Publication:The Dwarves of Rockhome

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[  The Dwarves of Rockhome]
GAZ6 TSR9227 The Dwarves Of Rockhome.jpg
System: Dungeons and Dragons 1e
Levels: –  
Author: Aaron Allston 
Publisher: TSR 
Publication Date: 1988 
Format: Paperback 
Page Count: 96
Product Blurb
Dwarves have a reputation that is both good and bad. On the good side, they are known as loyal, hard-working, dependable, and fierce defenders of their homes. On the other side, they are condsidered...well, a little dull.

No longer. The Dwarves of Rockhome, the latest Gazetteer for the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS games system, gives you a complete, in-depth look at a vibrant, living, anything-but-dull society. Included is information on the history, government, economy, and geography of Rockhome, as well as entries on the major cities and towns, and biographies on dozens of important figures. For the first time, learn the truth about dwarven magic-users, clerics, and religions! And like the other Gazetteers, the Dwarves of Rockhome not only includes complete adventures, but background information for home-hewn plots. And of course, there are the high-quality, detailed four-color maps you've come to expect. The Dwarves of Rockhome is the sixth in this popular series, providing a rich tapestry of background material for player and DM alike.

This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.

Plot Summary[edit]

The book describes the dwarven realm of Rockhome, and features new rules for dwarven characters, including dwarven clerics, plus information on the history, society, technology, politics, and important personalities of Rockhome and details its capital city of Dengar. Guidelines are included to convert it to AD&D, and also included as three miniscenarios and additional scenario suggestions.

Publication History[edit]

The Dwarves of Rockhome was written by Aaron Allston, with a cover by Clyde Caldwell and interior illustrations by Stephen Fabian, and was published by TSR in 1988 as a 96-page booklet with a large color map and an outer folder.

Template:Publication Breadcrumb/1e Adventures

AuthorAaron Allston +
Media TypePaperback +
Module CodeGAZ6 +
Page Count96 +
Publication Date1988 +
PublisherTSR +
SystemDungeons and Dragons 1e +
TitleThe Dwarves of Rockhome +