The Mana (5e NPC)

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Author: Max7238 (talk)
Date Created: October 31st, 2019
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The Mana
Medium Celestial (Deitys), Lawful Good
Armor Class: 24
Hit Points: 290 (20d8)
Speed: 60ft, 60ft fly, 60ft swim
24 (+7) 28 (+9) 30 (+10) 26 (+8) 26 (+8) 28 (+9)
Saving Throws: Dex +18, Con +19, Int +17, Wis +17, Cha +18
Skills: Arcana +17, Deception +18, History +17, Intimidation +18, Investigation +17, Insight +17, Medicine +17, Nature +17, Perception +17, Survival +17
Damage Vulnerabilities: thunder
Damage Resistances: force, psychic
Damage Immunity: radiant, necrotic
Condition Immunity: charmed, frightened, paralyzed, prone, grappled, restrained, petrified
Senses: truesight 250ft, passive Perception 27
Challenge: 30 (155,000 xp)Proficiency Bonus (PB): +9
Conduit The Mana has double the spell slots of a 20th level Wizard. She is capable of using any spell from any class' spell list, and regains Her expended spell slots at the end of a short rest.

Unforgiving The Mana rolls three additional sets of damage dice upon landing a critical attack.

Ethereal Upon being reduced to 0 hit points, The Mana will fade into a demiplane and regain 1 hit point. She cannot reemerge until she regains all Her hit points, at a rate of 30 per day.


Channel Magic The Mana casts a spell. Charisma is Her spellcasting ability.

Brutal Strike The Mana makes up to two unarmed strikes. +16 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 (2d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage + 20 (2d8 + 10) force damage.

The Mana's Description

The Mana, when physically manifested, appears as a full-figured woman with pure white skin and hair. Her eyes have no iris or pupil, but they glow and emit a cyan mist. She wears a black robe that has been clawed open in the front from Her collar down to Her navel. The remnants of the damage are worn upon Her head like a veil, rather than using a hood. Visible on Her chest is her symbol - a tattoo representing Her bond with those mortals that follow Her or are native to Her homeland. She always carries one of two objects: a human skull, or a skull that appears to be made of roughly cut obsidian with ram's horns and Her symbol etched in its forehead.

The Mana's Backstory

The following is a full history of The Mana; She is an immortal, and may appear in a campaign at any stage of this tale...

Once of a race known as The Ascended, She was known as Sei'koh. At the time of Her birth and growth, Her race discovered the secrets of magic. Initially, this was used to make the race immortal, but many wonders followed. In time, the race began to split in two. Sei'koh watched as The Hollows and Celestials came to be; the first a race of pure emotion and impulse, and the second filled with those Ascended who believed themselves the rulers of the world. The Ascended, as a whole, decided it was time to create a new balance. Other races were created, some Hollows and Celestials agreed with this new world, and at last a cycle of reincarnating souls was born. As thousands of years passed amidst it all, The Ascended chose Sei'koh to be the stewardess of all their powers - to be left behind as an immortal while their souls broke down and formed the souls of other races. They chose another, who inherited the name of the race, to be known as The Ascended and guard their ancestral home in the Plaza of Water. Sei'koh abandoned Her name to take the name they had given the energy of the world, the power they leveraged to do magic, and act as a conduit for all those who would access it in the future.

Most souls came to their balance as mortal ones, such as humans and mazohk, while the most chaotic or simple settled into the cycle as animals. The Mana watched over all this, until someone else discovered the same secrets Her race had. As this mortal, Musa'bo Shin'toku, taught his findings first to trusted friends, he was betrayed and killed. His wife returned his soul to his dead body, unwittingly turning him into a revenant with unfettered access to magic. The Mana came to his aid, then, and together they vanquished his betrayer and formed a new pact. The Mana's symbol was created, and She now bears it as Her tattoo. Musa'bo became the guardian of a temple, immortal despite fulfilling his purpose as a revenant, and The Mana became more closely tied to mortals as She interpreted their wishes each time a spell was cast.

Some saw The Mana's will as something to revere, but The Demons, a race once made of reborn Ascended who were most righteous, repeatedly used their power to persecute and enslave others. When The Mana interfered, via slight alterations to their spells, they began trying to find a way to topple Her. The remaining Hollows, humans and proto-mazohk, and The Mana Herself all set about to seal the Demon who - yet again - discovered the secrets of magic. Ultimately, a Hollow and The Mana joined forces as She had with Musa'bo, and defeated the Demon who would have destroyed Her... But at the cost of failing to see the real threat. This Demon's daughters had learned the secrets as well. As the mortals enacted their plan to seal away the Demon race, one of these daughters spoke a curse. Though The Mana could twist it's purpose and effect, She could not stop it completely due to the function of her station. This curse isolated The Mana from mortals, and allowed Demons to steal power from any mortal who tried to cast magic through Her. Thus began The Age of Agony, when magic was painful to use.

When at last the seal was broken and mortals could interact with The Mana once again, there came a new threat. The Demons that were sealed, especially the two daughters, had negatively affected The Mana too greatly. All those who could perform magic began to be afflicted with mental illness. This illness and insanity manifested as what came to be known as Spikes. Demons, as it goes, could be reasoned with and simply had the most difficult time with controlling their impulses of any race. Spikes were no beings of reason - they were truly foul creatures with a hate for The Mana and all creatures with souls. Their corruption of the energy that The Mana was tied to eventually led to a collapse that came to be known as The Reaper's Lie. A being counter to The Mana was formed, and it began to consume magic and souls alike, to destroy the cycle of rebirth and take the power for itself. As Her power waned, The Mana sought to challenge this creature on the other side of the world, but She broke down before she ever faced it, and became a mortal soul once again.

Through the actions of a single Soulbringer, She was given the chance to restore Her strength, and defeated The Reaper alongside other mortals. Her weakness continued, however, so she abandoned Her mortal body once more and cast two spells. The first would restore Her soul to its former strength and restore Her link with magic, while the second restored Her body. The two were separated, and not recombined for many years. When at last, hundreds of years later, yet another mortal sought to control magic and oppress others, The Mana was reawakened and returned to Her body. In this new form, an Ascended soul that was the keeper of magic and a powerful, magic-infused body, She waged war against this overlord. In his defeat, The Mana took his throne, stood between life and death as an immortal in a mortal's body, and ruled the lands with virtue forevermore.

The Mana's Traits

Ideal. Virtue and enlightenment. To be the most well-rounded in accordance with ancient teachings, and understand the connections of the universe.
Bond. Mortal souls and magic. She pities and empowers the persecuted, and despises the evil of the world.
Flaw. She was once mortal, and still has emotions. Agony stained Her with melancholy, and The Reaper tried to devour Her.

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Facts about "The Mana (5e NPC)"
AlignmentLawful Good +
AuthorMax7238 +
CRval30 +
Canontrue +
Challenge Rating30 +
Creature NameThe Mana +
Experience Points155,000 +
Features{{{feature1}}} +
Hit Dice20d8 +
Hit Points290 +
Identifier5e NPC +
NameThe Mana +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeMedium +
SortTextThe Mana 5e +
SubtypeDeity +
TitleThe Mana +
TypeCelestial +