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Rods are scepterlike devices that have unique magical powers and do not usually have charges. Anyone can use a rod.

Physical DescriptionEdit

Rods weigh approximately 5 pounds.

They range from 2 feet to 3 feet long and are usually made of iron or some other metal. (Many, as noted in their descriptions, can function as light maces or clubs due to their sturdy construction.)

These sturdy items have AC 9, 10 hit points, hardness 10, and a break DC of 27.


Details relating to rod use vary from item to item. See the individual descriptions for specifics.

Special QualitiesEdit

Roll d%. A 01 result indicates the rod is intelligent, 02–31 indicates that something (a design, inscription, or the like) provides a clue to its function, and 32–100 indicates no special qualities. Intelligent items have extra abilities and sometimes extraordinary powers and special purposes.

Rods with charges can never be intelligent.

Rod DescriptionsEdit

Although all rods are generally scepterlike, their configurations and abilities run the magical gamut. Standard rods are described below.

Table: RodsEdit

Medium Major Rod Market Price
01–07 Metamagic, Enlarge, lesser 3,000 gp
08–14 Metamagic, Extend, lesser 3,000 gp
15–21 Metamagic, Silent, lesser 3,000 gp
22–28 Immovable 5,000 gp
29–35 Metamagic, Empower, lesser 9,000 gp
36–42 Metal and mineral detection 10,500 gp
43–53 01–04 Cancellation 11,000 gp
54–57 05–06 Metamagic, Enlarge 11,000 gp
58–61 07–08 Metamagic, Extend 11,000 gp
62–65 09–10 Metamagic, Silent 11,000 gp
66–71 11–14 Wonder 12,000 gp
72–79 15–18 Python 13,000 gp
80–83 Metamagic, Maximize, lesser 14,000 gp
84–89 19–21 Flame extinguishing 15,000 gp
90–97 22–25 Viper 19,000 gp
26–30 Enemy detection 23,500 gp
31–36 Metamagic, Enlarge, greater 24,500 gp
37–42 Metamagic, Extend, greater 24,500 gp
43–48 Metamagic, Silent, greater 24,500 gp
49–53 Splendor 25,000 gp
54–58 Withering 25,000 gp
98–99 59–64 Metamagic, Empower 32,500 gp
65–69 Thunder and lightning 33,000 gp
100 70–73 Metamagic, Quicken, lesser 35,000 gp
74–77 Negation 37,000 gp
78–80 Absorption 50,000 gp
81–84 Flailing 50,000 gp
85–86 Metamagic, Maximize 54,000 gp
87–88 Rulership 60,000 gp
89–90 Security 61,000 gp
91–92 Lordly might 70,000 gp
93–94 Metamagic, Empower, greater 73,000 gp
95–96 Metamagic, Quicken 75,500 gp
97–98 Alertness 85,000 gp
99 Metamagic, Maximize, greater 121,500 gp
100 Metamagic, Quicken, greater 170,000 gp

Epic RodsEdit

Epic Rod DescriptionsEdit

Standard epic rods are described below.

Table: Epic RodsEdit

d% Rod Market Price
01–08 Epic spellcaster 245,000 gp
09–16 Nightmares 284,000 gp
17–24 Epic splendor 297,000 gp
25–31 The path 306,870 gp
32–38 Epic cancellation 330,000 gp
39–45 Epic negation 446,000 gp
46–51 Besiegement 447,745 gp
52–57 Fortification 465,665 gp
58–63 Epic rulership 575,000 gp
64–69 Invulnerability 600,000 gp
70–75 Paradise 610,000 gp
76–80 Restless death 625,000 gp
81–85 Excellent magic 650,000 gp
86 Wyrm (white) 1,458,200 gp
87 Wyrm (brass) 1,458,200 gp
88–90 Epic absorption 1,500,000 gp
91 Wyrm (copper) 1,562,600 gp
92 Wyrm (black) 1,562,600 gp
93 Wyrm (bronze) 1,670,600 gp
94 Wyrm (green) 1,670,600 gp
95 Wyrm (blue) 1,782,200 gp
96 Wyrm (silver) 1,782,200 gp
97 Wyrm (gold) 1,897,400 gp
98 Wyrm (red) 1,897,400 gp
99–100 Epic might 4,293,432 gp

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