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He of Jealousy (3.5e Vestige)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 4-13-18
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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He of JealousyEdit

History is littered with lost and forgotten religions and their gods. The cycle of mortal life gives birth to new ones and the new inevitably replaces the old, be it over a hundred years or a hundred thousand eons. Such is the nature of the world. So saw a god of endless foresight his own demise, so saw this god of all-seeing that one day he to would be forgotten, supplanted in need by his own creations. And so he gave in to fear, to jealousy, to hatred. He of Jealousy, god on high, decided that he would not be forgotten by history by becoming a god of conquest and unchanging dogma. But it is a fools quest, and entropy and change consumes us all.

Level: 5th

Binding DC: 27

Special Requirement: Yes


Ironically no one remembers the name of the god now known as He of Jealousy, but he was a different god than what he became. Whatever his origins he embraced the title of god of war and law and with his creations began to dominate the realms of other deities. His attacks were persistent and the god himself was strong, and so he survived the many wars that took root in the world. And so it was that he obtained the dominion he sought for over 6000 years. Other gods came and went, but none dare challenge He. Yet in the end it was not the will of the other gods that proved to be his undoing, but his own creations. Clever they were amongst the world, and quick to spread and conquer just as their god had designed of them. But their thirst for conquest and cunning did not end with the domination of the world. Several times the god put down his own people for their blasphemies as they overreached themselves in matter of magic, of technology, of thought and will. And they kept history, and remembered the lash of their creator and the loss of those they called friends in times past.

So it was that one day they rebelled. A simple matter, it would not be the first time the god had wiped the slate clean nor was it the first time that his creations would start from the beginning. Yet this time was different, for the creations had discovered the means to produce small gods of their own. Each alone was no match, but they were as countless as the stars, clad in armor warded from the whims of the divine, and carrying weapons designed to murder the gods and topple their thrones. So started the war between heaven and earth, and so would it end with heaven burned by weapons of unfathomable power and the god who created them missing from his throne.

Now the god is gone like so many others, but his wroth and burning desire to be remembered branded the universe with faint memory of him.

Special summoningEdit

The binder must perform a sacrifice, either of a small creature or something of at least 1 gp value. Typically it is food, as was the custom.


The sacrifice catches flame, quickly rising into a burning column of smoke and fire. It speaks with thunder and authority, demanding subservience so that they may conquest all enemies before them.


Your eyes go blank and glow slightly, and you always appear to be stern and judgmental. When enraged your eyes burn fiercely with smoke and fire.


You are quick to anger in all things, and are often more demanding in any requests you make. However for those you call allies or who you consider loyal you shall defend with paladin levels of zeal.

Granted AbilitiesEdit

Curse of SubmissionEdit

You pronounce the doom of one creature in 60 ft, bringing down the wrath of god. They obtain a brand which marks them as shunned and they take a -5 penalty on all social skill checks and they cannot be aided by allies with ease. Allies attempting to help the doomed creature directly in any way must make a Will save or be unable to as if sanctuary. The effect lasts until the doomed creature willingly falls prone and speaks praises to the binder, or for 1 hour. The creature need not mean the praises, but they must be still fall prone as part of it.

The binder may use this ability once every 5 rounds.

God of WarEdit

The binder becomes proficient in all simple and martial weapons, light medium and heavy armor, and shields (but not tower shields).


You gain the smite ability of a paladin of your level, including uses per day. However it may be used against any creature intelligent you do not consider an ally, for He has no mercy for any who would call themselves enemy. However beings without sapience are innocent in his eyes. Divine casters of any religion other than He (in short, all other divine casters) take an additional +5 damage.

Miracle of HeavenEdit

Once per bind as a 1 round action the binder may use minor wish as a spell-like ability. They may refresh this ability, but only after making a sacrifice of 250 gp or more to He of Jealousy, a ritual which takes 10 minutes.

Vulnerable to Cold IronEdit

Perhaps as a result of its origins, the binder is weak against cold iron. They take an additional +50% damage against cold iron attacks.

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