Forest Stalker (MC Paragon Path)

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Author: Xeadin (talk)
Date Created: 4-2-11
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Forest Stalker

Forest Stalker

I am the silence of the trees—I can hear their breath, and they tell me that you don’t belong here.
—Kiera, Elven mystic of Myrwood Hiils
Prerequisite: Woodland Elf 

Efficient hunters of the wilderness-- keen as the forest floor beneath their feet. The seasons change, and the forests become a haven for creatures of many kinds, but no other creature can feel at home in their natural home than the forest stalkers that keep it as is. They are the defenders of the forests—hedging out trespassers that advance too deep into their territory. Their presence starts off as a dreary darkness that suddenly looms above the trespasser, warning them to turn back or else something terrible will happen. If they continue to persist, the stalker strikes—felling the trespasser without warning. Blood is spilled, and the forests fall into the safety of the guardians once again.

Many forest stalkers like to taunt their prey before striking. They use their environment to their advantage—never wasting a single breath.

Forest Stalker Path Features

Elven Weapon Focus (11th level): Your proficiency bonus with the longbow and the shortbow increases to +3.
Stalker's Accuracy (11th level): You gain a +2 bonus to your reroll when you use the elven accuracy racial power.
Stalking Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you gain total concealment until the start of your next turn.
Shielding Forest (16th level): When you end your move or start your turn adjacent to a tree, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses. This bonus lasts as long as you stay adjacent to a tree.

Forest Stalker Path Powers

Stalk the Senseless
Forest Stalker Attack 11
You whack your foe upside the head with the flat end of your weapon—knocking it senseless.
Standard Action Melee 1
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Armor Class
Hit: 2d6 + Strength modifier damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Effect: As long as the target is dazed, you gain concealment (and therefore combat advantage) against the target.

Hide Amongst the Trees
Forest Stalker Utility 12
You skillfully avoid detection against your enemies while hiding behind the trunks of the trees.
Daily ✦ Stance
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Until the stance ends, whenever you stand at least 2 squares from a tree’s space, you gain a +5 power bonus to Stealth checks. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls against targets when you use a ranged attack while in the space.

Nature's Wrath
Forest Stalker Attack 20
You make a quick dash at or pelt each of your enemies within your sight, and you leave them sprawling for balance in the tall grass.
Standard Action Area Burst 3
Target: Each creature in burst that you can see
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: Deal damage as if you had used your melee or ranged basic attack. The target is also dazed (save ends).
Effect: The burst becomes difficult terrain until the end of the encounter. If you used a melee weapon for this power, you move to a space adjacent to the last enemy you hit or missed.

Woodland Elf
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Action TypeStandard Action + and Minor Action +
AuthorXeadin +
IdentifierMC Paragon Path +
KeywordStance +
Level11 +, 12 + and 20 +
RaceWoodland Elf +
RangeMelee1 +, Personal + and Area Burst3 +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryEfficient hunters of the wilderness-- keen as the forest floor beneath their feet. +
TitleForest Stalker +
TypeForest Stalker Attack Power + and Forest Stalker Utility Power +
UsageEncounter + and Daily +