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Arcane Combat Fighter (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

208 bytes removed, 04:29, 23 February 2019
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|replaces=Hit DiceAn Arcane Combat Fighter has a d8 instead of a d10 for it HD, Saving Throw, Bonus Feat Restriction it is not proficient with medium armor and heavy armor as well.|benefit=Detect Magic, Mystical Blade, Initial Style
}}'''Hit Dice:''' An Arcane Combat Fighter hit dice drop by one (usually to a d10 to a d8)
'''Saving Throw:''' An Arcane Combat Fighter has poor fortitude but good will save.
'''''Detect Magic{{Sp}}:''''' An Arcane Combat Fighter may use [[SRD:Detect Magic|''detect magic'']] as a spell-like ability at will. If she was already capable of doing so or later gain the capability of doing so from another source, she may use it as a swift action and glean all the information of 3 round of concentration in one.
'''Initial Style:''' An Arcane Combat Fighter gain one bonus feat from the following list, she does not need to meet the prerequisites of the feat: [[Body and Soul Style (3.5e Feat)|Body and Soul Style]], [[Font of Power Style (3.5e Feat)|Font of Power Style]], [[Primal Clay Style (3.5e Feat)|Primal Clay Style]], [[Serpent Tongue Style (3.5e Feat)|Serpent Tongue Style]], [[Smoking Shadow Style (3.5e Feat)|Smoking Shadow Style]] or [[Unseen Path Style (3.5e Feat)|Unseen Path Style]]. She count her fighter level as being 2 higher for the purpose of qualifying for [arcane combat] feats. '''Mystical Blade:''' An Arcane Combat Fighter deal an additional 1d4 magic damage with each of their attack, this improve by another d4 at 6th and each 6 class level afterward.

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