Ionize - Amplified (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Neostar (talk)
Date Created: March 2020
Status: Finished
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Ionize - Amplified [Spelltouched] Prerequisites:  Ionize, Able to cast Ionic Generator spell, Must have been exposed to the Ionic Generator spell every day for a month, Spellcraft 8 ranksBenefit: The electricity flowing through your body goes deeper into your muscles and nerves. Your eyes will turn electric blue. Your hair twists in pale blue crackled patterns, releasing small electric arcs.

Now, when you cast Ionic Generator on yourself, the duration of the spell increases by 48 hours for every 4 ranks in Spellcraft and you can now store ionic charges up to trice your level. Now, for each cumulative hour that the target spends significant movement during the spell's duration (i.e. walking, exercising, fighting), it gains two ionic charges (instead of one). Special: The physical changes due to prolonged exposure to a large amount of electricity have permanently changed your appearance, giving it easily recognizable aspects. As a result, you receive a penalty of -4 on Disguise tests. Also, each round you spend submerged in water has a 25% chance of losing a stored ionic charge and causing you 1d6 damage to electricity (reductions and immunities do not apply).

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Article BalanceModerate +
AuthorNeostar +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteAble to cast Ionic Generator spell +, Ionize +, Must have been exposed to the Ionic Generator spell every day for a month + and Spellcraft 8 ranks +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThe electricity flowing through your body goes deeper into your muscles and nerves. +
TitleIonize - Amplified +
TypeSpelltouched +