Publication:Dread Codex/Magic Items
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The magic items listed below are usable to either aid or hinder undead creatures or necromantic processes.
Armor Qualities[edit]
Undead Controlling[edit]
The wearer of a suit of armor or a shield with this property may control up to 26 HD of undead per day, as the control undead spell. At dawn each day, the wearer loses control of any undead still under his sway.
Strong necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, control undead; Price: +3 bonus.
Specific Armor[edit]
Armor of the Undead[edit]
Created by evil wizards and clerics as protection for their undead servants, this enchanted suit of chainmail armor is specially crafted to offer superior protection to creatures that draw their strength from the Negative Energy Plane. As reward for loyal service, this armor is often given to such free-willed undead by malicious deities and their powerful followers.
Hit Die | Profane Bonus |
1-4 | +1 |
5-7 | +2 |
8-10 | +3 |
11-13 | +4 |
14+ | +5 |
The protection afforded the wearer is dependent on the Hit Dice of the sacrifice—the stronger the creature, the more protection granted by the armor (see the table on the right). As a result this armor is highly coveted by powerful undead such as vampires, skeletal warriors, bodak, and liches. This enchantment grants a profane bonus to both armor class and saving throws, plus grants an SR equal to the 5 times the enchantment against Good spells. If a creature already has SR better than this, it gets a bonus to its SR of the base enchantment.
This armor can only be worn by undead creatures. Living creatures that wear the armor suffer two negative levels and these cannot be restored by any means, though they return once the armor is removed.
Sacrifice: In addition to the monetary requirements, undead creatures must sacrifice the living to their dark gods. The level of the creature serves as the baseline profane bonus granted to the armor. The levels of the sacrifice do not stack; each must be directed toward a different set of armor. Liches and other powerful undead have sometimes tried to lure powerful adventurers to their lairs for just such a purpose.
Strong transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, unholy aura; Price: 20,000 gp.
Specific Shields[edit]
Traeken's Defense[edit]
A cleric named Traeken developed this shield idea as a last defensive measure for his undead-besieged fortress. After a year of the siege, warriors armed with these shields were able to push back the undead horde for as long as was needed to evacuate the fortress. Traeken’s defense is a +1 large steel shield that becomes +3 against undead opponents. In addition, against undead only, the shield may cast searing light as a 5thlevel cleric. After three uses, the shield may not use the spell again until it is left in the sun to recharge for three hours.
Faint evocation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, searing light; Price 17,670 gp; Weight 15 lb.
Weapon Qualities[edit]
Bone, Celestial[edit]
Weapons possessing this quality have not only their appearances altered, but their entire composition. This powerful enchantment literally change the weapon from one of wood, metal, or stone to one of celestial bone—the very essence of goodness and light. Weapons converted to celestial bone retain all prior bonuses and abilities, but with a few additional exceptional properties:
- These items shine with a divine light, constantly radiating as if a daylight spell had been cast on them.
- These weapons cannot be broken by any mortal means (although spells such as disintegrate and disjunction do have a chance of destroying them).
- A celestial bone weapon confers the following powers upon the wielder once per day: bless, shield of faith, and holy smite.
- Cleric and paladin wielders can add the weapon’s enchantment bonus to their turn undead checks.
- Any non-good creature that picks up the weapon gains two negative levels that cannot be overcome in any way; although they never result in actual level loss and disappear when the weapon is set down again.
Strong conjuration; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, gentle repose, planar ally; Price +3 bonus.
Undead Creator, Minor[edit]
Any suitable creature killed by an undead creating weapon rises one round later as a zombie under the wielder's control. In addition, use of this type of weapon adds an additional 10 HD to the total amount of undead that the wielder can control at any time. a wielder without the ability to command undead can control up to 10 HD worth of zombies created through the use of this weapon.
Moderate necromancy; CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate dead; Price: +3 bonus.
Undead Creator, Major[edit]
This type of weapon is similar to a minor undead creator except that slain creatures rise again as wights instead of zombies. Also, the maximum number of undead the wielder may control rises by +15 HD. A wielder without this ability to command undead can control up to 15 HD worth of wights created through use of this weapon.
