Talk:Zen Warrior (3.5e Feat)
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Leziad dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4. |
So overall it seem it could be designed a lot better. It not as offending as the critical thing on Insightful Strike, but still. I must warn of a problem on complete replacement (using another stat instead of STR) is that if it combined with a mental stat it make already SAD class very much so, which in turn make me sad. |
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Carden Gix'oth likes this article and rated it 3 of 4. |
I love this. It's OP as shit for Monks, and really any character with a decent-to-great Wisdom, such as Clerics and Paladins. As for people saying this is like "Insightful Strike" but worse, remember, "Insightful Strike" doesn't make your Melee Attack Range increase, nor does it make your Melee Attacks Melee Touch Attacks. (Touch AC being MUCH lower than normal and Flat-Footed AC)
I like this, especially for a high power campaign, however, I am going to edit it for spelling (aktion instead of action, for instance) grammar and clarity. Nothing about the feat will change, simply the spelling, grammar and to make it a bit easier to understand. EDIT: Ok, so I changed the Evasion one slightly. I simply added the "gaining Evasion" mechanics to the description. Aside from that, I only changed grammar, spelling and made one thing a bit clearer. Still like this feat, but I think it's a bit OP for a regular campaign. A Monk gets 5 attacks at level 20 with a BAB of 15 (Flurry of Blows), but if they buy and use a Wand of Divine Power, they have a 20 BAB gaining 6 Attacks/round with FoB and all of them are Melee Touch Attacks, doing 2d10+STR (or WIS in this Feat's case) mod, + any other modifiers. That is beyond stupidly OP. Why? A Tarrasque (CR 20) has a Touch AC of 5 and an Epic Great Wyrm Force Dragon (CR 59) has a Touch AC of 28. Touch Attacks are broken as absolute fuck... |
Clarity edits are fine for spelling or grammar, but please do not make mechanical changes without the author's permission unless you have adopted the article (in the case in which the author has mostly disappeared from the wiki). --Ghostwheel (talk) 02:44, 6 February 2019 (MST)
- Making sure the proper mechanics are on the Feat IS a clarity edit. If you already have the Evasion class feature (from Rogue or Barbarian for example) you are automatically upgraded to Improved Evasion. If you already have both (from being a higher level Rogue or Rogue/Barbarian cross class, for example) You get a bonus feat you qualify for "Nomag wer suaco qe rinov sva dout spical, wer siksta agantal morne dout ternocki, vur nomag Bahamut nakta wux agantal onureth jacida altiui."~Arytiss di wer Ux Darastrix, tibur Carden Volantor Gix'oth (talk) 13:13, 7 February 2019 (MST)
- Yeeeeaaaah, I can maybe see improved evasion (and even that's not always given under all WotC sources, depending on how easily you gain evasion), but the bonus feat is definitely your own addition and should be discussed with the author before addition. --Ghostwheel (talk) 14:18, 7 February 2019 (MST)
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Eiji-kun dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4. |
+0: I like.
+1: I like. +6: I like. +11: I like. +16: Da fuq... *Score drops like a rock* |
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Aarnott is neutral on this article and rated it 2 of 4. |
I used to think that all melee attacks as touch attacks was a bit strong. I'm not sure exactly what changed my mind, but I don't believe that anymore.
This being said, MisterSinister is right with the number shuffling, but I'm cool with that for a +0 and +1. The +6 BAB probably should be shifted into the +1 BAB benefit and something interesting should be added. I do agree that Insightful Strike is better executed than this one for the most part. I don't think this feat is terrible, it just isn't too interesting. |
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MisterSinister dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4. |
This feat is number-shuffling until 11th level. That is not good. Additionally, this treads far too much on ground already covered (in a better fashion) by Insightful Strike. This is also not good. |
Downgrading it
Zen Warrior [Combat]
Zen warriors uses wisdom and inner spirit to enhance their fighting.
Benefits: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.
- +0: You may use your Wisdom Modifier instead of your Strength modifier for calculating your melee attack bonus.
- +1: You may use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Strength modifier for calculating your melee damage
- +6: Inner Peace- You may use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Strength modifier for any opposide roll in combat (such as trip, disarm, bull rush...)
- +11: Spirit touch- You can make a touch attack as a standart action, to hit a opponent.
- +16: KI strike- You can with a standart action attack a opponent up to +30ft of your normal range with a melee attack
Be better Wildmage Talk 22:37, 2 May 2012 (UTC)
- The original version not that over the top for wizard level. Heck many rogue-level combat feats are more over the top than this (Sniper by example is one balance category lower and not that inferior, especially with the synergy provided with many other combat feats). --Leziad 20:47, 3 May 2012 (UTC)
- Although it was my opinion that this was over the top, the chatroom folks disagree with me on that. I'll keep my dislike on, but I encourage some people that actually like it to offset what I put. You should really change it back if you think it is better that way :-). --Aarnott 21:47, 3 May 2012 (UTC)
- I actually like it better this way, and I feel on very shaky ground making wizard lvl feats, so I would rather end up low wizard then high wizard.
- This plushie approves of the changes! You win pants weasels! -- Eiji-kun 23:02, 3 May 2012 (UTC)