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My Sandbox

My Combat Feats

This first feat is pretty much Paladin in a can. Well, minus the healing half, so Diet Paladin.

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/8/2010
Status: Nearly Complete
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Subdued Smiting [Fighter] 'Prerequisites: Charisma 13 and non-True Neutral Alignment or Smite special attack Benefits: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.

  • +0: Subduing Strike BoED p.46 Modified: Also applies to ranged attacks.
  • +1: If you do not already have a Smite Attack, Gain Strike of the Believer. If you do have a Smite Attack, Gain Steadfast Zealousness.
  • +6: Holy Subdual BoED p.44 Modified: Remove alignment specifics and apply across all alignments.
  • +11: Ranged Smite Evil BoED p.45 Modified: Apply to any Smite Attack, not just Smite Evil.
  • +16: Exalted Smite BoED p.42 Modified: Once again, change alignment descriptors to match your Smite.

The Favored Enemy ability of the Tome Ranger distilled into a feat. You can really see a pattern with my feats can't you.

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/10/2010
Status: Nearly Complete
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Big Game Hunter [Combat] Learn the habits of a particular quarry and put that knowledge to good use. Benefits: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.

  • +0: Gain the Favored Enemy ability as a Ranger except as noted here. Gain the +2 to hit against your favored enemy but no extra damage dice.
  • +1: Gain +2d6 against your target.
  • +6: Increase to +4d6 and gain the Minor benefit from this list.
  • +11: Increase to +6d6 and gain the Advanced benefit from this list.
  • +16: Increase to +8d6 and gain the Major benefit from this list.

Special: You may take this feat more than once, choosing a different category of Favored Enemy each time.


Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/10/2010
Status: Sandbox
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The School of the Undefeated of the East [Mobile Fighter] Let's get things started: GUNDAM FIGHT: SET! READY! GO! Benefits: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.

  • +0: Communicate With Your Fists - You and any target you threaten in melee may communicate with a Sending as a free action during an attack. This is an Extraordinary Ability. When you gain Sekiha Tenkyoken, you may then use it to activate this ability at a distance.
  • +1: Shining Finger (Sword) - At your choice convert half of the damage from any melee attack to Force damage.
  • +6: Emotion Energy System (Incomplete) - Gain +2 Damage if you Power Attack for at least -2.
  • +11: Meikyou Shishui - Gain +10' Speed Boost after any reductions, such as from Armor. Improve to +4 Damage if you Power Attack for at least -2.
  • +16: Sekiha Tenkyoken - Ranged Touch Attack deals 1d6 Force Damage per 2HD at a range limit of 90'. Improve to +6 Damage if you Power Attack for at least -2.

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/10/2010
Status: Sandbox
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The School of the Undefeated of the East [Mobile Fighter] Let's get things started: GUNDAM FIGHT: SET! READY! GO! Benefits: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.

  • +0: Communicate With Your Fists - You and any target you threaten in melee may communicate with a Sending as a free action during an attack. This is an Extraordinary Ability.
  • +1: Shining Finger (Sword) - At your choice convert half of the damage from any melee attack to Force damage.
  • +6: Power of Anger - Gain Rage as a Barbarian equal to half your Character Level. If you are already able to Rage, treat your levels in the class that grants such an ability as 3 higher.
  • +11: Meikyou Shisui - Your abilties to Rage are lost and replaced with Meikyou Shisui, the Serene State of Mind. You are immune to Mind Affecting Effects and are able to remove such effects from others with a Touch Attack, this use is a Language Dependent Extraordinary Ability. In addition, the effects of Meikyou Shisui differ from Rage as follows: Remove the AC Penalty. Instead of DR, gain a Dodge Bonus to AC equal to the DR you would have had. All other effects are the same.
  • +16: 90' Line Attack deals 1d6 Force damage per HD. Fortitude DC 10 + 1/2 HD + CHA Modifier for Half.

My Skill Feats

Samurai in a box. It does what it needs to, let you have Iaijutsu Focus, while letting you have a class with actual class abilities.

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/8/2010
Status: Mostly Complete
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Iaido Practitioner [Fighter, Skill] Learn the secret artes of the Samurai. Master their Ultimate Secret Techniques. Benefits: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Iaijutsu Focus.

  • 0 ranks: Iaijutsu FocusOA is always a class skill for you. If it is already a class skill, gain +3 to checks.
  • 4 ranks: Gain Quick Draw even if you do not meet the prerequisites.
  • 9 ranks: Gain Full Moon Stance even if you do not meet the prerequisites and replace Sense Motive where it appears in the feat with Iaijutsu Focus.
  • 14 ranks: May choose to make an Iaijutsu Focus check in place of your Initiative check.
  • 19 ranks: Automatically deal maximum damage from Iaijutsu Focus checks made as part of attacks resulting from Full Moon Stance.

Ok, so here we have something that can work on anyone, but is most helpful to people with lower BABs who want to do a little bit of fighting. The proficiencies in the R0 stuff is a formality for games that run scaling feats without the rest of Tome.

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/9/2010
Status: Sandbox
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Squire Training [Skill] Given basic training in your off time you are better suited for combat than your peers. Benefits: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Knowledge (Warfare).

  • 0 ranks: Knowledge (Warfare) is always a class skill for you. Gain proficiency in all Martial weapons. If you already had proficiency in all Martial weapons, choose Piercing, Slashing, or Bludgeoning. You now count as proficient in all Exotic weapons of chosen type.
  • 4 ranks: Add 1/4 your ranks in Knowledge (Warfare) as an Insight Bonus to your attack rolls. This addition counts for determining Edge and meeting prerequisites of feats, including new tiers of [Combat] feats, and classes but does not grant iterative attacks.
  • 9 ranks: Gain Dodge Bonus to AC equal to the greater of +2 or the difference between your attacker's and your own BAB. Read as Attacker's BAB minus Your BAB.
  • 14 ranks: Compensate for Weakness - Add to your weakest Saving Throw your Strength mod if Fort, Intelligence mod if Reflexes, or Charisma Mod if Will. If two Saves tie for lowest apply this to both. If none of your Base Saves is the weakest, add half of the extra mod to each one. If the extra mod is a +0 or lower treat as +1.
  • 19 ranks: Choose any one tier of any [Combat] feat, even tiers you do not qualify for, and gain only that part of the feat. You may change the selected feat and tier once a week.