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Moosu (3.5e Race)

4,717 bytes added, 03:12, 20 October 2016
Created page with "{{author |author_name=Eiji-kun |date_created=10-19-16 |status=Complete }} ==Moosu== Summary::Moose-headed creatures from the frozen north, they are well known for their st..."


[[Summary::Moose-headed creatures from the frozen north, they are well known for their strength, endurance, and politeness. They are the epitome of the gentle giant.]]


The moosu may look potentially intimidating with their size and wide horns, but they are gentle giants at heart. Their home culture is one of understanding and helpfulness as they believe the greatest strength one has isn't the strength of arms, but the strength of numbers. It also helps them compensate for their weaknesses, as they can be a bit scatterbrained at times.

===Physical Description===

The moosu are deceptively strong. They are humanoid creatures with generally tall frames, large feet, and covered in a layer of brown fur with a pronounced moose-like snout and wide antlers. Due to their antlers their necks are extremely strong. It also makes them clumsy and prone to getting stuck in doorways. Moosu sometimes have thicker more human-like hair on top, but many are "bald" with only their base fur covering their heads.


The moosu have generally found friendly, or at least non-hostile, relations with most that they meet. When encountering a foe they cannot diplomacy into submission, they often retreat and set up a potent defensive wall. They hold this position as their allies weaken them while they are distracted.


Moosu are generally neutral good, but as any race they do vary.


Moosu live in the frozen northern plains, forests, and mountains.


Moosu can adopt any number of religions but seem to have a base in druidic nature deities, especially those in bounty, harvest, and celebration.


Moosu speak Common and Sylven.


Moosu have long since adopted names of the races around them, resulting in very human-like names.

===Racial Traits===

{{3.5e Racial Traits




|attrib2=Intelligence or Wisdom

|attribfluff=Strong and tough, their bulk does not help them move quickly. They also tend to be scatterbrained or simple minded.

|typefluff=They are humanoid creatures with moose-like heads.



|specialtext1=Moosu suffer from the [[Clumsy Build (3.5e Flaw)|clumsy build]] flaw with no bonus feat. However they can still acquire powerful build in spite of this flaw.

|special2=Cold Endurance
|specialtext2=The moosu are under a constant ''[[SRD:Endure Elements|endure elements]]'' (cold only) and may ignore ice and snow based difficult terrain, including slipping on ice.

|special3=Natural Armor
|specialtext3=Moosu have a +2 natural armor bonus.

|special4=Natural Attack
|specialtext4=Moosu has a gore attack which deals 1d10 points of damage as a primary natural attack. If it is the only attack made, treat it as a two-handed attack. In addition the moosu gains a free [[SRD:Bull Rush|bull rush]] when hitting with their gore attack without provoking attacks of opportunity. This counts as [[SRD:Improved Bull Rush|Improved Bull Rush]] for the purpose of pre-requisites.

|special5=Steady Aim
|specialtext5=The moosu may use their [[Strength]] in place of [[Dexterity]] for the purpose of ranged attacks.

|special6=Wild Empathy
|specialtext6=The moosu gains wild empathy as a [[druid]] of their level. If they gain wild empathy from their class, they get a +4 bonus on their checks.

|special7=Weapon Proficiency
|specialtext7=Moosu are proficient in the [[Hunting Rifle (3.5e Equipment)|hunting rifle]], mancatcher<sup>CW</sup>, [[SRD:Net|net]], and [[SRD:Sap|sap]].

|specialtext8=Moosu gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Ride, and Survival. These skills are always class skills.

|autolanguage=Common, Sylven
|bonuslanguage=Any (except secret languages)

===Vital Statistics===

{{3.5e Racial Starting Age

{{3.5e Racial Aging Effects

{{3.5e Racial Height and Weight
|mHeightBase=5' 10"
|fHeightBase=5' 8"

{{3.5e Races Breadcrumb}}

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