Pressure, Alternative (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 9th February 2020
Status: Complete
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Pressure [General] "Itsuko is exerting its Pressure!"Benefit: You exude an aura of pressure, all opponents within 60 feet targeting you with a special ability with limited uses loses an additional use of that ability or causes a cooldown on at-will abilities. This includes area of effect which includes you. Pressure function differently based on the ability, with the following rules below:

  • If an opponent within 60 feet targets you with a spell, it loses a spell slot of the same level.
  • If an opponent within 60 feet targets you with a power, it loses a number of power points equal to the power point spent on their initial power.
  • If an opponent within 60 feet targets you with a maneuver, another maneuver of any level or type is expended.
  • If an opponent within 60 feet targets you with an ability with a number of uses per day, she loses an additional use of that ability.
  • If an opponent within 60 feet targets you with a magic item with a number of charges, the item loses an additional charge.
  • If an opponent within 60 feet targets you with an at-will ability or an ability with limited uses which does not follow any of the rules above, it cannot be used for 1 round (much like a breath weapon cooldown).

The loss of uses happens after the ability is successfully used, if it fails to activate additional uses are not deducted. This ability does not affect allies or oneself. You may suppress or resume pressure as a free action.

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Article BalanceVery High +
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteNone +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryYou radiate pressure which causes loss of uses to abilities targeting you. +
TitlePressure, Alternative +
TypeGeneral +