User:Leziad/Awakened Sorcerer

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Awakened Sorcerer

A variant of the Pathfinder Sorcerer which offers more utility. The sorcerer is widely considered to be the weakest arcane full spellcaster, far below the arcanist and wizard. This alternate sorcerer offers additional class features, which does not increase it magical powers, but instead allows it to become differentiate itself from the other full casters.


  • Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
  • Bloodline Feats: A sorcerer gain bloodline feats at 2nd, 7th, 13th and 18th level instead of their normal progression.

New Class Features

Past Experience (Ex): Before her powers awakened, a sorcerer had lived a life of her own. Some might be the child of a baker, the heir of a noble house, an orphan on the street, a young warrior in a barbarian tribe, or many other possible backgrounds. A 1st level sorcerer chooses three skills, these skills are class skill for her. If the sorcerer choose perform or profession as one of her skill, she automatically gain a ranks in the chosen skill equal to her sorcerer level. Additionally the sorcerer chooses one of the following feat as a bonus feat: Noble Scion, Toughness Skill Focus, or Street Smarts.

Self-Taught (Ex): A 1st level a sorcerer’s spells are self-taught, and thus her methods for casting them can be very different than for wizards. Additionally a sorcerer spells tend to be very visually distinct. Any creature which attempts to identify as sorcerer’s spell with Spellcraft takes a –5 penalty on the check, or a penalty equal to half the sorcerer level (whichever is worse). An observer who is familiar with the sorcerer does not take this penalty.

Magical Barrier (Su): A 2nd level sorcerer is surrounded by magical energy, gaining a deflection bonus to AC equal to 1 + half the highest spell level she has available to cast (up to a maximum of +5 with 8th level spells).

Split Focus (Ex): A 8th level sorcerer is able to cast spells while performing another action, thanks to her mastery of her own magic. As a full-round action a sorcerer may cast a spell which requires a standard action to cast and perform any other standard action. She cannot use split focus to cast another spell or activate a spell-trigger item, and the strain on her focus causes her to take a –5 penalty on her concentration checks until the start of her next turn.

A sorcerer may use this ability once per encounter, and additional time per day at 16th level.