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Rings of the Protector (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Spanambula (talk)
Date Created: 07 Aug 2011
Status: Finished
Editing: Mechanical changes on Talk page
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Designed for bodyguards of particularly high-profile and high-risk clients, these items are designed as a last line of defense against assassins or other assailants. All versions come in pairs, with one Guardian ring and one Ward ring. Both pairs must be worn for 24 hours before they begin functioning, and will continue to function as long as both rings are on the same plane, regardless of distance. If either ring is removed, the owners must wait another 24 hours for the rings to re-attune to each other.

Lesser Rings of the ProtectorEdit

Rings of the Protector, Lesser
Price: 2,000 gp (for the pair)
Body Slot: ring
Caster Level: 4th
Aura: Faint Divination
Activation: --
Weight: -

This pair of rings grant the following abilities:

  • The wearer of the Guardian ring knows the health and condition of the wearer of the Ward ring. The wearer of the Ward ring is under a continual Status effect, which functions exactly like the spell of the same name. This effect is one-way only.
  • At will, the wearers of both rings may communicate with each other as though they were under the effect of a Message spell, with a range of 200 feet.

Prerequisites: Forge Ring, message, status, dimension door.
Cost to Create: 1,000, 80 EXP, 2 days.

Rings of the ProtectorEdit

Rings of the Protector
Price: 20,000 gp (for the pair)
Body Slot: ring
Caster Level: 8th
Aura: Moderate Conjuration
Activation: -- and swift (Command), see text
Weight: -

This pair of rings grant all the abilities of the Lesser Rings of the Protector, as well as the following abilities:

  • The wearer of the Ward ring is under the effect of a continual Shield Other spell, except the range is 200 feet. The bearer of the Guardian ring takes damage for the bearer of the Ward ring. This effect is one-way only. If the damage would cause the wearer of the Guardian ring to drop below 0 HP, the effect ceases to function, and the wearer of the Ward ring takes full damage as normal. Once the wearer of the Guardian ring regains health, the effect begins functioning normally. The bearer of the Guardian ring may suppress or resume this ability as a free action.
  • Once per day, the wearer of the Guardian ring may teleport to the aid of the Ward as a swift action. This effect functions exactly like the spell Dimension Door, except as follows: the destination must be within 10 feet of the wearer of the Ward ring, and the Guardian may act immediately after teleporting (unless he has already used his actions for the round).

Prerequisites: Forge Ring, message, status, dimension door, shield other.
Cost to Create: 10,000, 800 EXP, 20 days.

Greater Rings of the ProtectorEdit

Rings of the Protector, Greater
Price: 35,000 gp (for the pair)
Body Slot: ring
Caster Level: 13th
Aura: Strong Abjuration
Activation: --, swift (Command), or immediate (Mental), see text
Weight: -

This pair of rings grant all the abilities of the Rings of the Protector, as well as the following abilities:

  • Three times per day, the wearer of the Guardian ring can, as an immediate action, attempt to make a save for the wearer of the Ward ring if they fail a save. The wearer of the Guardian ring makes the appropriate save normally, but with a +2 morale bonus. If the wearer of the Guardian ring succeeds on the save, the wearer of the Ward ring is treated as though they made the original save. The wearer of the Guardian ring suffers no ill effects on a failed the save.
  • Once per day, the wearer of the Guardian ring can, as an immediate action, take all the damage and/or negative effects from a single source or attack, mundane or magical. This can be done after the wearer of the Ward ring has rolled a save, but before damage has been rolled (if applicable). This may cause the death of the the wearer of the Guardian ring. This can even include the damage from a normally fatal fall. It does not, however, protect the wearer of the ward ring from ongoing damage lasting longer than one round, such as immersion in acid, drowning, suffocation, etc.

Prerequisites: Forge Ring, message, status, dimension door, shield other, resurgence, limited wish.
Cost to Create: 17,500, 1400 EXP, 35 days.


These items need not necessarily be rings. If amulets or some other item slot makes more sense for a particular campaign, concept, or setting, simply swap Forge Ring for Craft Wondrous Item

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