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Pokémaster (3.5e Feat Type)

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[Pokémaster] FeatsEdit

Pokémaster feats affect a Pokémaster's or Monster Tamer's ability to capture and control monsters.  

Pokémaster Feats

Feat Summary Prerequisites Balance Point
Construct Pokémon You caught a Golem! Ability to control Pokémon of CR 20. Very High
Double Team The secrets of Double Battling are yours to know, and theirs to find out the hard way. Ability to control Pokémon of CR 20. Very High
Epic Pokémon Control When a Master Ball just isn't enough. Ability to control Pokémon of CR 20. Very High
Epic Pokémon Mastery You're the best of the best, as long as it's with Bug-types. Otherwise, not so much. Subtype Mastery Class Ability with any subtype. Very High
Fey Pokémon The power of nature is in your hand. Ability to control Pokémon of CR 20, must have evolved a Plant type Pokémon. Very High
Undead Pokémon The dead shall serve. Ability to control Pokémon of CR 22. Very High
Unusual Specialization No Pokémon type is too bizarre for you to master. Construct Pokémon, Fey Pokémon, or Undead Pokémon Very High

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