Publication:Unearthed Arcana/Celestial

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A character with a celestial bloodline can trace her heritage to beings of good-aligned planes, much like an aasimar or celestial creature. Most angels, archons, guardinals, and eladrins have the ability to interbreed with humanoids, and examples of celestial creatures descending from the heavens to live with mortals often appear in myth and legend. Descendants of such relationships often have silver or golden hair, a proud bearing, or a piercing stare.

Celestial Bloodline Traits
Minor Intermediate Major
1st +2 on Sense Motive checks
2nd +2 on Sense Motive checks Alertness
3rd Wisdom +1
4th +2 on Sense Motive checks Alertness protection from evil 1/day (Sp)
5th Celestial affinity +21
6th Wisdom +1 Smite evil 1/day (Su)2
7th +2 on Concentration checks
8th Alertness protection from evil 1/day (Sp) Resistance to electricity 5 (Ex)
9th Charisma +1
10th Celestial affinity +21 +2 on saves against poison (Ex)
11th Celestial affinity +41
12th Wisdom +1 Smite evil 1/day (Su)2 Resistance to cold 5 (Ex)
13th +2 on Listen checks
14th +2 on Concentration checks Improved Initiative
15th Constitution +1
16th protection from evil 1/day (Sp) Resistance to electricity 5 (Ex) Resistance to acid 5 (Ex)
17th Celestial affinity +61
18th Charisma +1 +1 to natural armor
19th +2 on Spot checks
20th Celestial affinity +21 +2 on saves against poison (Ex) Damage reduction 5/evil
  1. You gain the indicated bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform checks made to interact with celestials.
  2. You can smite an evil creature with a melee attack as a paladin of your character level once per day.

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