Strong necromancy; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, create undead; Price: +5 bonus.
Undead Destroying[edit]
Designed for fighting everything from skeletons to liches, the undead-destroying weapon is capable of damaging the structural weak points in an undead creature, allowing the wielder to score critical hits against them. These weapons always stink like rotting flesh.
Moderate divination; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, true strike; Price +1 bonus.
Undead Sensitive[edit]
The undead sensitive special ability may only be applied to weapons already enhanced with either the ghost touch or undead bane special abilities. Any time a wielder scores a critical hit against an undead creature, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 14). If it fails, then the creature takes an additional 1d10 points of positive energy damage. Undead sensitive weapons have also been enchanted to detect undead. If a weapon of this type comes within 60 feet of an undead creature, it appears to turn from clear crystal to shining white.
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cure moderate wounds, detect undead; Price +2 bonus.
Weapons with the vampiric quality siphon the life energy of creatures they wound in combat. Each time a living creature takes damage from a vampiric weapon, the wielder is healed as detailed below.
Damage Inflicted | Healing Effect |
Less than 8 points | None |
9-16 points | 1d4 |
17-20 | 1d8 |
21-24 | 1d12 |
25-30 | 2d8 |
31+ points | 3d8 |
Only a handful of melee weapons can become vampiric weapons. The healing effect applies only to attacks against living creatures of the same type as the wielder (subtypes need not be identical). Hit points gained through this use of the weapon cannot be stored (so an unwounded wielder of a vampiric weapon gains no benefits from using it). Striking undead creatures does not cause any negative effects for the wielder.
Moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cure serious wounds, vampiric touch; Price: +3 bonus.
Vampiric, Greater[edit]
Weapons with this enchantment have the same abilities as the regular version, except that the healing effect applies against any living creature that is struck by the weapon.
Moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, cure serious wounds, vampiric touch; Price: +5 bonus.
Specific Weapons[edit]
Blood Sword[edit]
The blood sword functions as a +2 longsword. On scoring a successful critical hit, the blood sword produces the effects of a vampiric touch spell as cast by a wizard or sorcerer of 5th level in addition to any damage inflicted by the blade. The damage inflicted by the vampiric touch is transferred as hit points to the blood sword’s wielder, exactly as per the spell description.
Additionally, any character of non-evil alignment wielding the sword gains one negative level. This negative level is removed as soon as the character drops the blade. Although this effect does not result in actual level loss, the negative level cannot be avoided in any way (including spells such as restoration). There is also no saving throw allowed to avoid this effect.
Moderate necromancy; CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, vampiric touch; Price 20,315 gp; Weight 4 lb.
Ivory Lash[edit]
This weapon functions as a +3 whip. It deals subdual damage or regular damage as the wielder desires. There is no penalty to attack regardless of which type of damage the wielder is attempting to inflict. The ivory lash is animated and responsive to the wielder’s will, so it can wrap around an enemy’s leg or other limb, enabling it to make trip attacks with a +6 bonus.
Ivory lashes also add a +2 bonus on any opposed attack roll when attempting to disarm an opponent (including the roll to keep from being disarmed if the wielder fails to disarm the opponent).
Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, animate dead; Price 18,300 gp; Weight 3 lb.
Sword of Ghosts[edit]
The steel of this eerie weapon is worked in a pattern that writhes and swirls slowly when examined closely. The blade emits a milky hue that seems to rise from the surface and swirl, like mist or smoke. The weapon is a +3 longsword with the ghost touch quality. Additionally, any creature slain by the sword cannot be raised or animated as an undead creature, though they may be raised or resurrected normally. Even creatures slain by the sword, resurrected, and then again slain by another means cannot be turned into undead creatures.
Strong conjuration; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, consecrate, plane shift; Price 44,315 gp.
Zombi Powder, Greater[edit]
This horrific substance is used by undead cultists to simultaneously slay their enemies and reanimate them as true zombis. Unlike most potions, greater zombie powder is not consumed by the user, but is released into the air for others to breathe. Greater zombie powder creates a 5-foot radius cloud either directly in front of the user (if blown at a target), or at the point of impact (if thrown). Using greater zombie powder is dangerous and requires a Concentration check (DC 5) to avoid inhaling it.
