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Heilig Mist Projector (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 23rd November 2015

Remade: 14th September 2023

Status: Complete
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Heilig Mist Projector
Price: 400 GP
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 1st
Aura: Faint Good-Aligned
Activation: Standard
Weight: 2 lbs

A strange technological holy tool, it was designed to deal with large swaths of undead and destroy incorporeal under with greater ease.

This strange holy tool looks like a technologically-augmented teapot. It is entirely made of alchemical silver and there is a clockworklike device at its beak. A heilig mist projector must be loaded with a flask of holy water as a full-round action.

When activated, it vaporizes the holy water and spreads it like a mist. The resulting vapor behaves as an obscuring mist spell, except in a 30-feet cone-shaped spread in front of the user. All creatures within the mist are affected by the holy water as if the wielder threw it. If the holy water was somehow enhanced, then the mist is similarly enhanced.

The mist lasts for 1 minutes before dissipating, it can also be dissipated by wind like an obscuring mist spell.

Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, bless water, obscuring mist, the creator must be a cleric or paladin.
Cost to Create: 200 GP, 8 EXP, 1 day.

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