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Publication:Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 142

< Publication:Dragon (magazine)
Dragon (magazine)/Dragon 142
DragonMagazine142 0000.jpg
System: Dungeons and Dragons 1e 
Abbreviation: DM142 
Author: Roger E. Moore 
Publisher: TSR Inc. 
Publication Date: February 1989 
Format: PDF 
Page Count: 78 
Price: $3.50

Dragon Magazine 142 was published by TSR, Inc. in February of 1989. It contained the following articles:

Table of Contents

  • The Role of Computers: A review of the Pool of Radiance Clue Book.
  • Made-to-Order Clerical Orders: Religious hierarchies and temple design.
  • Arcane Lore: Spells of the Wild Cult: 15 new druid spells.

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