Any living being who breathes greater zombie powder must succeed a Fortitude save (DC 20) or immediately die. Even on a successful save, a target still takes 3d6+10 points of damage. Any humanoid killed by greater zombie powder rises up as a true zombie at the following sunset. Reanimation can be prevented by using fire, salt, acid, or holy water on the body, or by dismembering the corpse with a holy or blessed weapon.
Moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Brew Potion, animate dead, slay living; Price 3,088 gp.
Zombi Powder, Lesser[edit]
Lesser zombi powder is similar to greater zombi powder, except that it has no power to slay. Unlike most potions, lesser zombi powder is not consumed by the user, but is instead sprinkled upon the corpse of a dead humanoid. The corpse immediately reanimates into a true zombie. Reanimation does not occur if the body is treated or damaged by fire, salt, acid, or holy water, or dismembered with a holy or blessed weapon.
Faint necromancy; CL 5th; Brew Potion, animate dead; Price 800 gp.
Bone-Breaker Ring[edit]
The wearer of this silver ring engraved with Dwarven script (that reads “bone-breaker”) can ignore the damage reduction of undead opponents and inflict critical hits against undead creatures in melee and ranged combat. The ring does not negate the relative immunity of incorporeal undead against damage from a corporeal source. The wearer also gains a +2 bonus on saves against life-draining attacks that normally allow a save.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Forge Ring, creator must be a dwarven cleric, greater magic weapon, protection from evil; Price 25,000 gp.
Elven N’Sathii Ring[edit]
The elven word “n’sathii” refers to an ancient ritual wherein an elf is blessed by the high goddess of good against undead. The enspelled elf then led a small force against the nearest undead concentration and destroyed it. This ritual worked, to a lesser extent, on non-elves as well but was rarely performed unless the need was truly dire.
An elven n’sathii ring provides a variable deflection bonus to AC and resistance bonus to saving throws depending on the wearer’s race: +3 for elves, +2 for half-elves, +1 for non-elves. Half-elves also gain immunity to the paralyzing touch of a ghast. Finally, the ring negates a number of energy drain or ability drain attacks per day equal to its bonus. Each energy or ability drain negated reduces the protection and resistance bonus of the ring by 1 for 24 hours, after which time the bonus is automatically restored.
Moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Forge Ring, creator must be an elven cleric, bless, death ward, resistance, shield of faith; Price 68,400 gp.
Felbin’s Ring[edit]
Created for a halfling paladin named Felbin by his cleric companion, the ring is a potent tool for those who battle the undead. When worn by a class that can turn undead, Felbin’s ring gives the wearer a +4 sacred bonus to turning checks and +2d6 turning damage.
Moderate evocation; CL 9th; Forge Ring, creator must be a halfling cleric, hallow; Price 12,000 gp.
Ring of Ancestor Speech[edit]
The wearer of this bone ring gains the ability to speak with corpses. Upon activating the ring with a whispered command word, the character can speak with a corpse that has been deceased for any amount of time, but the body must be mostly intact to be able to respond. A damaged corpse must at least have a mouth in order to speak. The character cannot actually speak to the person (whose soul has departed). It instead draws on the imprinted knowledge stored in the corpse. The partially animated body retains the imprint of the soul that once inhabited it, and thus it can speak with all the knowledge that the creature had while alive. The corpse, however, cannot learn new information. Indeed, it cannot even remember the conversation. Any corpse that has been turned into an undead creature cannot be spoken with. Unlike the speak with dead spell, a ring of ancestor speech does not compel the corpse to answer questions.
Faint necromancy; CL 5th; Forge Ring, speak with dead; Price 27,000 gp.
Ring of Ebony Bolts[edit]
Clutching his hand into a fist, the wearer of this plain silver ring blasts a burst of ebony energy from its dark jewel. This bolt of energy, at 5 feet wide and 60 feet long, inflicts 12d6 points of negative energy damage. Any living creature in its path must make a Reflex save (DC 19) to suffer half damage. Like all applications of negative energy, this effect heals all undead. The ring can be used three times per day.
