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[hide]Drunken Boxer
“ | Drinking gives Herculean strength! | ” |
—Master Wong, Human Drunken Boxer, The Eight Drunken Gods |
Drunken boxing is a well known style of kung-fu known as such because of the manner in which the martial artists stumble around as if they were heavily intoxicated, appearing vulnerable but striking swiftly in an unpredictable pattern. Focusing on strong fingers, capable of cracking walnuts between forefinger and thumb like they were peanuts. Gripping the throat is the main means to disabling their opponent whilst they strike with superhuman strength. Drinking alcohol only increases their power, their training shaping their bodies into mere vessels for beer and spirits as they harness the dulling of their pain and making their movements even harder to predict. They remain fully functional when most men would fall comatose to the volume of alcohol they have drunken.
Becoming a Drunken Boxer
Drunken boxers are more often than not reclusive kung-fu masters who travel from place to place, not settling in one place long enough for their presence to be fully established and known. Many folk tales tell of kung-fu disciples losing face and leaving martial arts schools at various points in their experience and from there attempting to seek redemption or forget their troubles - dousing them in wine and other liquor. Monks and those learned in smiliar forms of martial arts are the only ones who have the base skill suited to that of drunken boxing and as such are the only ones elegible to seek the training from a true drunken boxer. At the highest point of this strange but powerful kung-fu, the drunken boxer will be adept at controlling and contorting his enemies and exploiting their weaknesses in close combat whether by tripping, dazing the opponent or even making enemies strike eachother as he stumbles around the battlefield.
Skills: | Tumble 8 Ranks. |
Feats: | Improved Grapple, Stunning Fist. |
Special: | Monk AC Bonus. |
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Saving Throws | Special | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fort | Ref | Will | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1st | +1 | +2 | +2 | +0 | Down the Hatch, Drunken Swagger | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2nd | +2 | +3 | +3 | +0 | Stagger, Monkey Slips on Peel | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3rd | +3 | +3 | +3 | +1 | Flailing Kicks, Monkey Clings to Branch | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4th | +4 | +4 | +4 | +1 | Mean Drunk, Monkey Passes the Gourd | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5th | +5 | +4 | +4 | +1 | Bad Wine, Monkey Lights the Candle | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6th | +6 | +5 | +5 | +2 | Rolling the Wine Cask, Splitting Wine Cask | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7th | +7 | +5 | +5 | +2 | Barrel Forehead, Monkey Picks the Fruit | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8th | +8 | +6 | +6 | +2 | Drunken Stupor, Under the Table | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9th | +9 | +6 | +6 | +3 | Monkey King Palm, Powerful Throat Grab | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10th | +10 | +7 | +7 | +3 | Drunken Master, Monkey King’s Iron Liver | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level.) |
Level | Special |
11th | — |
12th | — |
13th | Bonus feat |
14th | — |
15th | — |
16th | Bonus feat |
17th | — |
18th | — |
19th | Bonus feat |
20th | — |
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the drunken boxer.
Down the Hatch (Ex): Drunken Boxers are legendary alcoholics, relying on liquor to sustain their martial arts and the effects actually making their attacks more unpredictable, powerful and also making them more resilient to pain. A drunken boxer may brew his own alcoholic beverage or consume anything he can get in hand which has an alcohol content of any sort. As a move action which does no provoke an attack of opportunity the drunken boxer may consume a single portion of alcohol. After consumption the drunken boxer gains a +2 bonus to his Charisma and Strength scores while taking a -2 penalty to his Wisdom and Intelligence scores, the bonuses and penalties stack if the drunken boxer consumes multiple alcoholic beverages in one sitting however he may only gain a number of bonuses from one drink/drunken boxer level per sitting (if a 3rd level drunken boxer drinks 3 portions of liquor he gains a +6 bonus to his Strength and Charisma score as well as -6 to his Wisdom and Intelligence scores but he may not gain any further bonuses from consuming further alcoholic beverages until he either processes one portion of liquor or gains an additional drunken boxer level). In addition the drunken boxer gains 1 temporary hit point per drunken boxer level per beverage consumed, these temporary hit points cannot exceed the drunken boxer’s class level, instead the temporary hit points are restored every time he drinks a portion of alcohol. These temporary hit points stack with other sources such as aid. Each portion will last for 1 minute.
