Guardian (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Aarnott (talk)
Date Created: 16:44, 28 October 2013 (UTC)
Status: Done
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Guardian [General] Overlooking a bloodstained valley, smoldering with patches of fire and littered with bodies, a knight rides up to a small convey of carraiges, protected by the royal guard. He dismounts, removes his helmet, and approaches the closest carraige. Out of it exits the princess of the realm, in flowing white garb: a stark contrast to the grim scene surrounding them and the bloodied knight himself. He kneels down in front of her.

"Ser Desmond, they say that you stopped a sword from across the battlefield. They say that the Arch Magus was able to simply stand in the middle of the battle. They say that your spirit itself blocks those you protect from any harm. You are truely the hero of the realm," the princess says in a practiced voice that comes with high nobility.

"Believe what you wish, my lady, but every man and woman you see left in the valley below is my failure today," Ser Desmond replies somberly.

"Father has come all this way to see this important victory for himself. You will be a guest of honor at his table tonight. But first we must have the clerics tend your wounds. You have fought a difficult battle today."

The knight pauses with a pained look on his face. He uses his sheathed sword as a crutch to help stand himself back up. "Princess," he begins, "I must admit that I am concerned that you and the king have come so close to the battlegrounds. Although we had a victory today, their troops will rally and we can expect a counterstrike before the end of tomorrow."

"The general has said that all that is left of the rebellion will be small groups of survivors. I doubt they would be so bold nor foolish to fight us again", the princess sharply retorts.

Ser Desmond considers how he may convince the royals that real danger does exist in this area when his thoughts are cut short. Appearing out of nowhere, the kings guards closest to his carraige are gutted by rebel assassins. As they open the carraige doors and throw the pleading, fat king on the ground, Ser Desmond knows what he has to do.

As one rebel holds the king down, and the guards close in on them, the other rebel grins with a half-toothed smile before plunging his dagger into the king's neck. As it touches, a flash of blue light jumps from Ser Desmond to the king. And miraculously when the dagger is pulled from the king's throat there is no wound.

The bewildered rebel attempts to stab the king again, only to be cleaved in two by the king's guard. The guards and princess run over to console the frightened king. Only after a few minutes does the princess look back at Ser Desmond to see a gaping hole in his throat.Prerequisites: Shield Ally class featureBenefit: You can use Shield Ally on any ally within your reach.

You can also use Shield Ally as a supernatural ability on any ally within close range (25 ft. +5 ft. per 2 HD).

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Facts about "Guardian (3.5e Feat)"
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorAarnott +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteShield Ally class feature +
Rated ByEiji-kun +
RatingRating Pending +
TitleGuardian +
TypeGeneral +