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My Sandbox

My Combat Feats

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/8/2010
Status: Nearly Complete
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Subdued Smiting [Fighter] 'Prerequisites: Charisma 13 and non-True Neutral Alignment or Smite special attack Benefits: This is a combat feat that scales with your Base Attack Bonus.

  • +0: Subduing Strike BoED p.46 Modified: Also applies to ranged attacks.
  • +1: If you do not already have a Smite Attack, Gain Strike of the Believer. If you do have a Smite Attack, Gain Steadfast Zealousness.
  • +6: Holy Subdual BoED p.44 Modified: Remove alignment specifics and apply across all alignments.
  • +11: Ranged Smite Evil BoED p.45 Modified: Apply to any Smite Attack, not just Smite Evil.
  • +16: Exalted Smite BoED p.42 Modified: Once again, change alignment descriptors to match your Smite.

My Skill Feats

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/8/2010
Status: Mostly Complete
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Iaido Practitioner [Fighter, Skill] Learn the secret artes of the Samurai. Master their Ultimate Secret Techniques. Benefits: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Iaijutsu Focus.

  • 0 ranks: Iaijutsu FocusOA is always a class skill for you. If it is already a class skill, gain +3 to checks.
  • 4 ranks: Gain Quick Draw even if you do not meet the prerequisites.
  • 9 ranks: Gain Full Moon Stance even if you do not meet the prerequisites and replace Sense Motive where it appears in the feat with Iaijutsu Focus.
  • 14 ranks: May choose to make an Iaijutsu Focus check in place of your Initiative check.
  • 19 ranks: Automatically deal maximum damage from Iaijutsu Focus checks made as part of attacks resulting from Full Moon Stance.

Author: Karuma (talk)
Date Created: 9/9/2010
Status: Sandbox
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Squire Training [Skill] Given basic training in your off time you are better suited for combat than your peers. Benefits: This is a skill feat that scales with your ranks in Knowledge (Warfare).

  • 0 ranks: Knowledge (Warfare) is always a class skill for you. Gain proficiency in all Martial weapons. If you already had proficiency in all Martial weapons, choose Piercing, Slashing, or Bludgeoning. You now count as proficient in all Exotic weapons of chosen type.
  • 4 ranks: Add 1/4 your ranks in Knowledge (Warfare) as an Insight Bonus to your attack rolls. This addition counts for determining Edge and meeting prerequisites of feats and classes but does not grant iterative attacks.
  • 9 ranks: Gain a +4 Dodge Bonus to AC.
  • 14 ranks: Compensate for Weakness - Add to your weakest Saving Throw your Strength mod if Fort, Intelligence mod if Reflexes, or Charisma Mod if Will. If two Saves tie for lowest apply this to both. If none of your Base Saves is the weakest, add half of the extra mod to each one.
  • 19 ranks: