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Those who fall into the clutches of the zerg swarm are horribly corrupted and mutated according to the whims of their new masters. Most emerge from their morphing chrysalis looking more alien than anything else, but a few are left with few external indications of their new alegiance... to be used as agents to infiltrate their original society and bring it down from within.
Oftentimes, infested will develop freakish and bestial features, such as overlarge fangs and claws. They can mutate in such a way as to functionally fuse with whatever weapons and armour they had at the time, their bodies warping to integrating armour into their mass directly and enelope the hilts of weapons (especially magical ones). It is not uncommon for them to sprout spines and tentacles seemingly at random, emerging from gaps in their armour or piercing it as they grow.
There may be an order to the chaos, however, as many infested show a striking resemblance to certain existing zerg strains. This is believed to be a result of some genetic affinity for that aspect of the swarms genome. This often coincides with the victim's predisposition prior to infestation, as those who favoured melee combat more often have an affinity for zergling or ultralisk aspects, whereas those who preferred ranged combat tend to align with hydralisk aspects.
Infested Rabble Tactics
Rabble are freshly infested, just beginnig to maifest their first mutations and still weakened from the horrifying zerg virus. As such they are rather vulnerable, but even so, their mutations grant them deadly claws and thick, leathery skin. Their enhanced regenerative ability may keep some in the fight a little longer. They attack only in defense of thier brood, preferring to work in pairs and occasionally taking up their formerly favoured weapons, if available.
Infested Slasher Tactics
The first step in an often painful process of transformation, slashers develop some of the more universal zerg features. Their toes lengthen, giving them the long strides of a digitigrade gait. Their eyes become the disconcerting orange and black, even as their hides harden into a bizare scaly exoskeleton. Their fingers develop into long, razor sharp talons that fan out like a bat's wing (lacking its membrane) and they grow needle-like teeth, occasionally complimented by a pair of fanged mandibles.
Abomination Tactics
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