Talk:Pocket Golem (3.5e Monster)

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RatedFavor.png Undead Knave favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
It's a fun little assistant.
RatedLike.png Snafusam likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
i want one... for every character i have...

CR 1!?

this thing has animate objects at caster level 16, meaning it can create a gargantuan animated object 1/day for about a minute and a half. thats a cr 7 encounter, though admittedly a fairly easy one. however, 1rst level players would be incapable of actually killing the animated object before it killed them unless they used some sort of munchkinry thanks to the fact that it deals an average of 19 damage per attack, while a barbarian with 20 constitution has 15 hp at level 1. in other words, it could crush most characters in a slug match, meaning that the only option is to kite it until the duration ran out. of course if said object has wheels it could catch up to most land bound caracters, easily disabling them in a single blow, making it capable of TPKing even parties a few levels higher. against a party at rogue level balance, I would say its a CR 3-ish encounter, giving them enough health to take a few hits while they try and focus on the golem itself. Dr.Drako (talk) 20:52, 11 April 2020 (UTC)

Yeah, even without its spell-like abilities, it isn't CR 1. Even if it only deals 1 damage on an attack, at low levels it is basically invincible. Also one of those things that shouldn't be accessible by summon monster variants and the like. That said, the thing does cost like 70,000 gp to craft. --Ganteka Future (talk) 18:11, 12 April 2020 (UTC)
FavoredUndead Knave +
LikedSnafusam +