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A scroll is a spell (or collection of spells) that has been stored in written form. A spell on a scroll can be used only once. The writing vanishes from the scroll when the spell is activated. Using a scroll is basically like casting a spell.

Physical Description

A scroll is a heavy sheet of fine vellum or high-quality paper. An area about 8 1/2 inches wide and 11 inches long is sufficient to hold one spell. The sheet is reinforced at the top and bottom with strips of leather slightly longer than the sheet is wide. A scroll holding more than one spell has the same width (about 8 1/2 inches) but is an extra foot or so long for each extra spell. Scrolls that hold three or more spells are usually fitted with reinforcing rods at each end rather than simple strips of leather. A scroll has AC 9, 1 hit point, hardness 0, and a break DC of 8.

To protect it from wrinkling or tearing, a scroll is rolled up from both ends to form a double cylinder. (This also helps the user unroll the scroll quickly.) The scroll is placed in a tube of ivory, jade, leather, metal, or wood. Most scroll cases are inscribed with magic symbols which often identify the owner or the spells stored on the scrolls inside. The symbols often hide magic traps.


To activate a scroll, a spellcaster must read the spell written on it. Doing so involves several steps and conditions.

Decipher the Writing

The writing on a scroll must be deciphered before a character can use it or know exactly what spell it contains. This requires a read magic spell or a successful Spellcraft check (DC 20 + spell level).

Deciphering a scroll to determine its contents does not activate its magic unless it is a specially prepared cursed scroll. A character can decipher the writing on a scroll in advance so that he or she can proceed directly to the next step when the time comes to use the scroll.

Activate the Spell

Activating a scroll requires reading the spell from the scroll. The character must be able to see and read the writing on the scroll. Activating a scroll spell requires no material components or focus. (The creator of the scroll provided these when scribing the scroll.) Note that some spells are effective only when cast on an item or items. In such a case, the scroll user must provide the item when activating the spell. Activating a scroll spell is subject to disruption just as casting a normally prepared spell would be. Using a scroll is like casting a spell for purposes of arcane spell failure chance.

To have any chance of activating a scroll spell, the scroll user must meet the following requirements.

  • The spell must be of the correct type (arcane or divine). Arcane spellcasters (wizards, sorcerers, and bards) can only use scrolls containing arcane spells, and divine spellcasters (clerics, druids, paladins, and rangers) can only use scrolls containing divine spells. (The type of scroll a character creates is also determined by his or her class.)
  • The user must have the spell on his or her class list.

If the user meets all the requirements noted above, and her caster level is at least equal to the spell’s caster level, she can automatically activate the spell without a check. If she meets all three requirements but her own caster level is lower than the scroll spell’s caster level, then she has to make a caster level check (DC=scroll’s caster level + 1) to cast the spell successfully. If she fails, she must make a DC 5 Wisdom check to avoid a mishap (see Scroll Mishaps, below). A natural roll of 1 always fails, whatever the modifiers.

Determine Effect

A spell successfully activated from a scroll works exactly like a spell prepared and cast the normal way. Assume the scroll spell’s caster level is always the minimum level required to cast the spell for the character who scribed the scroll (usually twice the spell’s level, minus 1), unless the caster specifically desires otherwise.

The writing for an activated spell disappears from the scroll.

Scroll Mishaps

When a mishap occurs, the spell on the scroll has a reversed or harmful effect. Possible mishaps are given below.

  • A surge of uncontrolled magical energy deals 1d6 points of damage per spell level to the scroll user.
  • Spell strikes the scroll user or an ally instead of the intended target, or a random target nearby if the scroll user was the intended recipient.
  • Spell takes effect at some random location within spell range.
  • Spell’s effect on the target is contrary to the spell’s normal effect.
  • The scroll user suffers some minor but bizarre effect related to the spell in some way. Most such effects should last only as long as the original spell’s duration, or 2d10 minutes for instantaneous spells.
  • Some innocuous item or items appear in the spell’s area.
  • Spell has delayed effect. Sometime within the next 1d12 hours, the spell activates. If the scroll user was the intended recipient, the spell takes effect normally. If the user was not the intended recipient, the spell goes off in the general direction of the original recipient or target, up to the spell’s maximum range, if the target has moved away.

Several arcane spells are different in level for sorcerers and wizards than they are for bards. Such spells appear on the table at the level appropriate to a sorcerer or wizard (considered the default because bards typically don’t involve themselves in scribing scrolls).

Likewise, some divine spells are different in level for clerics and druids than they are for paladins and rangers. Such spells appear at the level appropriate to a cleric or druid (considered the default because paladins and rangers typically don’t involve themselves in scribing scrolls).

If a divine spell is cast at different levels by clerics and druids, it appears at the level appropriate to a cleric (considered the default choice between clerics and druids).

Many spells are either arcane or divine, depending on the class of the caster. Such spells appear on both lists at the level appropriate to the class of the arcane or divine caster.

Table: Scroll Types

d% roll Type
01–70 Arcane
71–100 Divine
Table: Number of Spells on a Scroll

Scroll Type Number of Spells
Minor scroll 1d3 spells
Medium scroll 1d4 spells
Major scroll 1d6 spells
Table: Scroll Spell Levels

Minor Medium Major Spell
Caster Level1
01–05 0 1st
06–50 1st 1st
51–95 01–05 2nd 3rd
96–100 06–65 3rd 5th
66–95 01–05 4th 7th
96–100 06–50 5th 9th
51–70 6th 11th
71–85 7th 13th
86–95 8th 15th
95–100 9th 17th
  1. These numbers assume that the creator is a cleric, druid, or wizard.
Table: Arcane Spell Scrolls

