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Blades Of Vanquished Armies (3.5e Invocation)

Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 11/30/2016
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Blades Of Vanquished Armies
Warlock Lesser; 4th

Muttering a curse and slashing at the air with fingers curled like claws, suddenly the air around you is filled with a spinning ring of whirling, ghostly blades. The blades parry attacks, harm those who come too close, and you can even have the weapons attack nearby targets.

Based off of the Encounter power of the same name for the Scourge Warlock class in the Neverwinter MMO (Which does not belong to me, nor to DnDWiki, but is merely being referenced here for educational purposes), this invocation calls into being a spinning ring of blades of force around the Warlock. The blades, which move with the warlock as they move, provide a +1 Deflection bonus to Armor Class for each dice of damage the Warlock's Eldritch Blast would ordinarily do (Max +10), and any creature within 10 feet of the Warlock at the start of the warlock's turn is struck by 1d4 of the blades, allowed a Reflex save for half damage. This spinning shield of blades remains active for 1 round per invoker level; However, this invocation, once it ends, is dismissed or is dispelled, cannot be used again for 1d4 rounds; The souls of damned soldiers are reluctant to give their blades away for long. Each time the target takes damage from any of the blades, roll 1d10 the appropriate number of times, consulting the table below. Weapons that deal damage passively, requiring no attack roll, cannot deal critical strikes.

This invocation functions as the Warlock's Eldritch Blast for the purposes of the Dark Spiral Aura invocation, adding the appropriate negative energy damage and gaining extra orbs from targets felled with this invocation; Thus the two working in concert are a mighty combination.

Furthermore, while the invocation is active, the Warlock can use a swift action once per round to attack a target with one of the blades. This is a ranged touch attack with a range of 60 feet, and strikes the target with a random blade. The advantage here is that the invocation, when used in this manner, can critically strike, and any weapon feats, such as Weapon Focus or Improved Critical, that the Warlock possesses for his Eldritch Blast or for any of the weapons on the table, also apply to the attack. The Warlock can also make a full attack at a range using this invocation, but in doing so forgoes the normal single swift attack he would get.

Normally the blades deal Force damage, and in any case, are considered a Force effect. However, the Warlock can increase the activation time of the invocation to a full-round action in order to apply any Eldritch Essence invocation they know to the blades, changing the damage appropriately. Spell resistance applies to this invocation, with the exception of when it is imbued with the Vitrolic Blast essence. However, the Warlock cannot use the same Eldritch Essence on both this invocation and on his Eldritch Blast at the same time; Thus whichever Eldritch Essence you imbue into this invocation is locked out for the duration of the invocation.

You cannot choose what blades strike the targets, even when causing the blade to attack a target at a range; The blades whirl for too fast to pick a single one out of the crowd to attack with. Thus, the table below is used whenever a target takes damage from the invocation.

Table: Vanquished Blades
d10 Result Weapon Damage Critical Profile
1 Dagger 1d4 19–20/×2
2 Sickle 1d6 20/x2
3 Short Sword 1d6 19–20/x2
4 Kama 1d6 20/x2
5 Scimitar 1d6 18–20/×2
6 Longsword 1d8 19–20/x2
7 Bastard Sword 1d10 19–20/x2
8 Falchion 2d4 18–20/×2
9 Scythe 2d4 20/x4
10 Greatsword 2d6 19–20/x2

Curse Synergy: The blades automatically attack Cursed targets within their range each round.

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