Moonbeam [Racial]
Prerequisites: 9 HD, Selenite race, MoonveilBenefit: When the magical effect of Moonveil is active, you may concentrate on it as a full-round action, to shoot a ray of silver light to your enemies. The effect is a 60 feet ray, which allows targets to make a Reflex save (DC is 15 + half the user's HD) to halve the damage, or they suffer 4d6 of half cold, half radiant damage. Creatures with the shapechanger subtypes, creatures that have shapeshifted in any way, and lycanthropes suffer 1d6 per half the user's HD instead, up to 10d6 and must make a Fortitude save (DC is 20 + half the user's HD) to avoid returning to their original form.
You may use this effect twice per duration of the lantern of the moon effect of Moonveil.
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