0-Level Arcane Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–04 acid splash 12 gp 5 sp
05–08 arcane mark 12 gp 5 sp
09–13 dancing lights 12 gp 5 sp
14–17 daze 12 gp 5 sp
18–24 detect magic 12 gp 5 sp
25–28 detect poison 12 gp 5 sp
29–32 disrupt undead 12 gp 5 sp
33–37 flare 12 gp 5 sp
38–42 ghost sound 12 gp 5 sp
43–44 know direction 12 gp 5 sp
45–50 light 12 gp 5 sp
51–52 lullaby 12 gp 5 sp
53–57 mage hand 12 gp 5 sp
58–62 mending 12 gp 5 sp
63–67 message 12 gp 5 sp
68–72 open/close 12 gp 5 sp
73–77 prestidigitation 12 gp 5 sp
78–81 ray of frost 12 gp 5 sp
82–87 read magic 12 gp 5 sp
88–94 resistance 12 gp 5 sp
95–96 summon instrument 12 gp 5 sp
97–100 touch of fatigue 12 gp 5 sp
1st-Level Arcane Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–03 alarm 25 gp
04–05 animate rope 25 gp
06–07 burning hands 25 gp
08–09 cause fear 25 gp
10–12 charm person 25 gp
13–14 chill touch 25 gp
15–16 color spray 25 gp
17–19 comprehend languages 25 gp
20 confusion, lesser 50 gp
21 cure light wounds 50 gp
22–24 detect secret doors 25 gp
25–26 detect undead 25 gp
27–29 disguise self 25 gp
30–32 endure elements 25 gp
33–35 enlarge person 25 gp
36–37 erase 25 gp
38–40 expeditious retreat 25 gp
41 feather fall 25 gp
42–43 grease 25 gp
44–45 hold portal 25 gp
46–47 hypnotism 25 gp
48–49 identify 125 gp
50–51 jump 25 gp
52–54 mage armor 25 gp
55–56 magic missile 25 gp
57–59 magic weapon 25 gp
60–62 mount 25 gp
63–64 magic aura 25 gp
65–66 obscuring mist 25 gp
67–74 protection from chaos/evil/good/law 25 gp
75–76 ray of enfeeblement 25 gp
77–78 reduce person 25 gp
79–80 remove fear 50 gp
81–82 shield 25 gp
83–84 shocking grasp 25 gp
85–86 silent image 25 gp
87–88 sleep 25 gp
89–90 summon monster I 25 gp
91–93 floating disk 25 gp
94–95 true strike 25 gp
96 undetectable alignment 50 gp
97–98 unseen servant 25 gp
99–100 ventriloquism 25 gp
2nd-Level Arcane Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01 animal messenger 200 gp
02 animal trance 200 gp
03 arcane lock 175 gp
04–06 bear's endurance 150 gp
07–08 blindness/deafness 150 gp
09–10 blur 150 gp
11–13 bull's strength 150 gp
14 calm emotions 200 gp
15–17 cat's grace 150 gp
18–19 command undead 150 gp
20 continual flame 200 gp
21 cure moderate wounds 200 gp
22 darkness 150 gp
23–25 darkvision 150 gp
26 daze monster 150 gp
27 delay poison 200 gp
28–29 detect thoughts 150 gp
30–31 disguise self 150 gp
32–34 eagle's splendor 150 gp
35 enthrall 200 gp
36–37 false life 150 gp
38–39 flaming sphere 150 gp
40 fog cloud 150 gp
41–43 fox's cunning 150 gp
44 ghoul touch 150 gp
45–46 glitterdust 150 gp
47 gust of wind 150 gp
48–49 hypnotic pattern 150 gp
50–52 invisibility 150 gp
53–55 knock 150 gp
56 phantom trap 200 gp
57–58 levitate 150 gp
59 locate object 150 gp
60 magic mouth 160 gp
61–62 acid arrow 150 gp
63 minor image 150 gp
64–65 mirror image 150 gp
66 misdirection 150 gp
67 obscure object 150 gp
68–70 owl's wisdom 150 gp
71–73 protection from arrows 150 gp
74–75 pyrotechnics 150 gp
76–78 resist energy 150 gp
79 rope trick 150 gp
80 scare 150 gp
81–82 scorching ray 150 gp
83–85 see invisibility 150 gp
86 shatter 150 gp
87 silence 200 gp
88 sound burst 200 gp
89 spectral hand 150 gp
90–91 spider climb 150 gp
92–93 summon monster II 150 gp
94–95 summon swarm 150 gp
96 hideous laughter 150 gp
97 touch of idiocy 150 gp
98–99 web 150 gp
100 whispering wind 150 gp
3rd-Level Arcane Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–02 arcane sight 375 gp
03–04 blink 375 gp
05–06 clairaudience/clairvoyance 375 gp
07 cure serious wounds 525 gp
08–10 daylight 525 gp
11–12 deep slumber 375 gp
13–15 dispel magic 375 gp
16–17 displacement 375 gp
18 explosive runes 375 gp
19–20 fireball 375 gp
21–22 flame arrow 375 gp
23–25 fly 375 gp
26–27 gaseous form 375 gp
28–29 gentle repose 375 gp
30 glibness 525 gp
31 good hope 525 gp
32–33 halt undead 375 gp
34–36 haste 375 gp
37–38 heroism 375 gp
39–40 hold person 375 gp
41 illusory script 425 gp
42–44 invisibility sphere 375 gp
45–47 keen edge 375 gp
48–49 tiny hut 375 gp
50–51 lightning bolt 375 gp
52–59 magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law 375 gp