Strong necromancy; CL 12th; Forge Ring, harm; Price 86,000 gp.
Ring of Control Undead[edit]
This ring allows the wearer to control up to 20 HD worth of unintelligent, corporeal undead per day. Undead within sight that fail a Will save (DC 22) are placed under the wearer’s control until the next sunrise, up to the ring’s 20 HD maximum. Once under the ring’s control, undead are difficult to turn or rebuke and gain turn resistance +4. Ring-controlled undead that are later turned or rebuked still count against the 20 HD daily limit that the ring can control.
Moderate necromancy; CL 10th; Forge Ring, control undead; Price 140,000 gp.
Necromancer’s Rod[edit]
Made from a human femur and often decorated with grotesque carvings, this item strikes as a +1 might mace. In the hands of an evil-aligned wielder who knows its command word, the necromancer’s rod displays its full power. Its magical powers are as follows:
- Contagion (on command, DC 16)
- Inflict Serious Wounds (on command, DC 16)
- Vampiric Touch (on command, 4d6 damage)
- Animate Dead (3/day)
Moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Craft Rod, animate dead, contagion, inflict serious wounds, vampiric touch; Price 84,000 gp.
Rebuker’s Rod[edit]
When evil necromancers fight each other, they discover that commanding enemy undead proves to be more of a challenge than they ever could have imagined. Given the maximum amount of undead a necromancer can control, it is a good idea to pick and choose which ones one wants. So as not to leave the rest of an attacking force breach his defenses, a necromancer uses this rod to rebuke those he cannot command.
The rebuker’s rod enables a necromancer to rebuke undead as though he were a neutral cleric of equivalent level. The owner may use this power a number of times per day equal to his Charisma bonus. If the wielder is a cleric or has levels in any other class that grants the ability to turn/rebuke undead, the wielder adds his necromancer level to his effective turn/rebuke undead level but does not gain additional turn/rebuke attempts per day. Finally, the rod doubles the number of undead that the wielder can animate with a single casting of the animate dead spell, though the caster is still limited to controlling 2 HD per caster level at any one time.
Strong necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Rod, animate dead, control undead; Price 75,000 gp.
Rod of the Walking Dead[edit]
This heavily carved rod is crafted from a human femur. Any dead body touched by this rod is immediately animated as if by an animate dead spell. The rod of walking dead does not have charges, and can be used as often as desired, but undead animated by the rod count toward the caster’s normal limit of controlled undead (2 HD × caster level).
Moderate necromancy; CL 7th; Craft Rod, animate dead; Price 50,400 gp.
Shaman Staff[edit]
A shaman staff is usually, as the name implies, carried by the shaman or even the elder of a tribal (commonly jungle) clan. It is used to breach the barriers between the living and the dead. Such a staff is made of hardwood, and usually capped with a statuette depicting a mother with a newborn child. It can cast the following spells:
- Hide from Undead (1 charge)
- Gentle Repose (1 charge)
- Speak with Dead (2 charges)
Faint necromancy; CL 5th; Craft Staff, hide from undead, gentle repose, speak with dead; Price 13,125 gp.
Wondrous Items[edit]
Arresting Vestment[edit]
This dark purple vest with silver embroidery causes two skeletal arms to burst form beneath the wearer’s regular arms when the command word is spoken. These arms remain until a second command retracts them. These arms may be used as natural arms except that they cannot be used to cast spells, and they do not confer the benefits of any feats such as Multiattack (although they can be used with feats such as Multiattack if the wearer already has such a feat).
Three times per day, the owner may use these skeletal arms to deliver a touch attack that paralyzes the victim for 1d6+2 rounds, unless a DC 13 Fortitude save is made. In addition, the vest confers a +2 competence bonus to all Intimidate and grapple checks when the arms are out.
Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, alter self, ghoul touch; Price 10,880 gp.
