    Steel Ego 60
    Zephyr Blade 61

[In progress...]

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AbbreviationPHB 3 +
AuthorMike Mearls +, Bruce R. Cordell + and Robert J. Schwalb +
Help Wanted ReasonImage Needed +
ISBN978-0-7869-5390-5 +
Identifier4e +
Item Code251240000 +
Media TypeHardback +
Page Count225 +
Publication DateMarch 2010 +
PublisherWizards of the Coast +
SystemDungeons and Dragons 4e +
TitlePlayer's Handbook 3 +