60–62 magic weapon, greater 375 gp
63–64 major image 375 gp
65–66 nondetection 425 gp
67–68 phantom steed 375 gp
69–71 protection from energy 375 gp
72–73 rage 375 gp
74–75 ray of exhaustion 375 gp
76 sculpt sound 525 gp
77 secret page 375 gp
78 sepia snake sigil 875 gp
79 shrink item 375 gp
80–81 sleet storm 375 gp
82–83 slow 375 gp
84 speak with animals 525 gp
85–86 stinking cloud 375 gp
87–88 suggestion 375 gp
89–90 summon monster III 375 gp
91–93 tongues 375 gp
94–95 vampiric touch 375 gp
96–98 water breathing 375 gp
99–100 wind wall 375 gp
4th-Level Arcane Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–02 animate dead 1,050 gp
03–05 arcane eye 700 gp
06–07 bestow curse 700 gp
08–10 charm monster 700 gp
11–13 confusion 700 gp
14–15 contagion 700 gp
16–17 crushing despair 700 gp
18 cure critical wounds 1,000 gp
19 detect scrying 700 gp
20–23 dimension door 700 gp
24–26 dimensional anchor 700 gp
27–28 enervation 700 gp
29–30 enlarge person, mass 700 gp
31–32 black tentacles 700 gp
33–34 fear 700 gp
35–37 fire shield 700 gp
38–39 fire trap 725 gp
40–42 freedom of movement 1,000 gp
43 geas, lesser 700 gp
44–46 globe of invulnerability, lesser 700 gp
47–48 hallucinatory terrain 700 gp
49–50 ice storm 700 gp
51–52 illusory wall 700 gp
53–55 invisibility, greater 700 gp
56–57 secure shelter 700 gp
58 locate creature 700 gp
59–60 minor creation 700 gp
61 modify memory 1,000 gp
62 neutralize poison 1,000 gp
63–64 resilient sphere 700 gp
65–66 phantasmal killer 700 gp
67–68 polymorph 700 gp
69–70 rainbow pattern 700 gp
71 mnemonic enhancer 700 gp
72–73 reduce person, mass 700 gp
74–76 remove curse 700 gp
77 repel vermin 1,000 gp
78–79 scrying 700 gp
80–81 shadow conjuration 700 gp
82–83 shout 700 gp
84–85 solid fog 700 gp
86 speak with plants 1,000 gp
87–88 stone shape 700 gp
89–91 stoneskin 950 gp
92–93 summon monster IV 700 gp
94–96 wall of fire 700 gp
97–99 wall of ice 700 gp
100 zone of silence 1,000 gp
5th-Level Arcane Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–02 animal growth 1,125 gp
03–05 baleful polymorph 1,125 gp
06–07 interposing hand 1,125 gp
08–09 blight 1,125 gp
10–12 break enchantment 1,125 gp
13–14 cloudkill 1,125 gp
15–17 cone of cold 1,125 gp
18–19 contact other plane 1,125 gp
20 cure light wounds, mass 1,625 gp
21–23 dismissal 1,125 gp
24–26 dispel magic, greater 1,625 gp
27–28 dominate person 1,125 gp
29 dream 1,125 gp
30–31 fabricate 1,125 gp
32–33 false vision 1,375 gp
34–35 feeblemind 1,125 gp
36–39 hold monster 1,125 gp
40 secret chest 1,125 gp
41 magic jar 1,125 gp
42–43 major creation 1,125 gp
44–45 mind fog 1,125 gp
46–47 mirage arcana 1,125 gp
48–49 mage's faithful hound 1,125 gp
50–51 mage's private sanctum 1,125 gp
52–53 nightmare 1,125 gp
54–57 overland flight 1,125 gp
58–60 passwall 1,125 gp
61 permanency 10,125 gp1
62–63 persistent image 1,125 gp
64–65 planar binding, lesser 1,125 gp
66–67 prying eyes 1,125 gp
68–69 telepathic bond 1,125 gp
70–71 seeming 1,125 gp
72–74 sending 1,125 gp
75–76 shadow evocation 1,125 gp
77 song of discord 1,625 gp
78–79 summon monster V 1,125 gp
80 symbol of pain 2,125 gp
81 symbol of sleep 2,125 gp
82–83 telekinesis 1,125 gp
84–88 teleport 1,125 gp
89–90 transmute mud to rock 1,125 gp
91–92 transmute rock to mud 1,125 gp
93–95 wall of force 1,125 gp
96–98 wall of stone 1,125 gp
99–100 waves of fatigue 1,125 gp
  1. Includes experience point cost up to 2,000 XP.
6th-Level Arcane Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–02 acid fog 1,650 gp
03–05 analyze dweomer 1,650 gp
06 animate objects 2,400 gp
07–09 antimagic field 1,650 gp
10–12 bear's endurance, mass 1,650 gp
13–14 forceful hand 1,650 gp
15–17 bull's strength, mass 1,650 gp
18–20 cat's grace, mass 1,650 gp
21–23 chain lightning 1,650 gp
24–25 circle of death 2,150 gp
26 contingency 1,650 gp
27–28 control water 1,650 gp
29 create undead 2,350 gp
30 cure moderate wounds, mass 2,400 gp
31–33 disintegrate 1,650 gp
34–37 dispel magic, greater 1,650 gp
38–40 eagle's splendor, mass 1,650 gp
41–42 eyebite 1,650 gp
43 find the path 2,400 gp
44–45 flesh to stone 1,650 gp
46–48 fox's cunning, mass 1,650 gp