Ash Pendant[edit]
Worn about the neck, the ash pendant must be activated by the wearer with a short prayer or litany (a free action) to trigger its power for 6 hours. If during those six hours, the wearer is reduced below -10 hit points or is killed by an effect, the wearer is instantly turned to ash, scattering across the ground. This prevents all but the most potent of resurrections, but it also prevents the enemy from using the fallen character’s corpse as an undead or as a target for any other spells or effects.
Strong necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, destruction; Price 4,550 gp.
Clasp of the Lightbringer[edit]
The Lightbringer is an ancient deity common to all races. She encompasses all that is good among humanoids and any race can worship her without fear of prejudice by other clerics of different good-aligned deities. Established churches of the Lightbringer have not been seen in centuries, yet individual clerics do appear from time to time. This minor symbol of turning is a silver clasp which fits onto the bottom of any standard holy symbol. It allows any cleric or paladin with the ability to turn undead to make two more attempts each day. This effect stacks with the Extra Turning feat.
Faint enchantment; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must have the Extra Turning feat, bless; Price 3,600 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Death’s Stare[edit]
These dark purple eye-crystals fit over the eyes and closely resemble the eyes of the eagle. Unlike that item, however, the death’s stare serves a much darker purpose. Once per day the wearer may use death’s stare to kill an opponent. This effect is identical to a finger of death spell cast at 13th level.
Strong necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, finger of death; Price 36,400 gp.
Gravedigger’s Lantern[edit]
The light of this polished hooded lantern acts as a magic circle against evil and a consecrate spell. The spells’ effects are centered on the lantern with a radius of 20 feet. The lantern can be turned on and off by the bearer on command. It provides illumination as per a light spell.
Faint abjuration; CL 5th; Craft Wondrous Item, consecrate, light, magic circle against evil; Price 11,250 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Heart Thief[edit]
This looks like a short wooden staff or rod with a large carved dragon’s claw on one end. It can be used once to cast steal heart. When activated, the heart appears in the wooden dragon’s claw and is destroyed. Now the victim cannot be restored to life until the item is destroyed. Most users proceed to lock a used heart thief away in a well guarded vault, drop it (weighted down) into the deepest part of the ocean, or cast it off into the Astral Plane. It can only be used once.
Strong necromancy; CL 13th; Craft Wondrous Item, steal heart; Price 4,500 gp; Weight 5 lbs.
Pendant of the Lightbringer[edit]
This small golden talisman is shaped like a sunburst and dangles from a dainty chain worn around the neck. Any time a spell with the Good descriptor is cast into it, it gains one charge per level of the spell. Additionally, if a cleric or paladin uses a turn attempt to channel positive energy into the pendant, it is given a number of charges equal to one-fourth the turning check’s result (minimum of 1 charge). The pendant can hold a total of 9 charges at a time; any excess charges given to it are lost without effect.
To unleash the pendant’s power and expend a single charge, the wearer needs to speak the command word and point an open palm toward a visible target. This is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. A bright flash of light shaped like a sunburst shoots forth from the wearer’s hand and automatically strikes the target if it has anything less than total cover or concealment. If the target is of evil alignment, it takes 1d4+1 points of damage.
The effect can strike ethereal or incorporeal creature as well. The target does not receive a saving throw, though any applicable spell resistance may stop the missile. If the target is of any alignment other than evil, it takes no damage at all from the sunburst’s impact. Spells that mask alignment do not affect the damage caused by the sunburst—it is the target’s true alignment at the time of impact that determines whether or not he receives damage. As a side effect, for the instant that the sunburst is in existence, it creates light equal to that produced by a light spell.
Faint evocation; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be good-aligned, light, magic missile; Price 2,700 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Pipes of Protection[edit]
These magical pan pipes, when played, offer up a sphere of magical protection based on the player’s desire. The sphere forms a 5-foot radius around the pipes’ player and lasts as long as she plays. Using them properly calls for a Perform check (DC 15). A new check is required every 10 minutes, with the DC increasing by +1 each time. A character can take only move actions while playing the pipes. Each type of protection can only be used once per day.
- Protection Against Flame: No open flames can exist within the sphere. It hedges out fire (including beings of the fire subtype) and objects hotter than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (such as lava) from outside, as if the sphere were a wall of force.