Drunken Swagger (Ex): Swaying to and fro, stumbling around the drunken boxer forsakes his noble roots in graceful martial arts to instead pursue the unpredictable power of drunken boxing. Instead of relying on Wisdom for most of or all of his kung-fu the drunken boxer may instead substitute his Charisma (if he so chooses) for his AC bonus, DC of stunning fist and other monk-type feats. In addition the drunken boxer’s AC Bonus no longer applies to his touch AC.
Monkey Slips on Peel (Ex): By kicking with one foot towards one direction and punching in another, the drunken master may attack two targets which would otherwise gain the advantage of flanking against him. The drunken master is no longer subject to flanking and may as a standard action make two separate attack rolls against two opponents which would be considered as flanking the drunken boxer.
Stagger (Ex): by tripping, stumbling, and staggering a drunken boxer of 2nd level or higher can make a charge that surprises his opponents. This ability has two beneficial aspects: First the charge need not be in a straight line, even thought the character may still move up to half his speed. Second, if a drunken master makes a DC 15 Tumble check before beginning a charge, his movement through threatened squares will not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Flailing Kicks (Ex): Even when flat on the ground, the drunken boxer can defend himself with a flurry of kicks just as effective as his own two hands in engaging his enemies. While prone the drunken boxer may make melee attacks without the regular -4 penalty to attack rolls and does not take the usual -4 penalty to AC.
Monkey Clings to Branch (Ex): The drunken boxer is known for his ability to get into close quarters with his enemy and deny him the ability to move around, clinging to them to imitate the cheeky monkey. As a move action which provokes an attack of opportunity the drunken master may move into an opponent’s square and deduct a certain amount from his Monk AC bonus and at the same time deduct this amount from the enemies Dexterity bonus to AC. You may reduce the enemies Dexterity modifier to AC into negatives the drunken boxer may not reduce his monk AC bonus past 0. You may avoid the attack of opportunity from moving into the enemies square by making a DC 15 Tumble check.
Mean Drunk (Ex): Stumbling around in a drunken stupor, even whilst intoxicated the drunken boxer does not lose his edge in combat. Whilst charging and subsequently using the Stagger class feature, the drunken boxer may make one melee attack roll against all targets within his reach including the target at the end of his charge. Any target may not be attacked more than once in any given charge. If he should pass through threatened squares he may make a DC 15 Tumble check to avoid attacks of opportunity, this check does not hinder his movement or reduce his movement for that round. A drunken boxer may only attack a number of targets equal to the amount of attacks granted in a full attack plus one for the attack at the end of his charge, all these attacks are made at his full base attack bonus.
Monkey Passes the Gourd (Ex): By rolling his body in such a way that it carries an enemies blow, but not in any way hindering its flow, the drunken boxer may redirect its path towards a target other than himself. As an immediate action useable once per round the drunken boxer may make a missed attack against the drunken boxer by an enemy hit an adjacent enemy (not the source of the attack) by making a successful touch attack against the intended target. The target is dealt regular damage by the weapon as if they had been struck by the initial attack.
Bad Wine (Ex): Every now and then the drunken boxer will come to a point where he either has had too much to drink or comes across some liquor he dislikes. The most logical resolution to this predicament comes in the form of spitting alcohol in his enemies face, blinding them temporarily and making them more vulnerable to fire with their exposed areas being sodden with booze. As a free action in the same turn he makes a move action to drink (see Down the Hatch class feature) or as a move action to sacrifice a portion of alcohol granting current penalties/bonuses (also see Down the Hatch class feature the drunken boxer may make a ranged touch attack with a range of 10 feet to which the enemy must make a Reflex Save DC 10 + ½ drunken boxer level + Charisma modifier or become blinded for one round. In addition, even if the target is to make the Reflex Save they will become sodden in alcohol, making them take an additional 1 fire damage per die of fire damage dealt to them for the next round. The blinding aspect of this ability does not affect creatures without an anatomy such as undead, plants, constructs and oozes. Once this ability is used the drunken boxer does not gain the respective bonuses/penalties of the Down the Hatch class feature.
