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SRD talk:Epic (Feat Type)

Epic EpicEdit

Has anyone noticed we seem to have two different homebrew epic categories? Which is real? Or which is fantasy? Stuck with two lists here. No escape from insanity.

Can you tell me, which one we should use now? I'm just a odd plush, making all the articles. Because which one is right? Which is wrong? Which reminds you of a song? Whichever you all chose, doesn't really matter to me. -- Eiji-kun (talk) 07:48, 25 September 2014 (UTC)

In general, the more specific category should be used - i.e. "Epic Feat". If there's another one that's in use I'm not seeing it, and would appreciate it being pointed out.
The two list thing here I think is leftover from a formatting update. I'll confirm that everything is on the second auto list, and then remove the static one. - Tarkisflux Talk 15:27, 25 September 2014 (UTC)
Nevermind, I see the issue. It's coming from the use of the category and feat type at the same time, and the format for non-epic feat types doesn't really work in this case. I'll take care of it, after all...
I'm just a bureaucrat, no one helps me template. - Tarkisflux Talk 15:33, 25 September 2014 (UTC)
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