- Protection Against Frost: The temperature within the sphere remains 70 degrees Fahrenheit, no matter what forces or spells are used against it. It hedges out cold and ice (like a cone of cold) and creature of the cold subtype.
- Protection Against Undead: Undead cannot exist within the sphere (they are immediately thrust out) and cannot enter.
- Protection Against Poison: All poison, including poison gas, loses potency within the sphere. Creatures inside with a natural venom regain their poisonous ability once outside the sphere in 1d3 rounds.
Strong necromancy; CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, control undead, neutralize poison, protection from energy; Price 35,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Skull Necklace[edit]
This necklace is a tiny animal skull, painted with magical symbols and suspended from a leather thong. When worn around the neck, it marks the wearer as a master of the undead. A skull necklace grants the wearer free use of the Extra Turning feat but only for the purposes of rebuking, commanding, or bolstering undead. Those unable to channel negative energy cannot make use of a skull necklace.
Faint necromancy; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead; Price 4,000 gp, Weight 2 lb.
Tome of the Lightbringer[edit]
The tome of the Lightbringer is a small, leather-bound book, created by followers of deity of goodness known only as the Lightbringer. There are two ways that it can be used. First, the wielder tears a page from the time and reads aloud the passages inscribed as a standard action. The page then bursts into brilliant white flames, and the reader then makes a turning attempt with a +5 sacred bonus and a +1d6 bonus to the total HD of undead affected.
The second method of using the tome involves calling on all the remaining power that it contains and releasing it in a blaze of holy light. To use this function, the user must hold the book aloft and read aloud the inscriptions on the back as a full-round action. This causes the entire book to glow with a blinding light, and all undead within 60 feet suffer 1d6 points of positive energy damage per page remaining. The book is destroyed if this function is used.
Tomes of the Lightbringer were, in their time, created with 20 pages and are typically found with 1d10+10 pages remaining. This tome may only be used by a lawful good cleric or paladin.
Moderate abjuration; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, dispel evil, flame strike; Price 16,250 gp; Weight 2 lb.
Cursed Items[edit]
Terkow Skin[edit]
This armor appears to be +2 hide armor, but carries a dangerous curse. When donned, the armor begins draining the wearer’s blood, causing 1d4 points of permanent Constitution damage every round. The only way to stop the drain is to slay the armor. Any attack on the armor causes half damage to the wearer, and half damage to the armor. The armor has a hardness of 5, 15 hit points, and is immune to cold, electricity, and sonic attacks. If the terkow skin slays its victim, it releases its grip and awaits a new owner. (Information on the terkow can be found in the Monsters section above.)
Strong necromancy; CL 19th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; vampiric touch; Price 9,165 gp.
Minor Artifacts[edit]
The Seven-Headed Sword[edit]
Once a greatsword of unsurpassed beauty, this artifact is now a terror; he who wields it commands the seven akyanzi bound by hatred to its blade. The sword belonged to a line of wizard-guarding warriors until it fell into the hands of a disloyal minion. Believing the wizards were planning an attack on his family’s nation, the man used the weapon to slay the seven ranking members spell wielders in their sleep. The communal anger at having their lives snuffed out by one wretched traitor binds them to the sword until their heads can be replaced with new victims.
Whenever the seven-headed sword is drawn from its sheath, akyanzi are simultaneously drawn from the state of limbo where the original wizards’ souls went to after their murder. These akyanzi are the last seven people slain by the sword; so long as these sword-eaters are bound to the weapon, they cannot find rest or resurrection. Each new victim headed by the sword replaces the oldest bound akyanzi. Only beheaded victims are claimed by the sword. Freed akyanzi immediately burn apart like beehives. When the sword is sheathed, the akyanzi return to a state of limbo.
The seven-headed sword can be used to rebuke its bound akyanzi up to three times per day as a 10th-level cleric. It is a +5 greatsword that ignores object hardness and automatically casts heat metal on any metal, bladed weapon which it contacts. So long as it is held in hand, the wielder cannot be damaged below zero hit points. When used to perform a coup de grace, the sword automatically, simultaneously casts circle of death, centered on the victim. The sword cannot be destroyed by any means until all its seven heads have been destroyed.
