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Rods are scepterlike devices that have unique magical powers and do not usually have charges. Anyone can use a rod.
Physical DescriptionEdit
Rods weigh approximately 5 pounds.
They range from 2 feet to 3 feet long and are usually made of iron or some other metal. (Many, as noted in their descriptions, can function as light maces or clubs due to their sturdy construction.)
These sturdy items have AC 9, 10 hit points, hardness 10, and a break DC of 27.
Details relating to rod use vary from item to item. See the individual descriptions for specifics.
Special QualitiesEdit
Roll d%. A 01 result indicates the rod is intelligent, 02–31 indicates that something (a design, inscription, or the like) provides a clue to its function, and 32–100 indicates no special qualities. Intelligent items have extra abilities and sometimes extraordinary powers and special purposes.
Rods with charges can never be intelligent.
Rod DescriptionsEdit
Although all rods are generally scepterlike, their configurations and abilities run the magical gamut. Standard rods are described below.
Medium | Major | Rod | Market Price |
01–07 | — | Metamagic, Enlarge, lesser | 3,000 gp |
08–14 | — | Metamagic, Extend, lesser | 3,000 gp |
15–21 | — | Metamagic, Silent, lesser | 3,000 gp |
22–28 | — | Immovable | 5,000 gp |
29–35 | — | Metamagic, Empower, lesser | 9,000 gp |
36–42 | — | Metal and mineral detection | 10,500 gp |
43–53 | 01–04 | Cancellation | 11,000 gp |
54–57 | 05–06 | Metamagic, Enlarge | 11,000 gp |
58–61 | 07–08 | Metamagic, Extend | 11,000 gp |
62–65 | 09–10 | Metamagic, Silent | 11,000 gp |
66–71 | 11–14 | Wonder | 12,000 gp |
72–79 | 15–18 | Python | 13,000 gp |
80–83 | — | Metamagic, Maximize, lesser | 14,000 gp |
84–89 | 19–21 | Flame extinguishing | 15,000 gp |
90–97 | 22–25 | Viper | 19,000 gp |
— | 26–30 | Enemy detection | 23,500 gp |
— | 31–36 | Metamagic, Enlarge, greater | 24,500 gp |
— | 37–42 | Metamagic, Extend, greater | 24,500 gp |
— | 43–48 | Metamagic, Silent, greater | 24,500 gp |
— | 49–53 | Splendor | 25,000 gp |
— | 54–58 | Withering | 25,000 gp |
98–99 | 59–64 | Metamagic, Empower | 32,500 gp |
— | 65–69 | Thunder and lightning | 33,000 gp |
100 | 70–73 | Metamagic, Quicken, lesser | 35,000 gp |
— | 74–77 | Negation | 37,000 gp |
— | 78–80 | Absorption | 50,000 gp |
— | 81–84 | Flailing | 50,000 gp |
— | 85–86 | Metamagic, Maximize | 54,000 gp |
— | 87–88 | Rulership | 60,000 gp |
— | 89–90 | Security | 61,000 gp |
— | 91–92 | Lordly might | 70,000 gp |
— | 93–94 | Metamagic, Empower, greater | 73,000 gp |
— | 95–96 | Metamagic, Quicken | 75,500 gp |
— | 97–98 | Alertness | 85,000 gp |
— | 99 | Metamagic, Maximize, greater | 121,500 gp |
— | 100 | Metamagic, Quicken, greater | 170,000 gp |
Epic RodsEdit
Epic Rod DescriptionsEdit
Standard epic rods are described below.
d% | Rod | Market Price |
01–08 | Epic spellcaster | 245,000 gp |
09–16 | Nightmares | 284,000 gp |
17–24 | Epic splendor | 297,000 gp |
25–31 | The path | 306,870 gp |
32–38 | Epic cancellation | 330,000 gp |
39–45 | Epic negation | 446,000 gp |
46–51 | Besiegement | 447,745 gp |
52–57 | Fortification | 465,665 gp |
58–63 | Epic rulership | 575,000 gp |
64–69 | Invulnerability | 600,000 gp |
70–75 | Paradise | 610,000 gp |
76–80 | Restless death | 625,000 gp |
81–85 | Excellent magic | 650,000 gp |
86 | Wyrm (white) | 1,458,200 gp |
87 | Wyrm (brass) | 1,458,200 gp |
88–90 | Epic absorption | 1,500,000 gp |
91 | Wyrm (copper) | 1,562,600 gp |
92 | Wyrm (black) | 1,562,600 gp |
93 | Wyrm (bronze) | 1,670,600 gp |
94 | Wyrm (green) | 1,670,600 gp |
95 | Wyrm (blue) | 1,782,200 gp |
96 | Wyrm (silver) | 1,782,200 gp |
97 | Wyrm (gold) | 1,897,400 gp |
98 | Wyrm (red) | 1,897,400 gp |
99–100 | Epic might | 4,293,432 gp |
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