User:Tavis McCricket

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Revision as of 00:54, 17 April 2010 by Tavis McCricket (talk | contribs) (To Do)
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Save vs. Aardvark

The name is actually Tavish. I typoed my own name.

To Do

  • Finalize advanced feat progression (V1 vs. V2).
    • Version 1: One feat every odd level. Ten feats total, three more than standard 3.5.
    • Version 2: One extra feat every sixth level, starting at 1st (1, 6, 12, 18). Eleven feats total, four more than standard 3.5.
  • Make Charisma useful for all classes outside of skill checks.
    • Does Charisma need to be 'fixed'?
    • How will this affect Bards, Paladins, and Sorcerers (and a handful of other non-PHB classes).
  • Mettle>Evasion
    • If mettle were sub-divided into Fortitude and Will, what would you call them (or rather, which is still mettle?)?
  • Been toying with switching initiative from Dexterity to Intelligence (since reaction time is just as much mental as it is physical). So, a compromise?
    • (Dex+Int)/2=Initiative?
    • Change Improved Initiative to "Pick either Dexterity or Intelligence. This modifier now governs your initiative bonus. In addition, you recieve +4 on initiative checks." Most all other 'Improved' feats change how a mechanic works, and gives a +4, this change would bring Improved Initiative in line with other such feats, and allow for non-dex characters to get higher in combat initiative.
    • However, if changed as above, would benefit casters more than physical (and be of little use to rouges).

Wiki Feedback

I'd like to solicit some opinions about an ability I'm working on for barbarians. In reality, it's two mutually exclusive abilities that a barbarian gets to pick between at level 15. I'm mainly looking for how they stack up against each other. In my eyes, they aren't equal, but I'm not sure I can accurately state which one has the edge over the other.

  • -Gain Beastial Rage (Ex): At 15th level, a barbarian can lose himself when raging. He assumes animalistic qualities, granting the following benefits. His land speed is doubled, and he gains a +10 competence bonus on all Jump, Climb, and Swim checks (as well as climb and swim speeds equal to half his modified base land speed). He gains an additional +4 Strength when raging, double fast healing, as well as Evasion. A barbarian that gains beastial rage does not gain silent fury. A barbarian in a beastial rage cannot voluntarily end the rage, nor can he use consumables (like potions). A barbarian in a bestial rage cannot decline to make a will save, even against harmless spells. A barbarian with beastial rage as a class ability becomes chaotic if they are not already.
  • -Gain Silent Fury (Ex): At 15th level, a barbarian can be utterly consumed by his rage, yet remain in complete control. Rather than being a frothing madman, he becomes even more cold and calculating, resulting in the following benefits. He gains his Constitution modifier to his AC as natural armor, and is able to make all skill checks normally. He gains an additional +4 Constitution when raging, 1.5 times normal DR, as well as Mettle. A barbarian that gains silent fury does not gain beastial rage. A barbarian in a silent fury that voluntarily ends his rage take 1d8 damage for each round left in the rage (this damage bypasses all DR). A barbarian in a silent fury does not benefit from any morale bonuses. A barbarian with silent fury as a class ability can no longer be chaotic, and may become lawful without negatively impacting any of his class abilities.

The link to the rules I'm adapting can be found below. Everything in that document is tenative, and I welcome feedback on all of it.

House Rules

Samurai, Variant (3.5)