49 geas/quest 1,650 gp
50–52 globe of invulnerability 1,650 gp
53 guards and wards 1,650 gp
54 heroes' feast 2,400 gp
55–56 heroism, greater 1,650 gp
57 legend lore 1,900 gp
58–59 mislead 1,650 gp
60 mage's lucubration 1,650 gp
61–62 move earth 1,650 gp
63–64 freezing sphere 1,650 gp
65–67 owl's wisdom, mass 1,650 gp
68–69 permanent image 1,650 gp
70–71 planar binding 1,650 gp
72–73 programmed image 1,675 gp
74–75 repulsion 1,650 gp
76–78 shadow walk 1,650 gp
79–81 stone to flesh 1,650 gp
82–83 suggestion, mass 1,650 gp
84–85 summon monster VI 1,650 gp
86 symbol of fear 2,650 gp
87 symbol of persuasion 6,650 gp
88 sympathetic vibration 2,400 gp
89–90 transformation 1,950 gp
91–93 true seeing 1,900 gp
94–95 undeath to death 2,150 gp
96–97 veil 1,650 gp
98–100 wall of iron 1,700 gp
7th-Level Arcane Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–03 arcane sight, greater 2,275 gp
04–07 banishment 2,275 gp
08–10 grasping hand 2,275 gp
11–13 control undead 2,275 gp
14–16 control weather 2,275 gp
17–19 delayed blast fireball 2,275 gp
20–21 instant summons 3,275 gp
22–25 ethereal jaunt 2,275 gp
26–28 finger of death 2,275 gp
29–31 forcecage 23775 gp
32–35 hold person, mass 2,275 gp
36–38 insanity 2,275 gp
39–42 invisibility, mass 2,275 gp
43 limited wish 3,775 gp1
44–45 mage's magnificent mansion 2,275 gp
46–48 mage's sword 2,275 gp
49–51 phase door 2,275 gp
52–54 plane shift 2,275 gp
55–57 power word blind 2,275 gp
58–61 prismatic spray 2,275 gp
62–64 project image 2,280 gp
65–67 reverse gravity 2,275 gp
68–70 scrying, greater 2,275 gp
71–73 sequester 2,275 gp
74–76 shadow conjuration, greater 2,275 gp
77 simulacrum 7,275 gp2
78–80 spell turning 2,275 gp
81–82 statue 2,275 gp
83–85 summon monster VII 2,275 gp
86 symbol of stunning 7,275 gp
87 symbol of weakness 7,275 gp
88–90 teleport object 2,275 gp
91–95 teleport, greater 2,275 gp
96–97 vision 2,775 gp
98–100 waves of exhaustion 2,275 gp
  1. Assumes no material component in excess of 1,000 gp and no XP cost in excess of 300 XP.
  2. Assumes no XP cost in excess of 1,000 gp.
8th-Level Arcane Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–02 Antipathy 3,000 gp
03–05 clenched fist 3,000 gp
06–08 binding 8,500 gp1
09–12 charm monster, mass 3,000 gp
13 clone 4,000 gp
14–16 create greater undead 3,000 gp
17–19 demand 3,600 gp
20–22 dimensional lock 3,000 gp
23–26 discern location 3,000 gp
27–29 horrid wilting 3,000 gp
30–32 incendiary cloud 3,000 gp
33–35 iron body 3,000 gp
36–38 maze 3,000 gp
39–41 mind blank 3,000 gp
42–44 moment of prescience 3,000 gp
45–48 telekinetic sphere 3,000 gp
49–51 irresistible dance 3,000 gp
52–54 planar binding, greater 3,000 gp
55–57 polar ray 3,000 gp
58–60 polymorph any object 3,000 gp
61–63 power word stun 3,000 gp
64–66 prismatic wall 3,000 gp
67–70 protection from spells 3,500 gp
71–73 prying eyes, greater 3,000 gp
74–76 scintillating pattern 3,000 gp
77–78 screen 3,000 gp
79–81 shadow evocation, greater 3,000 gp
82–84 shout, greater 3,000 gp
85–87 summon monster VIII 3,000 gp
88–90 sunburst 3,000 gp
91 symbol of death 8,000 gp
92 symbol of insanity 8,000 gp
93–94 sympathy 4,500 gp
95–98 temporal stasis 3,500 gp
99–100 trap the soul 13,000 gp1
  1. Assumes a creature of 10 HD or less.
9th-Level Arcane Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–03 astral projection 4,870 gp
04–07 crushing hand 3,825 gp
08–12 dominate monster 3,825 gp
13–16 energy drain 3,825 gp
17–21 etherealness 3,825 gp
22–25 foresight 3,825 gp
26–31 freedom 3,825 gp
32–36 gate 8,825 gp
37–40 hold monster, mass 3,825 gp
41–44 imprisonment 3,825 gp
45–49 meteor swarm 3,825 gp
50–53 mage's disjunction 3,825 gp
54–58 power word kill 3,825 gp
59–62 prismatic sphere 3,825 gp
63–66 refuge 3,825 gp
67–70 shades 3,825 gp
71–76 shapechange 3,825 gp
77–79 soul bind 3,825 gp
80–83 summon monster IX 3,825 gp
84–86 teleportation circle 4,825 gp
87–91 time stop 3,825 gp
92–95 wail of the banshee 3,825 gp
96–99 weird 3,825 gp
100 wish 28,825 gp1
  1. Assumes no material component cost in excess of 10,000 gp and no XP cost in excess of 5,000 XP.
Table: Divine Spell Scrolls

