Publication:Monster Manual 2 (4e)
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This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.
This article is about the 4th Edition Monster Manual II. For the 1st Edition version, see: Monster Manual II (1e). The the 3rd Edition version, see: Monster Manual II (3e).
aberrant (origin) 216
abolethic skum 172
abyssal eviscerator 51
abyssal marauder 48
abyssal rotfiend 52
acid (keyword) 216
adult adamantine dragon 75
adult copper dragon 78
adult gold dragon 81
adult iron dragon 84
adult silver dragon 86
aftereffect 216
air (keyword)
all-around vision 216
altitude limit 216
ambush vine 204
ambush vine shoot 204
ancient adamantine dragon 76
ancient copper dragon 79
ancient gold dragon 82
ancient iron dragon 85
ancient silver dragon 87
Angel (entry) 8
angel (keyword) 216
angel of light 9
angel of retrieval 8
angel of supremacy 10
animate (type) 216
Ankheg (entry) 11
ankheg 11
ankheg broodling 11
Ant, Giant (entry) 12
aquatic (keyword) 216
arbalester 143
archangel (template) 0
Archon (entry) 14
arctide runespiral demon 60
aspect of Demogorgon 44
assassin devil 64
aura 216
Barghest (entry) 20
barghest battle lord 20
barghest savager 20
beast (type) 216
bebilith 52
Behir (entry) 21
behir 22
behir bolter whelp 22
behir stormsteed 22
Beholder (entry) 24
beholder eye of chaos 25
beholder eye of frost 24
beholder gauth 24
beholder ultimate tryrant 26
berserker prelate of Demogorgon 48
black pudding 172
black pudding spawn 172
bladerager troll 202
blind (keyword) 216
blindsight 216
blood hawk 142
bloodseeker drake 88
bloodseep demon 53
bloodthorn vine 205
bone golem133
bonecrusher skeleton 183
bristle spider 189
bugbear wardancer 130
Bullywug (entry) 28
Bullywug (racial traits) 220
bullywug croaker 28
bullywug mucker 28
bullywug mud lord 28
bullywug twitcher 28
burrow speed 216
Centaur (entry) 30
centaur campaigner 31
centaur fey charger 31
centaur hunter 30
centaur mystic 30
centaur ravager 30
Centipede (entry) 33
centipede scuttler 33
centipede swarm 33
chain golem 133
change shape 216
chaos hydra 151
Chaos Shard (entry) 34
charm (keyword) 216
chillfire destroyer 98
clay golem 134
climb speed 216
clumsy 216
Cockatrice (entry) 36
cockatrice 36
cold (keyword) 216
Colossus (entry) 37
conjuration (keyword) 216
construct (keyword) 216
Couatl (entry) 38
couatl cloud serpent 38
couatl star serpent 38
coure of mischief and strife 97
Cyclops (entry) 40
cyclops crusher 40
cyclops feyblade 40
Dagon 45
Darkmantle (entry) 41
darkmantle enveloper 41
darkvision 217
death shard 34
deathpledged gnoll 126
Demogorgon (entry) 42
Demogorgon 42
Demon (entry) 51
demon (keyword) 217
Deva (entry) 62
deva fallen star 62
deva knight-errant 62
deva zealot 62
Devil (entry) 64
devil (keyword) 217
Dimensional Marauder (entry) 69
dimensional marauder 69
dire tiger 199
Direguard (entry) 70
direguard assassin 70
direguard deathbringer 70
disease (keyword) 217
Djinn (entry) 71
djinn skylord 73
djinn stormsword 72
djinn thunderer 71
djinn windbow 72
doom flayer 49
Dragon (entry) 74
dragon (keyword) 217
Drake (entry) 88
Drakkoth (entry) 90
drakkoth ambusher 90
drakkoth rager 91
drakkoth venomshot 91
dretch 54
Duergar (entry) 92
Duergar (racial traits) 220
duergar blackguard 94
duergar blasphemer 94
duergar fleshtearer 93
duergar guard 92
duergar hellcaller 94
duergar scout 92
duergar shock trooper 93
duergar theurge 93
dust devil 99
dweomer eater 178
earth (keyword) 217
earth archon ground rager 14
earth archon rumbler 14
earth archon seismic striker 14
earth walk 217
Eladrin (entry) 96
eladrin arcane archer 96
eladrin bladesinger 97
elder adamantine dragon 76
elder copper dragon 79
elder gold dragon 82
elder iron dragon 84
