Talk:Rapidash (3.5e Monster)

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What's up with rapidash's skills? Jump is +2(acrobatic) +5(str mod) +20(leap) +24(speed, 275-30=245/10=24.5=24 see jump skill description) +4 with running start(run feat) +12(haste gives +30 speed) which adds up to a BASE jump bonus of +51 or +67 with haste and a running start. Balance is +5(dex) +20(leap) for a +25 balance and tumble is +5(dex) and +2(acrobatic)=+7. Now a 10hd elemental with a 10 in int has 26 skill points and max ranks of 13(HD+3) so if we don't put any of that into jump we have 13 ranks in tumble for a total of +20(still 3 short) and 13 in balance for +38(2 short). But that gives us a +2 synergy to jump for +53/+69. How did you come up with 42 jump, 40, balance, and 23 tumble? - grog toad