0-Level Divine Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–07 create water 12 gp 5 sp
08–14 cure minor wounds 12 gp 5 sp
15–22 detect magic 12 gp 5 sp
23–29 detect poison 12 gp 5 sp
30–36 flare 12 gp 5 sp
37–43 guidance 12 gp 5 sp
44–50 inflict minor wounds 12 gp 5 sp
51–57 know direction 12 gp 5 sp
58–65 light 12 gp 5 sp
66–72 mending 12 gp 5 sp
73–79 purify food and drink 12 gp 5 sp
80–86 read magic 12 gp 5 sp
87–93 resistance 12 gp 5 sp
94–100 virtue 12 gp 5 sp
1st-Level Divine Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01 alarm 100 gp
02–03 bane 25 gp
04–06 bless 25 gp
07–09 bless water 50 gp
10 bless weapon 100 gp
11–12 calm animals 25 gp
13–14 cause fear 25 gp
15–16 charm animal 25 gp
17–19 command 25 gp
20–21 comprehend languages 25 gp
22–26 cure light wounds 25 gp
27–28 curse water 50 gp
29–30 deathwatch 25 gp
31–32 detect animals or plants 25 gp
33–35 detect chaos/evil/good/law 25 gp
36–37 detect snares and pits 25 gp
38–39 detect undead 25 gp
40–41 divine favor 25 gp
42–43 doom 25 gp
44–48 endure elements 25 gp
49–50 entangle 25 gp
51–52 entropic shield 25 gp
53–54 faerie fire 25 gp
55–56 goodberry 25 gp
57–58 hide from animals 25 gp
59–60 hide from undead 25 gp
61–62 inflict light wounds 25 gp
63–64 jump 25 gp
65–66 longstrider 25 gp
67–68 magic fang 25 gp
69–72 magic stone 25 gp
73–74 magic weapon 25 gp
75–78 obscuring mist 25 gp
79–80 pass without trace 25 gp
81–82 produce flame 25 gp
83–86 protection from chaos/evil/good/law 25 gp
87–88 remove fear 25 gp
89–90 sanctuary 25 gp
91–92 shield of faith 25 gp
93–94 shillelagh 25 gp
95–96 speak with animals 25 gp
97–98 summon monster I 25 gp
99–100 summon nature's ally I 25 gp
2nd-Level Divine Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01 animal messenger 150 gp
02 animal trance 150 gp
03–04 augury 175 gp
05–06 barkskin 150 gp
07–09 bear's endurance 150 gp
10–12 bull's strength 150 gp
13–14 calm emotions 150 gp
15–17 cat's grace 150 gp
18 chill metal 150 gp
19–20 consecrate 200 gp
21–24 cure moderate wounds 150 gp
25–26 darkness 150 gp
27 death knell 150 gp
28–30 delay poison 150 gp
31–32 desecrate 200 gp
33–35 eagle's splendor 150 gp
36–37 enthrall 150 gp
38–39 find traps 150 gp
40 fire trap 175 gp
41–42 flame blade 150 gp
43–44 flaming sphere 150 gp
45–46 fog cloud 150 gp
47 gentle repose 150 gp
48 gust of wind 150 gp
49 heat metal 150 gp
50–51 hold animal 150 gp
52–54 hold person 150 gp
55–56 inflict moderate wounds 150 gp
57–58 make whole 150 gp
59–61 owl's wisdom 150 gp
62 reduce animal 150 gp
63–64 remove paralysis 150 gp
65–67 resist energy 150 gp
68–70 restoration, lesser 150 gp
71–72 shatter 150 gp
73–74 shield other 150 gp
75–76 silence 150 gp
77 snare 150 gp
78 soften earth and stone 150 gp
79–80 sound burst 150 gp
81 speak with plants 150 gp
82–83 spider climb 150 gp
84–85 spiritual weapon 150 gp
86 status 150 gp
87–88 summon monster II 150 gp
89–90 summon nature's ally II 150 gp
91–92 summon swarm 150 gp
93 tree shape 150 gp
94–95 undetectable alignment 150 gp
96–97 warp wood 150 gp
98 wood shape 150 gp
99–100 zone of truth 150 gp
3rd-Level Divine Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–02 animate dead 625 gp
03–04 bestow curse 375 gp
05–06 blindness/deafness 375 gp
07–08 call lightning 375 gp
09–10 contagion 375 gp
11–12 continual flame 425 gp
13–14 create food and water 375 gp
15–18 cure serious wounds 375 gp
19 darkvision 375 gp
20–21 daylight 375 gp
22–23 deeper darkness 375 gp
24–25 diminish plants 375 gp
26–27 dispel magic 375 gp
28–29 dominate animal 375 gp
30–31 glyph of warding 575 gp
32 heal mount 375 gp
33–34 helping hand 375 gp
35–36 inflict serious wounds 375 gp
37–38 invisibility purge 375 gp
39-40 locate object 375 gp
41–46 magic circle against chaos/evil/good/law 375 gp
47–48 magic fang, greater 375 gp
49–50 magic vestment 375 gp
51–52 meld into stone 375 gp
53–55 neutralize poison 375 gp
56–57 obscure object 375 gp
58–59 plant growth 375 gp
60–62 prayer 375 gp
63–64 protection from energy 375 gp
65–66 quench 375 gp
67–69 remove blindness/deafness 375 gp
70–71 remove curse 375 gp
72–73 remove disease 375 gp
74–76 searing light 375 gp
77–78 sleet storm 375 gp
79–80 snare 375 gp
81–83 speak with dead 375 gp
84–85 speak with plants 375 gp
86–87 spike growth 375 gp
88–89 stone shape 375 gp
90–91 summon monster III 375 gp
92–93 summon nature's ally III 375 gp
94–96 water breathing 375 gp
97–98 water walk 375 gp
99–100 wind wall 375 gp
4th-Level Divine Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–05 air walk 700 gp
06–07 antiplant shell 700 gp
08–09 blight 700 gp
10–11 break enchantment 700 gp
12–13 command plants 700 gp
14–15 control water 700 gp
16–21 cure critical wounds 700 gp
22–26 death ward 700 gp
27–31 dimensional anchor 700 gp
32–34 discern lies 700 gp
35–37 dismissal 700 gp
38–39 divination 725 gp
40–42 divine power 700 gp
43–47 freedom of movement 700 gp
48–49 giant vermin 700 gp
50–51 holy sword 700 gp
52–54 imbue with spell ability 700 gp
55–57 inflict critical wounds 700 gp
58–60 magic weapon, greater 700 gp
61–62 nondetection 750 gp
63–64 planar ally, lesser 1,200 gp
65–67 poison 700 gp
