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Field of Eruption (3.5e Spell)

Author: MightMouse (talk)
Date Created: April 2023
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Field of Eruption
Transmutation [Earth, Fire]
Level: Druid 4, Volcanic 4
Components: V
Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: 40ft radius
Duration: 1 round per level
Saving Throw: Reflex Half
Spell Resistance: No

Several spouts of lava continually spurt from the ground in a seemingly random formation, spraying nearby creatures with dangerous molten rock. Regardless of the exact distribution of these bursts, each creature in the area has a 50% chance each round of being struck by lava for 1d6 fire and bludgeoning damage per two caster levels (max 8d6, reflex half). Creatures who fail their reflex save are coated in lava, becoming slowed, and taking half-damage again each round until they either scrape the remaining material off as a standard action, or the lava naturally cools after three rounds.

Moreover, because of the density of magmatic material, moving through the area costs two squares of movement and deals 2d6 fire damage per square (no save). At the end of the duration, this material does not disappear, but instead cools into mundane rock, leaving behind a thick layer of volcanic basalt and pyroclast.

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