Talk:Battlecaster, Tome (3.5e Class)
AHHHH!!!! I just finished writing the class, and it still says it'll get deleted.
The reason levels 13-20 are empty is because I wanted to make the class 12 levels long, but give the spellcasting opportunity to continue in the case that someone takes this to a spellcasting PrC.
Is there any way I can get it off the "to be deleted" list? --For Valor 05:25, July 31, 2010 (UTC)
- Might be better to move the advanced spell progression (13-20th level) to another table. I'm not sure why it has the delete template applied; maybe the person who put it up will come and explain what they think is wrong. --IGTN 06:27, July 31, 2010 (UTC)
- The incomplete template is not a deletion notice by itself. It was added when there wasn't anything on the page, which has since been filled in. It's just saying it's still incomplete, is all. Fluff sections would be nice, even though they might not be necessary since with have the lines to keep them off the page if they are unwanted or unfinished.
- I'm confused as to why there is a spellcasting progression here at all, since this class is basically intended to be used with Tome rules (hence the "Tome" bit). With the spheres and such (which basically have their own progression of spellcasting, having another table seems unnecessary unless the regular spellcasting is an alternative and not in addition to the spheres. - TG Cid 13:41, July 31, 2010 (UTC)