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Pumpkin Head (3.5e Invocation)

7 bytes added, 08:43, 1 December 2022
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{{#set:Summary=Your head is now an pumpkin, most people consider it scary.}}''Your head is now an pumpkin, most people consider it scary.''
For 24 hours your head become a pumpkin with a face carved in it, from the eye socket radiate an eerie light. You gain darkvision 120'', plants creature see you as one of their own until you attack them directly, you can cast [[SRD:Dancing Lights|dancing lights]] as a spell-like ability at will and you gain immunity to vorpal weapon quality as you no longer die from lacking a head. Finally you gain a [[Pumpking (3.5e Monster)|pumpking]]'s aura of paranoia.
As a full-round action you can detach your pumpkin head, you see everything it see (but nothing more). The head has a fly speed of 30'' (perfect) and AC of 10 and if it take takes any damage it is instantly returned to you unharmed. As a move action you may have the head explode, dealing you edlritch eldritch blast damages damage in vile damage to all creatures within a 20 feet burst (reflex halves), doing so however end ends the invocation.

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