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Brilliant Enemy (3.5e Template)

Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 6-8-15
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Brilliant EnemyEdit

The enemy becomes glowing and looks very dangerous, but turns out its only really useful against people.

Wild magic is a strange animal. One day, a mad sorcerer decided to build some brilliant energy weapons (because he had no concept of the value of money) but got drunk and instead woke up in his monster dungeon with all his monsters missing, as if they just walked right out of their cases. He foolishly made brilliant enemies, and the world was never the same.

Creating a Brilliant EnemyEdit

This is an acquired template which can be added to any corporeal creature.

Special AttacksEdit

Brilliant (Ex): The attacks of a brilliant enemy (both manufactured and natural) are treated as brilliant energy weapons that they can't turn off. Turns out this is terrible when facing anything without a Con score.

Special QualitiesEdit

Glowing (Ex): A brilliant enemy always sheds light like a torch.

Semi-Incorporeal (Su): A brilliant enemy is incorporeal, though it retains its Strength score. It is invulnerable to mundane weapons and objects, but takes normal damage from anything magical with no need for ghost touch. It can choose to pass through up to 5 ft of solid non-living material deep, and cannot interact with non-living objects, even magical objects. Brilliant energy can't be shut off, after all.

Challenge RatingEdit


Level AdjustmentEdit


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