Path of the Zealot (5e24)

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 5th edition (2024) Pointer  + 

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Path of the Zealot[1]
Barbarian subclass

Rage in Ecstatic Union with a God

Unofficial Description: Zealot Barbarians channel primal power at the behest of a Deity.

Path of the Zealot Features

Barbarian Level Features  
3rd Divine Fury 
6th Fanatical Focus 
10th Zealous Presence 
14th Rage of the Gods


Divine Fury

3rd, 6th, 12th, 17th level Path of the Zealot feature.
Unofficial Summary: The barbarian has a number of d12 dice that it can use to heal itself using a Bonus Action. The number of dice increases at certain barbarian levels and replenishes at the end of a Long Rest

Fanatical Focus

6th level Path of the Zealot feature.
Unofficial Summary: Once while Raging, you may reroll a failed saving throw with a bonus. 

Zealous Presence

10th level Path of the Zealot feature.
Unofficial Summary: Once per Long Rest, use a Bonus Action to shout and give Advantage on attack rolls to a number of creatures until the barbarian's next turn

Rage of the Gods

14th level Path of the Zealot feature.
Unofficial Summary: Once per Long Rest, when you Rage, you may gain the following benefits:

Flight. Gain a Fly Speed and hover.
Resistance. Gain Resistances.
Revivification. Give Hit Points to creatures that drop to 0 Hit Points.


Sources and Notes

  1. Wizards RPG Team (17 September 2024). Player's Handbook. (5e 2024) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 9780786969821. p. 57. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).

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Template:Copyright Footer Notice

AuthorPlayer's Handbook (5e24) +
Canontrue +
ClassBarbarian +
FeaturesDivine Fury +, Fanatical Focus +, Zealous Presence + and Rage of the Gods +
PublicationPlayer's Handbook (5e24) +
SortTextZealot Path of the 5e24 +
Subclasstrue +
Subclass NamePath of the Zealot +
SummaryThis path relies on religious fervor. +