Monkey Lights the Candle (Ex): Getting drunk is not one of the only uses for alcohol. By taking a swig of his favourite liquor and spitting the contents into an open flame the beverage will ignite and cause items around to catch aflame. As a move action the drunken boxer may take a portion of alcohol and ignite it within his mouth dealing 1d12 fire damage in a 20ft cone area. This damage may be halved if the subject makes a Reflex Save DC 10 + ½ drunken boxer level + Charisma modifier or receive full damage. The drunken master may summon up other portions of alcohol from within his body to use as well to strengthen the flame. For ever portion of alcohol the drunken master sacrifices from his body (portions which grant the Down the Hatch class feature bonus/penalty only) this feature will allow Monkey Lights the Candle to deal an additional 1d12 fire damage.
Rolling the Wine Cask (Ex): By grabbing the enemy’s head and rolling it around in his arms the drunken boxer may disorient and confuse his enemy. As a standard action the drunken boxer may make a melee touch attack against a nearby enemy after which they must make a Fortitude Save DC 10 + drunken master’s class level + Charisma modifier or be confused for 1 round/three drunken boxer levels. The victim is allowed an additional Fortitude save every round it is under this effect, the effect ends once the target makes a successful Fortitude Save. Creatures which are immune to mind-affecting effects are not protected against Rolling the Wine Cask.
Splitting Wine Cask (Ex): Delivering a deadly overhead attack, the drunken boxer aims for his opponents crown with more force than any other form of martial arts – enough to break a man’s head open. Whenever a drunken boxer attempts a stunning fist attack, his opponent is instead stunning for 1 round/every three drunken boxer (2 rounds per stunning fist strike at 6th and 3 rounds per stunning fist strike at 9th). The target is allowed a new Fortitude Save every round they are under this effect, once the target has succeeded one Fortitude Save the effect is broken.
Barrel Forehead (Ex): Launching himself at the enemy, presenting his forehead to strike at their stomach or other soft areas, the drunken boxer barrels forward without a second though. At the end of a charge, after successfully hitting the target at the end of his charge the drunken boxer may initiate a bull rush attempt which does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If he succeeds this attempt the opponent must make a Fortitude Save DC 10 + ½ drunken boxer level + Charisma modifier or be stunned for 1 round/three drunken boxer levels. If the bull rush attempt fails, then the drunken boxer lands prone in front of the opponent.
Monkey Picks the Fruit (Ex): Drawing his enemies hand underneath their legs, the drunken boxer may take advantage of this position and throw his opponent off balance. As a standard action the drunken boxer may move into his opponents square and make a touch attack against him, if this succeeds then the target must make a Reflex Save DC 10 + ½ drunken boxer level + Charisma modifier or become prone. If a target has more than two legs or is otherwise more stable than a regular human, this decreases the drunken boxer’s melee touch attack roll by -2. You may avoid the attack of opportunity from moving into the enemies square by making a DC 15 Tumble check.
Drunken Stupor (Ex): By throwing off his opponents balance in such a way that it disturbs their natural orientation, the drunken boxer may disorient his target in such a way it appears as if they themselves are inebriated. Any time an opponent is made prone by the drunken boxer they must make a Reflex Save DC 10 + ½ drunken boxer level + Charisma modifier each time they attempt to stand up from prone, this includes those with the kip up class feature. Subject who fail their attempt to stand up from prone do not provoke an attack of opportunity from those around as usual, only those who succeed their Saving Throw but do not possess the kip up class feature will be subject to attacks of opportunity.
Under the Table (Ex): The drunken boxer has no refrain from dropping in a cheap shot on an already downed opponent. As a standard action or as a free action when the drunken boxer successfully completes Monkey Picks the Fruit, he may drop his elbow on an already prone opponent to deliver a powerful blow to their stomach or other vulnerable regions. The target must succeed a Fortitude Save DC 10 + ½ drunken boxer level + Charisma modifier or be dealt dealt critical damage by the drunken boxer’s unarmed strike. In addition to this the target is dealt additional 1d12 per three drunken boxer levels, this damage is not multiplied if the critical succeeds. If the victim succeeds the save then he is dealt regular damage by the attack. The drunken master is rendered prone as well by this attack.
Monkey King Palm (Ex): Summoning his inner strength into a single flat-palmed attack, the drunken boxer can send his opponents flying a dozen feet backwards. As a full-round action the drunken boxer may make a melee touch attack against an opponent, if this attack succeeds then the target is dealt regular melee damage and an additional 1d12 per every three drunken boxer levels. The target is also counted as being knocked back 10 feet in a straight line and rendered prone if it does not make a Reflex Save DC 10 + ½ drunken boxer level + Charisma modifier. If the target hits an obstacle during being knocked back, he takes an additional 1d12 per three drunken boxer levels. The same damage is dealt to the obstacle. If the target is one size category larger than the drunken boxer, then it is instead knocked back only 5 feet and any opponent larger than one size category is not affected by the knock back effect of this ability.