68–69 reincarnate 700 gp
70–71 repel vermin 700 gp
72–76 restoration 800 gp
77–78 rusting grasp 700 gp
79–81 sending 700 gp
82–85 spell immunity 700 gp
86–87 spike stones 700 gp
88–90 summon monster IV 700 gp
91–93 summon nature's ally IV 700 gp
94–98 tongues 700 gp
99–100 tree stride 700 gp
5th-Level Divine Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–03 animal growth 1,125 gp
04–05 atonement 3,625 gp
06 awaken 2,375 gp
07–09 baleful polymorph 1,125 gp
10–13 break enchantment 1,125 gp
14–16 call lightning storm 1,125 gp
17–20 command, greater 1,125 gp
21 commune 1,625 gp
22 commune with nature 1,125 gp
23–24 control winds 1,125 gp
25–30 cure light wounds, mass 1,125 gp
31–34 dispel chaos/evil/good/law 1,125 gp
35–38 disrupting weapon 1,125 gp
39–41 flame strike 1,125 gp
42–43 hallow 6,125 gp1
44–46 ice storm 1,125 gp
47–49 inflict light wounds, mass 1,125 gp
50–52 insect plague 1,125 gp
53 mark of justice 1,125 gp
54–56 plane shift 1,125 gp
57–58 raise dead 6,125 gp
59–61 righteous might 1,125 gp
62–63 scrying 1,125 gp
64–66 slay living 1,125 gp
67–69 spell resistance 1,125 gp
70–71 stoneskin 1,375 gp
72–74 summon monster V 1,125 gp
75–77 summon nature's ally V 1,125 gp
78 symbol of pain 2,125 gp
79 symbol of sleep 2,125 gp
80–82 transmute mud to rock 1,125 gp
83–85 transmute rock to mud 1,125 gp
86–89 true seeing 1,375 gp
90–91 unhallow 6,125 gp1
92–94 wall of fire 1,125 gp
95–97 wall of stone 1,125 gp
98–100 wall of thorns 1,125 gp
  1. Allows for a spell of up to 4th level to be tied to the hallowed or unhallowed area.
6th-Level Divine Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–03 animate objects 1,650 gp
04–06 antilife shell 1,650 gp
07–09 banishment 1,650 gp
10–13 bear's endurance, mass 1,650 gp
14–16 blade barrier 1,650 gp
17–20 bull's strength, mass 1,650 gp
21–24 cat's grace, mass 1,650 gp
25 create undead 1,650 gp
26–29 cure moderate wounds, mass 1,650 gp
30–33 dispel magic, greater 1,650 gp
34–37 eagle's splendor, mass 1,650 gp
38–40 find the path 1,650 gp
41–43 fire seeds 1,650 gp
44 forbiddance 4,650 gp1
45 geas/quest 1,650 gp
46 glyph of warding, greater 1,650 gp
47–49 harm 1,650 gp
50–52 heal 1,650 gp
53–55 heroes' feast 1,650 gp
56–58 inflict moderate wounds, mass 1,650 gp
59–61 ironwood 1,650 gp
62 liveoak 1,650 gp
63–65 move earth 1,650 gp
66–69 owl's wisdom, mass 1,650 gp
70–71 planar ally 2,400 gp
72–74 repel wood 1,650 gp
75–77 spellstaff 1,650 gp
78–80 stone tell 1,650 gp
81–83 summon monster VI 1,650 gp
84–86 summon nature's ally VI 1,650 gp
87 symbol of fear 2,650 gp
88 symbol of persuasion 6,650 gp
89–91 transport via plants 1,650 gp
92–94 undeath to death 2,150 gp
95–97 wind walk 1,650 gp
98–100 word of recall 1,650 gp
  1. Assumes an area equivalent to one 60-foot cube.
7th-Level Divine Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–05 animate plants 2,275 gp
06–09 blasphemy 2,275 gp
10–14 changestaff 2,275 gp
15–16 control weather 2,275 gp
17–21 creeping doom 2,275 gp
22–27 cure serious wounds, mass 2,275 gp
28–32 destruction 2,275 gp
33–36 dictum 2,275 gp
37–41 ethereal jaunt 2,275 gp
42–45 holy word 2,275 gp
46–50 inflict serious wounds, mass 2,275 gp
51–55 refuge 3,775 gp
56–60 regenerate 2,275 gp
61–65 repulsion 2,275 gp
66–69 restoration, greater 4,775 gp
70–71 resurrection 12,275 gp
72–76 scrying, greater 2,275 gp
77–81 summon monster VII 2,275 gp
82–85 summon nature's ally VII 2,275 gp
86–90 sunbeam 2,275 gp
91 symbol of stunning 7,275 gp
92 symbol of weakness 7,275 gp
93–97 transmute metal to wood 2,275 gp
98–100 word of chaos 2,275 gp
8th-Level Divine Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–04 animal shapes 3,000 gp
05–10 antimagic field 3,000 gp
11–13 cloak of chaos 3,000 gp
14–17 control plants 3,000 gp
18–20 create greater undead 3,600 gp
21–27 cure critical wounds, mass 3,000 gp
28–32 dimensional lock 3,000 gp
33–36 discern location 3,000 gp
37–41 earthquake 3,000 gp
42–45 finger of death 3,000 gp
46–49 fire storm 3,000 gp
50–52 holy aura 3,000 gp
53–56 inflict critical wounds, mass 3,000 gp
57–60 planar ally, greater 5,500 gp
61–65 repel metal or stone 3,000 gp
66–69 reverse gravity 3,000 gp
70–72 shield of law 3,000 gp
73–76 spell immunity, greater 3,000 gp
77–80 summon monster VIII 3,000 gp
81–84 summon nature's ally VIII 3,000 gp
85–89 sunburst 3,000 gp
90–91 symbol of death 8,000 gp
92–93 symbol of insanity 8,000 gp
94–96 unholy aura 3,000 gp
97–100 whirlwind 3,000 gp
9th-Level Divine Spells
d% Spell Market Price
01–04 Antipathy 3,825 gp
05–07 astral projection 4,870 gp
08–13 elemental swarm 3,825 gp
14–19 energy drain 3,825 gp
20–25 etherealness 3,825 gp
26–31 foresight 3,825 gp
32–37 gate 8,825 gp
38–46 heal, mass 3,825 gp
47–53 implosion 3,825 gp
54–55 miracle 28,825 gp1
56–61 regenerate 3,825 gp
62–66 shambler 3,825 gp
67–72 shapechange 3,825 gp
73–77 soul bind 3,825 gp
78–83 storm of vengeance 3,825 gp
84–89 summon monster IX 3,825 gp
90–95 summon nature's ally IX 3,825 gp
96–99 sympathy 5,325 gp
100 true resurrection 28,825 gp
  1. Assumes powerful request but no expensive material components in excess of 100 gp and no additional XP cost.