Minor artifact; Strong evocation [fire] and necromancy; CL 15th; Weight 5 lb.
Unholy Scepter[edit]
The unholy scepter enables the wielder to rule up to 500 HD worth of ghouls and ghasts in exactly the same manner as a rod of rulership (see the SRD for details), save that no time limit applies to the scepter’s rulership ability. In addition, the sceptre strikes as a +3 unholy light mace, and all opponents struck by the scepter must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or be paralyzed for 1d6+2 minutes as if struck by a ghoul. Finally, the sceptre can emit a nauseating stench equivalent to that of a ghast, requiring all creatures within 10 feet to make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or be wracked with nausea, suffering a -2 penalty on all attacks, saves, and skill checks for 1d6+4 minutes.
Minor artifact; Strong evocation [evil] and necromancy; CL 19th; Weight 4 lb.
Major Artifacts[edit]
Ubuto’s Shield[edit]
Ubuto, a legendary undead hunter from the jungle regions, used this shield during his many forays against the zombi minions of a powerful necromancer. The shield has absorbed some of Ubuto’s power, and is a potent defense against the undead. Ubuto’s Shield is a +5 large leather shield weighing about 7 pounds. Anyone who wields this shield in battle is completely immune to disease, level drain, paralysis, and negative energy damage. The wielder is not immune to temporary ability damage, but such is recovered at the phenomenal rate of 1 point per minute instead of the usual 1 point per day. While the shield does not automatically heal permanent ability damage, it does allow the wielder to cast greater restoration once per day. A lich can destroy Ubuto’s Shield by casting shatter upon it; no other creature can harm it.
Major artifact; Strong abjuration; CL 20th; Weight: 15 lbs.
New Materials[edit]
No known substance proves more lethal against undead than bergasalt. As a result, the most accomplished warriors sworn to the destruction of these abominations covet this valuable material. Because the mineral naturally appears in small quantities and must remain largely intact to retain its mystical properties, bergasalt-tipped arrows are the most common form of weaponry forged from the elusive crystal. Rumors persist that a band of seven undead hunters wields bergasalt daggers; however, no definitive proof verifies these tales.
One bergasalt arrow or bolt costs 140 gp, while a bergasalt dagger costs 6,500 gp. Bergasalt weapons ignore the natural armor bonus or corporeal undead up to a maximum of +5 and are masterwork weapons for the purposes of enchantment. One ounce of bergasalt contains enough material to craft one bergasalt arrow or bolt. Bergasalt weighs half as much as steel, but it only possesses a hardness of 5 and 15 hit points per inch of thickness.
Derived from the elusive skullcap mushroom, adventurers anticipating encounters with the undead keep at least a few applications of this expensive substance nearby. Bonebreaker applied to any weapon provides a +1 bonus to the weapon’s attack and damage rolls for the next 2d4 rounds whenever the wielder attacks corporeal undead. Coating the weapon with an application of bonebreaker requires a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. One application costs 300 gp.
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Summary | A whip that deals lethal damage, and has substantial trip bonuses. +, Creatures slain by this blade cannot rise as undead. +, Wearer of the ring can ignore DR and critical immunity of undead creatures. +, Provides a deflection bonus and resistance bonus, as well as specific bonuses against undead. +, Emits a line of negative energy that deals 12d6 damage. +, Allows the wilder to cast a number of spell-like abilities each day, and strikes as a minor magic weapon. +, Allows a necromancer to rebuke undead as a cleric, and doubles the number of undead that can be animated per casting of animate dead. +, Two extra arms burst through the wearer's regular arms, can be used to attack and paralyze a target. +, A holy symbol that gives a cleric or paladin two more turn attempts per day. +, Once per day, the wearer of these lenses can use them to slay an opponent. +, Creates a magic missile that only affects evil creatures when charged with [Good] spells or turn attempts. +, A book that can either turn undead at a bonus or damage undead by tearing out its pages. + and This scepter allows the wielder to rule ghouls and ghasts, and both paralyzes and nauseates opponents. + |
Title | Magic Items + |