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Author: MisterSinister (talk)
Date Created: 02/04/2010
Status: Class framework completed, working on powers.
Editing: Spelling, grammar and wikidiocy only
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They travelled in disguise to other territories to judge the situation of the enemy, they would inveigle their way into the midst of the enemy to discover gaps, and enter enemy castles to set them on fire, and carried out assassinations, arriving in secret.

Class Traits

Class Traits
Role: Striker. A ninja fights from the shadows and uses surprise, darkness and dirty tricks as their weapons.
Power Source: Shadow.
Key Abilities: Dexterity, Intelligence
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail
Weapon Proficiencies: Fukiya, hanbou, kunai, kusari-gama, manriki, naginata, neko-te, shikomizue, shou-yumi, shuriken, tantou, wakizashi, yari
Bonus to Defense: +1 Evasion, +2 Foresight, +1 Will
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 4
Healing Surges per Day: 6 + Constitution modifier
Trained Skills: Perception and Stealth. From the class skills list below, choose four more trained skills at 1st level.
Class Skills: Choose whichever skills you want.
Build Options: Bansenshukai ninja, Ninpiden ninja
Class Features: Adaptive style, ghost step, ninjutsu training

Ninja Overview




Creating a Ninja

Bansenshukai Ninja
Suggested Feat: (Human Feat:)
Suggested Skills:
Suggested Encounter Power:
Suggested Daily Power:
Ninpiden Ninja
Suggested Feat: (Human Feat:)
Suggested Skills:
Suggested Encounter Power:
Suggested Daily Power:

Ninja Class Features

All ninja share these class features.

Adaptive Style

A ninja must be prepared to fight all manner of opponents, in all manner of ways. As a result, a ninja has an 'open' power slot of each type (at-will, encounter, daily, utility) in addition to their normal known powers. As a minor action, they may 'fill' one of these slots with a power they could have learned normally, and may use that power as if they knew it. However, once the slot is expended (specifically encounter, daily, and possibly utility slots if they contained an encounter or daily power), the slot remains expended until it would be recovered normally, even if a different power is put into it later.

Ghost Step

All ninja gain the ghost step power, which allows them to disappear briefly by merging with the shadows.

Ninjutsu Training

All ninja receive training from the Iga or Kouga schools of ninjutsu. Depending on which school they study at, or which wandering or mercenary master they learn from, a ninja learns to use either the Bansenshukai style (which originated in Iga) or the Ninpiden style (which originated in Kouga).

Bansenshukai: The Bansenshukai style is more philosophical, and focuses on smart and tactical fighting. Whenever a Bansenshukai ninja misses with an attack, they may shift a number of metres equal to their Intelligence modifier.

Ninpiden: A more dextrous and acrobatic style, Ninpiden teaches its ninjas to be fast and evasive. Whenever an attack misses a Ninpiden ninja, the ninja may choose to shift up to a number of metres equal to their Dexterity modifier. The ninja may move a maximum total amount each round equal to their Dexterity modifier, but may divide this total among multiple missed attacks if desired.

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