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Dark Insight (3.5e Variant Rule)

No change in size, 02:10, 20 May 2015
Uses for Dark Insight
*You can roll your dark insight bonus + [[Charisma]] modifier in place of straight opposed [[Charisma]] checks against any creature associated with dark insight, such as any creature with the Abomination subtype, or any creature from the Far Realm.
*Lastly, many creatures which dark insight applies to exist, but have no visible presence on the world. With a DC 10 15 dark insight check you can reveal the world as it truly is, entering the "warped plane". Often things will take on a darker, more twisted, and more insane appearance and may reveal hidden paths unseen by others. This can be considered similar to ''[[SRD:Plane Shift|plane shift]]'', but you still exist on the original plane you were on. You are able to interact (and be affected by) things on both your original plane and the warped plane, though you have a 80% miss chance against any activities against yourself or your own actions to things on the warped plane. For every +5 points you succeed on your check, your miss chance in the warped plane drops by 20%, to a maximum of 100% at DC 3035.
If you perform an action which is possible in the warped plane but impossible in your original plane (such as walking through a wall which is a doorway in the warped plane), if your miss chance fails you are shunted into the nearest valid position with 1d6 damage plus an additional +1d6 for every 5 feet you travel, if you are not in a valid space. Thus moving through impossible spaces is a dangerous prospect.

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