Epic Scrolls

To generate an epic scroll randomly, first roll on Table: Scroll Types to determine whether the spells are arcane or divine. An epic scroll contains 1d8 spells. For each spell, roll on Table: Epic Scroll Spell Levels to determine its level and then on the appropriate section of Table: Actual Spell Levels to determine the spell’s actual level and total metamagic level adjustments. To determine the specific metamagic level adjustments, roll on the appropriate section of Table: Metamagic Level Adjustment to Spells. To determine the spell, use the appropriate sections of the nonepic scroll tables.

Table: Scroll Types

d% Type
01–70 Arcane
71–100 Divine

Table: Epic Scroll Spell Levels

d% Spell Level Spell’s Caster Level Market Price1 XP Cost
01–26 10th 21st 5,250 gp 1,210 XP
27–46 11th 22nd 6,050 gp 1,242 XP
47–61 12th 23rd 6,900 gp 1,276 XP
62–71 13th 24th 7,800 gp 1,312 XP
72–79 14th 25th 8,750 gp 1,350 XP
80–85 15th 26th 9,750 gp 1,390 XP
86–90 16th 27th 10,800 gp 1,432 XP
91–94 17th 28th 11,900 gp 1,476 XP
95–97 18th 29th 13,050 gp 1,522 XP
98–99 19th 30th 14,250 gp 1,570 XP
100 Roll again and add +102 Spell level +11 Varies Varies
1Market price does not include price of material components or XP costs for spell.
2This result is cumulative if rolled multiple times

Table: Actual Spell Level

10th-Level Spell

d% Spell Level and Metamagic Level Adjustment
01–03 1st-level spell plus metamagic (9)
04–08 2nd-level spell plus metamagic (8)
09–15 3rd-level spell plus metamagic (7)
16–24 4th-level spell plus metamagic (6)
25–35 5th-level spell plus metamagic (5)
36–48 6th-level spell plus metamagic (4)
49–63 7th-level spell plus metamagic (3)
64–80 8th-level spell plus metamagic (2)
81–99 9th-level spell plus metamagic (1)
100 Any

11th-Level Spell

d% Spell Level and Metamagic Level Adjustment
01–03 1st-level spell plus metamagic (10)
04–08 2nd-level spell plus metamagic (9)
09–15 3rd-level spell plus metamagic (8)
16–24 4th-level spell plus metamagic (7)
25–35 5th-level spell plus metamagic (6)
36–48 6th-level spell plus metamagic (5)
49–63 7th-level spell plus metamagic (4)
64–80 8th-level spell plus metamagic (3)
81–99 9th-level spell plus metamagic (2)
100 Any

12th-Level Spell

d% Spell Level and Metamagic Level Adjustment
01–05 2nd-level spell plus metamagic (10)
06–12 3rd-level spell plus metamagic (9)
13–21 4th-level spell plus metamagic (8)
22–32 5th-level spell plus metamagic (7)
33–45 6th-level spell plus metamagic (6)
46–60 7th-level spell plus metamagic (5)
61–77 8th-level spell plus metamagic (4)
78–99 9th-level spell plus metamagic (3)
100 Any

13th-Level Spell

d% Spell Level and Metamagic Level Adjustment
01–08 3rd-level spell plus metamagic (10)
09–18 4th-level spell plus metamagic (9)
19–30 5th-level spell plus metamagic (8)
31–44 6th-level spell plus metamagic (7)
45–60 7th-level spell plus metamagic (6)
61–78 8th-level spell plus metamagic (5)
79–99 9th-level spell plus metamagic (4)
100 Any

14th-Level Spell

d% Spell Level and Metamagic Level Adjustment
01–11 4th-level spell plus metamagic (10)
12–24 5th-level spell plus metamagic (9)
25–39 6th-level spell plus metamagic (8)
40–56 7th-level spell plus metamagic (7)
57–75 8th-level spell plus metamagic (6)
76–99 9th-level spell plus metamagic (5)
100 Any

15th-Level Spell

d% Spell Level and Metamagic Level Adjustment
01–15 5th-level spell plus metamagic (10)
16–33 6th-level spell plus metamagic (9)
34–53 7th-level spell plus metamagic (8)
54–75 8th-level spell plus metamagic (7)
76–99 9th-level spell plus metamagic (6)
100 Any

16th-Level Spell

d% Spell Level and Metamagic Level Adjustment
01–18 6th-level spell plus metamagic (10)
19–41 7th-level spell plus metamagic (9)
42–68 8th-level spell plus metamagic (8)
69–99 9th-level spell plus metamagic (7)
100 Any

17th-Level Spell

d% Spell Level and Metamagic Level Adjustment
01-25 7th-level spell plus metamagic (10)
26–60 8th-level spell plus metamagic (9)
61–99 9th-level spell plus metamagic (8)
100 Any

18th-Level Spell

d% Spell Level and Metamagic Level Adjustment
01–41 8th-level spell plus metamagic (10)
42–59 9th-level spell plus metamagic (9)
100 Any

