Eladrin (disambiguation)

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The following articles discuss eladrin:



5th edition

  • Autumn Eladrin (These eladrin take on the colors of fall; rusts, oranges, browns, etc. They reflect a time of peace.)
  • Eladrin Lineage (Eladrin Lineage)
  • Spring Eladrin (These eladrin take on the colors of spring; greens, blues and yellows. They reflect a time of joy.)
  • Eladrin Subrace (These are elves from the Feywild)
  • Summer Eladrin (These eladrin take on the colors of Summer; greens, reds, and yellows etc. They reflect a time of heat and wrath.)
  • Winter Eladrin (These eladrin take on the colors of Winters; pale blues, grays, white etc. They reflect a time of sorrow.)
  • Eladrin Template

4th edition

use search function

3.x editions

use search function