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SRD talk:Whale

"Hold Breath (Ex): A whale can hold its breath for a number of rounds equal to 8 x its Constitution score before it risks drowning." Ok, let's get started.

A humpback whale can hold it's breath for 60 minutes, that's 600 rounds. So 600 dividend by 8 = a Constitution SCORE of 75. A sperm whale is even more impressive. They can hold their breath for 90 minutes, that's 900 rounds, meaning a Constitution Score of 112.5 (rounded to 113).

The true record breaker though is the Culver's beaked whale. THEY can hold their breath for over 120 minutes! I believe the longest time on record was 138 minutes. So, if we go with 120 minutes, that's 1200 rounds divided by 8 giving a Constitution Score of... 125. Honestly, I don't think that there's any DEITIES that can even come close to this.

Damn near every single stat really needs to be looked at for a COMMON SENSE baseline to properly extrapolate everything else. Another example is Swimming speed. An Olympic Gold Medalist swims at around 7.3 feet per second, which comes out to 5 mph, or 43.8 (44 ft rounded) per 6 second round. So an average swim speed of a baleen whale being listed as only 40 feet per round is utterly ludicrous, when you're suggesting that a human (no matter how athleticly inclined) can out swim a freaking whale.

That is published content in the SRD, it in the actual Monster Manual. We cannot touch it or later it in any way. --Leziad (talk) 23:41, 8 August 2022 (UTC)
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