Grimstone Staff (3.5e Equipment)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 15th November 2019
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Grimstone Staff
Price: 22,000 GP
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 7th
Aura: Moderate Evocation and Transmutation
Activation: Use-Activated
Weight: 8 lbs

The Grimstone Staff is a unusually long quarterstaff that appears to be made of stone. Although closer observation reveal it to be a strange stone-like alloy alongside grey wood. The head of the staff is a gargoyle and may be used as a two-handed Heavy Mace instead of a double weapon, although only requiring quarterstaff proficiency.

The Grimstone Staff possess 10 charges, which may be used to cast the following spells at one charge each:

The greater flame breath spell emanate from the Staff's Gargoyle Head and thus cannot be used while the staff isn't wielded. Unlike most staves, the Grimstone Staff regain a single charge each day.

Once per day as a 1 round action, the wielder of the Grimstone Staff may use it to summon a Gargoyle which serve her for 1 hour. The wielder may expend a spell slot while using this ability, giving her the ability to summon a gargoyle whose CR is equal to twice the spell level -2. The summoned gargoyle may be advanced, or another type of gargoyle. If the summoned gargoyle is killed, she cannot use this function of the staff for 1 week.

Prerequisites: N/A.
Cost to Create: Unique item, cannot be created.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4509 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Body SlotHeld +
Cost22,000 GP +
Identifier3.5e Equipment +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryA staff with a gargoyle head, can cast spells, breath fire and summon gargoyle minions. +
TitleGrimstone Staff +