Legacy of Darkness (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Geography/Lebiia

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Author: Risek (talk)
Date Created: March 12th, 2010
Status: Finished
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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  • Size: Large
  • Shape: Sphere
  • Location: Outer Ring
  • Climate: Cold
  • Terrain: Mountain
  • Race:
80% Lebiian
15% Imperial
5% Others
  • Civilization Traits
  • Owner: Psk'Therei Caste
  • Dominant Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Lawful Good
  • Civilization State: Scattered cities
  • Religious Beliefs: Atheistic
  • Authority Figures: Hethulai Vraemol Alosenti (LN Lebiian shaper 20/Constructor 12/Etopic Adept CPsy 5)
  • History and Background: Deep in the Outer ring, Lebiia is a cold, desolate mountain shard, dimly lit by a few void streams that flow near the shard. Dotting the landscape are several dozen fortresses, each one intricately carved directly from the mountains themselves, a necessity on a shard where the wind has been know to blow so strongly that lesser structures have been torn down.

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The Palantium Empire care only for the good of it's citizens, and we think everyone should share the good and fair life of the Empire.
—Potentate Kaemes Abbas, Supreme ruler of the Palantium empire
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Legacy of Darkness
Campaign Setting