Powerful Throat Grab (Ex): His wrists and fingers honed with more focus and strength than most other fighters have in their entire being, the drunken boxer may latch onto an opponent’s throat and hold it indefinitely. Whenever a drunken boxer attempts to initiate a grapple, he is counted as always succeeding his grapple check to initiate a grapple and therefore only needs to make a touch attack against his opponent to begin a grapple but must still make successful checks to maintain it each round. In addition the drunken boxer now gains his class levels in drunken boxer as a bonus to his grapple modifier and may choose to use his Wisdom or Charisma modifier in place of his Strength modifier for determining his grapple modifier (if it is higher).
Drunken Master (Ex): The drunken boxer relies on his unpredictable striking pattern, making his attacks more effective as he catches his opponent off guard. From now on when a drunken boxer makes any unarmed strike he may add his Charisma bonus as extra damage, this extra damage is multiplied when a critical hit is confirmed on an enemy.
Monkey King’s Iron Liver (Ex): His body so filled with alcohol it would reduce a normal man to a coma and most likely kill him, the drunken boxer fights on blindly, his strikes more powerful, his pain dulled to the point where he no longer can feel the impact of his own attacks. A drunken boxer may reduce his Wisdom and Intelligence scores to 0 or below for a certain period from the penalties of his Down the Hatch class feature – or from energy drains, ability score damage or burns – without the usual penalties for having an ability score reduce to 0 or below (which would normally render a character comatose and helpless). For 1 round per three drunken boxer levels he may exist in this state until the end period, wherein his Wisdom and Intelligence scores must be raised above 0 by neutralizing the alcohol in his system, taking away the respective bonuses/penalties given by the Down the Hatch class feature. If the drunken boxer’s Wisdom or Intelligence score is not above 0 by removing all Wisdom and Intelligence score penalties bestowed by the Down the Hatch class feature then he is reduced to a comatose state and is rendered helpless.
The epic drunken boxer gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic drunken boxer feats) every 3 levels after 10th.
Epic Drunken Boxer Bonus Feat List: Armor Skin, Blinding Speed, Damage Reduction, Dire Charge, Epic Endurance, Epic Fortitude, Epic Prowess, Epic Reflexes, Epic Speed, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Shattering Strike, Exceptional Deflection, Extended Life Span, Fast Healing, Great Charisma, Great Constitution, Great Strength, Great Wisdom, Improved Ki Strike, Improved Stunning Fist, Improved Whirlwind Attack, Infinite Deflection, Keen Strike, Vorpal Strike, Legendary Climber, Legendary Leaper, Legendary Wrestler, Overwhelming Critical, Devastating Critical, Penetrate Damage Reduction, Perfect Health, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Reflect Arrows and Two-Weapon Rend
Ex-Drunken Boxers
<-What happens (if anything) if characters of this class lose an entry requirement or violate their code of conduct (if this class has one). Delete this section if there are no contingencies for continuing in this class->
Campaign Information
Playing a Drunken Boxer
Combat: <-Typical role in combat->
Advancement: <-Typical advancement options for characters with this class. Include desirable multiclass options->
Resources: <-What kind of assistance members of this class can expect from each other including possible organizations->
Drunken Boxers in the World
“ | <-Some quote from a character of this class-> | ” |
<-Where characters of this class fit in a d20 world->
NPC Reactions: <-How NPCs react to characters of this class->
Drunken Boxer Lore
Characters with ranks in <-the appropriate skills-> can research <-insert prestige class name-> to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.
DC | Result |
11 | <-not so common knowledge->. |
16 | <-rare information->. |
21 | <-very rare information->. |
26 | <-information so obscure that members of this class might not even know it->. |
Drunken Boxers in the Game
<-How characters of this class fit in the game (PC and NPC) and what roles they play->
Adaptation: <-Fitting this class in your campaign->
Sample Encounter: <-DM placement for NPC of this class->
EL whatever: <-Encounter scenario and character info on sample NPC including stat block. The CR of the NPC is typically the same as the EL for the encounter->
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