elder silver dragon 86
eldritch giant 120
eldritch titan 120
Elemental (entry) 98
elemental (origin) 217
erinyes 64
extra damage 217
fang of Yeenoghu 126
fang titan drake 89
fear (keyword) 217
Fell Taint (entry) 104
fell taint lasher 104
fell taint pulsar 104
fell taint thought eater 104
fell taint warp wender 105
fey (origin) 217
Fey Lingerer (entry) 106
fey-knight vestige 106
fey-incanter vestige 107
Firbolg (entry) 108
firbolg bloodbear 109
firbolg ghostraven 110
firbolg hounder 108
firbolg hunter 108
firbolg master of the Wild Hunt 110
firbolg moon seer 109
fire (keyword) 217
flame shard 34
flamespiker 99
fleshtearer shark 182
flux slaad 184
fly speed 217
Fomorian (entry) 112
fomorian blinder 114
fomorian butcher 114
fomorian cackler 112
fomorian ghost shaman 112
fomorian totemist 113
force (keyword)
forest walk 217
frost giant 122
frost giant ice shaper 123
frost hawk 142
frost titan 123
gaze (keyword) 217
Genasi (entry) 116
genasi elemental dervish 116
genasi fireblade 116
genasi hydromancer 116
genasi skyspy 117
genasi stoneshield 117
geonid 99
Ghost Legionnaire (entry) 119
ghost legionnaire 119
Giant (entry) 120
giant (keyword) 217
gnaw demon 54
Gnoll (entry) 126
gnoll gorger 127
Gnome (entry) 128
gnome entropist 128
gnome mistwalker 128
gnome wolverine 129
Goblin (entry) 130
goblin acolyte of Maglubiyet 131
Golem (entry) 133
Goliath (entry) 136
goliath guardian 136
goliath sunspeaker 136
gorechain devil 65
grabbed 217
Gray Render (entry) 137
gray render 137
gray ooze 173
green slime 173
greenvise vine 205
half damage 217
Half-Elf (entry) 138
half-elf baleful thaumaturge 139
half-elf bandit captain 138
half-elf con artist 138
Half-Orc (entry) 140
half-orc death mage 140
half-orc hunter 140
half-orc scarthane 141
Hawk (entry) 142
healing (keyword) 217
herald of Hadar 195
heroslayer hydra 150
hive queen 12
hive soldier 12
hive warrior 12
hive worker 12
hobgoblin fleshcarver 132
Homunculus (entry) 143
homunculus (keyword) 217
horned drake 88
hover 217
Human (entry) 144
human cavalier 144
human diabolist 144
himan dire beast hunter 145
human dread assassin 145
human gladiator 145
human hexer 146
human insane noble 146
human javelin dancer 147
human knife fighter 147
human mystagogue 147
human noble 148
human pirate 148
human pirate captain 148
human slaver 149
humanoid (type) 217
Hydra (entry) 150
ice troll 202
ice walk 217
illusion (keyword) 217
immortal (origin) 217
immune 217
implement 218
infernal armor animus 66
infernal quills (power) 220
insubstantial 218
iron golem 134
iron golem juggernaut 135
kazrith 55
Kazuul, exarch of Demogorgon 46
Kenku (entry) 152
Kenku (racial traits) 220
kenku assassin 154
kenku ringleader 152
kenku ruffian 152
kenku sneak 153
kenku warrior 152
kenku wing mage 153
Krenshar (entry)
krenshar 155
krenshar blood slayer 155
lightning (keyword) 218
lingerer fell incanter 106
lingerer knight 106
living construct (keyword) 218
Lizardfolk (entry) 156
Lolthbound goblin 131
Lolthbound goblin slave 131
low-light vision 218
Lycanthrope (entry) 158
magical beast (type) 218
Mammoth (entry) 161
marked 218
Marut (entry) 162
marut castigator 162
marut executioner 162
marut prosecutor 162
maw of Acamar 196
maximum altitude 218
minion 218
misfortune devil 66
mount (keyword) 218
mud lasher 100
Myconid (entry) 164
myconid guard 164
myconid rotpriest 164
myconid sovereign 164
natural (origin) 218
necrotic (keyword) 218
needle demon 56
neldrazu 56
Neogi (entry) 166
neogi great old master 166
neogi slaver 166
neogi spawn swarm 166
Nothic (entry) 168
nothic cackler 168
nothic eye of Vecna 169
nothic mindblight 168
nycademon 57
Nyfellar mammoth 161
Oni (entry) 170
oni devourer 170
oni overlord 170
oni thunderer 171
