Brass Dragonborn (5e Subrace)
From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Brass Dragonborn
Dragonborn hailing from brass dragon lineage typically possess yellowish scales, reddish eyes, and a pair of hard, backwards-curving bony plates on either side of their head. ' is a subrace of Dragonborn - Rewrites
- Ability Score Increase: Charisma +1
- Brass Dragon Affinity. Brass Dragonborn have proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
- Sleepsand. Magic cannot put Brass Dragonborn to sleep. At 3rd level, Brass Dragonborn gain the ability to cast the Sleep spell once per short or long rest, using Charisma as their spellcasting ability.
- Brass Heritage. Brass Dragonborn have Resistance to Fire damage, and their Breath weapon is a 5ft-wide, 30ft-long Line, dealing Fire damage and allowing a Dexterity save for half damage.