User talk:Tarkisflux/sandbox/Music Man

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Goals and Comment Solicitation

The goal of this is to make a low to mid VH bard (likely renamed Troubadour or something) who is also a partial caster (i.e. spellcasting is a utility thing, not a primary thing). Since that means they will need a primary shtick that is not spells and stabbing people doesn't seem to fit, I'm going with bardic music as a primary and selectable class feature. Current setup has them with access to arcane illusion, evocation, and divination effects (along with a smattering of others), and selecting a bunch of reworked enchantment effects as their bardic music bits. The actual system that they will use for them is yet to be determined, but my initial thoughts are to give them all at-will effects with sustaining actions and perform style limitations in some cases. There's a bit of overlap with the beguiler, but meh. This will likely be somewhat similar to Cid's full caster bard in some respects, but it was a decent plan and I don't mind stealing it.

As this will be ToP compliant, perform itself will not be making an appearance other than to indicate how many styles they can perform magic with. Bardic knowledge will remain around, but possible renamed bar room knowledge.

Mechanically I expect them to sit somewhere between an enchanter specialist and a rogue, and they might get a slow ass version of SA on top of their real abilities, as backup stuff.

And if that seemed somewhat rambling, it's because it was. Stream of consciousness and all that. But feel free to comment / attempt to sway (read: correct) my plans if you like. - Tarkisflux Talk 02:45, 15 September 2012 (UTC)