Ooze (entry) 172
ooze (keyword) 218
overland flight 218
phase spider 190
phasing 218
Phoelarch (entry) 174
phoelarch mage 174
phoelarch warrior 174
phoera 175
plant (keyword) 218
pod demon 58
podspawn 59
poison (keyword) 218
poisonscale collector 156
poisonscale magus 156
poisonscale myrmidon 157
poisonscale savage 156
poisonscale slitherer 156
polymorph (keyword) 218
primordial colossus 35
prismatic shard 35
psychic (keyword) 218
radiant (keyword) 218
razor hydra 150
reliable (keyword) 218
Remorhaz (entry) 176
remorhaz 176
reptile (keyword) 218
resist 218
Retriever (entry) 177
retriever 177
rime hound 211
rockfist smasher 100
runespiral demon 59
rupture demon 60
Rust Monster (entry) 178
rust monster 178
scion of Gibbeth 197
scytheclaw drake 88
Shadar-Kai (entry) 180
shadar-kai blacksoul 18
shadar-kai gloom lord 180
shadar-kai painbearer 181
shadow (origin) 218
shapechanger (keyword) 218
Shark (entry) 182
shocktroop devil 67
shrieking cultist of Demogorgon 50
skeletal steed 183
Skeleton (entry) 183
Slaad (entry) 184
slaad spawn 185
slaad spawner (template) 185
Slaughterstone Construct (entry) 186
slaughterstone eviscerator 186
slaughterstone hammerer 186
slaughterstone slicer 187
sleep (keyword) 218
son of the spirit wolf 211
Sphinx (entry) 188
sphinx mystery 188
Spider (entry) 189
spider (keyword) 218
spider climb 218
Spriggan (entry) 192
spriggan giantsoul 192
spriggan powrie 192
spriggan thorn 192
spriggan witherer 193
Sprite Swarm (entry) 194
Star Spawn (entry) 195
Steel Predator (entry) 198
steel predator 198
stone giant 124
stone giant runecarver 125
stone titan 125
stonefist defender 143
storm archon lightning walker 16
storm archon squallshield 15
storm archon tempest weaver 17
storm shard 34
stormstone fury 101
swamp walk 218
swarm (keyword) 218
swim speed 218
telepathy 219
teleportation (keyword) 219
tempest wisp 102
Thrarak, exarch of Demogorgon 46
threatening reach 219
thunder (keyword) 219
Tiger (entry) 199
tiger 199
tomb spider 190
tomb spider broodswarm 191
tremorsense 219
Troglodyte (entry) 200
troglodyte deepscourge 200
troglodyte temple champion 201
troglodyte thrasher 200
Troll (entry) 202
troll vinespeaker 203
truesight 219
tunneling 219
umbral sprite swarm 194
undead (keyword) 219
variable resistance 219
Vine, Predatory (entry) 204
vulnerable 219
Warforged (entry) 206
warforged anvilpriest 207
warforged resounder 206
warforged savage 206
warforged titan 208
water (keyword) 219
water archon shoal reaver 18
water archon tide strider 18
water archon waveshaper 18
weapon (keyword) 219
wereboar 158
weretiger 159
werewolf lord 160
Will-o'-Wisp (entry) 209
will-o'-wisp 209
windfiend fury 102
windstriker 103
winged drone 12
Winter Wolf (entry) 210
winter wolf 210
winter wolf snowfang 210
withering devil 68
Witherling (entry) 212
witherling 212
witherling death shrieker 212
witherling horned terror 213
witherling rabble 213
Wood Woad (entry) 214
wood woad 214
Xorn (entry) 215
diamondhide xorn 215
xorn 215
yochlol 61
young adamantine dragon 75
young copper dragon 78
young gold dragon 81
young iron dragon 84
young rust monster swarm 178
young silver dragon 86
zone (keyword) 219
Back to Main Page → Publication List → 4e Publications
Abbreviation | MM2 + |
Author | Rob Heinsoo +, Eytan Bernstein +, Greg Bilsland +, Jesse Decker +, N. Eric Heath +, Peter Lee +, Chris Sims + and Owen K.C. Stephens + |
Help Wanted Reason | Image Needed + |
ISBN | 078695101X + |
ISBN13 | 9780786951017 + |
Identifier | 4e + |
Item Code | 239667200 + |
Media Type | Hardcover + |
Page Count | 224 + |
Publication Date | May 2009 + |
Publisher | Wizards of the Coast + |
System | Dungeons and Dragons 4e + |
Title | Monster Manual 2 + |