User:Leziad/Awakened Witch

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Awakened Witch

The witch is largely a powerful class thanks to its access to powerful hexes. However the hex list leave somewhat to be desired, with only a few hexes ever being worth it. The awakened witch makes little changes to the witch itself, instead focusing on changing some hexes.


  • Class Skill: A witch adds both Perception and Sense Motive to her list of class skills.
  • Patron Spells: A witch no longer gain access to her patron spells at a set level, instead she always counts as knowing any patron spells of any levels she can cast. She may convert prepared spell into her a patron spell of an equal level or lower spontaneously. If a witch becomes a spontaneous caster, she merely adds her patron spells to her list of spell known whenever she gain access to a new spell level.
  • Cackle: The cackle hex becomes a class feature gained at 3rd level.

Witch's Hexes

A list of new and revised witch's hex can be found [User:Leziad/Awakened Witch/Hex here].