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Hell Hound (3.5e Race)

522 bytes added, 09:34, 27 December 2009
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[[Summary::An almost alien race which bears an equal appearance of both canine and feline, it is wise not to mistake a hell hound for an unintelligent creature or an even greater mistake: an easy kill.]]
Hailing from a handful of volcanic islands which rise majesticaly from the ocean floor, hell hounds have gained their names due to the unbearably hot climates they come from as well as their bright red coats in addition to their powerful, intimidating physique. measuring over seven foot from head to rear and then another foot and a half including tail length, this strange new species dwarfs its apparent kin of both dog and cat, sizing up to even the largest of the great cats such as tigers and lions. Like many dogs, hell hounds have an elongated snot snout and blunt, short claws while they possess feline traits such as large, bright eyes as well as the shape of the ear. Their muscle mass is sinewy rather than bulky, the denser tissue allowing for faster contraction and therefore greater power in their movement but have lost the thickness of hide seen in either dog or cat, this is due to few - if any - natural predators as very few animals have adapted to the extreme hot climates hell hounds are so used to but this also allows for faster and more effective heat dispersion.
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