19th-Level Spell

d% Spell Level and Metamagic Level Adjustment
01–99 9th-level spell plus metamagic (10)
100 Any

Table: Metamagic Level Adjustment to Spells

Metamagic (1)

d% Metamagic Effects
01–10 Enlarge Spell
21–40 Extend Spell
41–80 Heighten Spell (+1 level)
81–100 Silent Spell

Metamagic (2)

d% Metamagic Effects
01–25 Empower Spell
26–50 Heighten Spell (+2 levels)
51–55 Roll on Metamagic (1) and add Enlarge Spell
56–65 Roll on Metamagic (1) and add Extend Spell
66–90 Roll on Metamagic (1) and add Heighten Spell (+1 level)
91–100 Roll on Metamagic (1) and add Silent Spell

Metamagic (3)

d% Metamagic Effects
01–25 Heighten Spell (+3 levels)
26–50 Maximize Spell
51–65 Roll on Metamagic (1) and add Empower Spell
66–70 Roll on Metamagic (2) and add Enlarge Spell
71–75 Roll on Metamagic (2) and add Extend Spell
76–95 Roll on Metamagic (2) and add Heighten Spell (+1 level)
96–100 Roll on Metamagic (2) and add Silent Spell

Metamagic (4)

d% Metamagic Effects
01-15 Enhance Spell
16–40 Heighten Spell (+4 levels)
41–55 Quicken Spell 56–65 Roll on Metamagic (1) and add Maximize Spell
66–75 Roll on Metamagic (2) and add Empower Spell
76–80 Roll on Metamagic (3) and add Enlarge Spell
81–85 Roll on Metamagic (3) and add Extend Spell
86–95 Roll on Metamagic (3) and add Heighten Spell (+1 level)
96–100 Roll on Metamagic (3) and add Silent Spell

Metamagic (5)

d% Metamagic Effects
01–30 Heighten Spell (+5 levels)
31–40 Roll on Metamagic (1) and add Enhance Spell
41–55 Roll on Metamagic (1) and add Quicken Spell
56–65 Roll on Metamagic (2) and add Maximize Spell
66–75 Roll on Metamagic (3) and add Empower Spell
76–80 Roll on Metamagic (4) and add Enlarge Spell
81–85 Roll on Metamagic (4) and add Extend Spell
86–95 Roll on Metamagic (4) and add Heighten Spell (+1 level)
96–100 Roll on Metamagic (4) and add Silent Spell

Metamagic (6)

d% Metamagic Effects
01–30 Heighten Spell (+6 levels)
31–40 Roll on Metamagic (2) and add Enhance Spell
41–55 Roll on Metamagic (2) and add Quicken Spell
56–65 Roll on Metamagic (3) and add Maximize Spell
66–75 Roll on Metamagic (4) and add Empower Spell
76–80 Roll on Metamagic (5) and add Enlarge Spell
81–85 Roll on Metamagic (5) and add Extend Spell
86–95 Roll on Metamagic (5) and add Heighten Spell (+1 level)
96–100 Roll on Metamagic (5) and add Silent Spell

Metamagic (7)

d% Metamagic Effects
01–25 Heighten Spell (+7 levels)
26–45 Intensify Spell
46–55 Roll on Metamagic (3) and add Enhance Spell
56–65 Roll on Metamagic (3) and add Quicken Spell
66–75 Roll on Metamagic (4) and add Maximize Spell
76–80 Roll on Metamagic (5) and add Empower Spell
81–85 Roll on Metamagic (6) and add Enlarge Spell
86–90 Roll on Metamagic (6) and add Extend Spell
91–95 Roll on Metamagic (6) and add Heighten Spell (+1 level)
96–100 Roll on Metamagic (6) and add Silent Spell

Metamagic (8)

d% Metamagic Effects
01–30 Heighten Spell (+8 levels)
31–45 Roll on Metamagic (1) and add Intensify Spell
46–55 Roll on Metamagic (4) and add Enhance Spell
56–65 Roll on Metamagic (4) and add Quicken Spell
66–75 Roll on Metamagic (5) and add Maximize Spell
76–80 Roll on Metamagic (6) and add Empower Spell
81–85 Roll on Metamagic (7) and add Enlarge Spell
86–90 Roll on Metamagic (7) and add Extend Spell
91–95 Roll on Metamagic (7) and add Heighten Spell (+1 level)
96–100 Roll on Metamagic (7) and add Silent Spell

Metamagic (9)

d% Metamagic Effects
01–30 Heighten Spell (+9 levels)
31–45 Roll on Metamagic (2) and add Intensify Spell
46–55 Roll on Metamagic (5) and add Enhance Spell
56–65 Roll on Metamagic (5) and add Quicken Spell
66–75 Roll on Metamagic (6) and add Maximize Spell
76–80 Roll on Metamagic (7) and add Empower Spell
81–85 Roll on Metamagic (8) and add Enlarge Spell
86-90 Roll on Metamagic (8) and add Extend Spell
91–95 Roll on Metamagic (8) and add Heighten Spell (+1 level)
96–100 Roll on Metamagic (8) and add Silent Spell

Metamagic (10)

d% Metamagic Effects
01–30 Heighten Spell (+10 levels)
31–45 Roll on Metamagic (3) and add Intensify Spell
46–55 Roll on Metamagic (6) and add Enhance Spell
56–65 Roll on Metamagic (6) and add Quicken Spell
66–75 Roll on Metamagic (7) and add Maximize Spell
76–80 Roll on Metamagic (8) and add Empower Spell
81–85 Roll on Metamagic (9) and add Enlarge Spell
86–90 Roll on Metamagic (9) and add Extend Spell
91–95 Roll on Metamagic (9) and add Heighten Spell (+1 level)
96–100 Roll on Metamagic (9) and add Silent Spell

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