Viverrae Whirlblade (3.5e Racial Substitution Levels)

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Author: the bluez in the dungeon (talk)
Date Created: 11/07/2022
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Viverrae Skycutter Substitution Levels

Race: Viverrae

Viverrae skycutters learn the Way of the Kamaitachi, becoming furious whirwind of blades.

Table: The Viverrae Whirlblade

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +0 +2 +2 AC Bonus, Breezes, Weapon Finesse, Wind Power
3rd +3 +1 +3 +3 Bladewhirl, Hover, Resist Weather
7th +7 +2 +5 +5 Improved Bladewhirl
10th +10 +3 +7 +7 Improved Wind Power
11th +11 +3 +7 +7 Greater Bladewhirl, Improved Evasion
20th +20 +6 +12 +12 Final Wind Power

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Whirlblades lose their proficiency in light armor.

AC Bonus (Ex): When unarmored and unencumbered, they add their Charisma bonus to their AC. This bonus to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the whirlblade is flat-footed. It loses this bonus when it is immobilized or helpless, when it wears any armor, or when it carries a medium or heavy load.

Wind Power: At 1st level whirlblades must take the Kamitachi wind power.

It also adds the following wind powers to the list:

  • Breeze Step (Su): The whirblade may replicate the spell invisibility as a supernatural ability one time per day per Charisma modifier. Use its class level as caster level. It can use it as a swift action by level 10th.
  • Paper Cut (Ex): As a move action the whirlblade may sharpen its slashing weapons to slice flesh. The first attack it makes after this move (within the end of the next round), if it deals damage, leaves the opponent bleeding, suffering 1 point of damage each turn until it receives magical healing or a Heal check with DC 15. This extra damage stacks with itself. It becomes a swift action by level 10th.

This does not alter the Wind Power feature in any other way.

Bladewhirl (Ex): At third level they gain their eponymous feature: if they wield only light or finessable one-handed melee weapons (that deal slashing damage) they may use a standard action to make the air around them into a cutting whirlwind. Anyone starting its round adjacent to the whirlblade suffers 1d6 + class level in Air damage. This damage count as magical. The effect lasts one minute, afterward it must be reactivated. Enemies don't realise they have been hit by this effect until the next round, but only once per combat.

This replaces Air Bubble.

Improved Bladewhirl (Ex): At 7th level, when Bladewhirl is active, they can use a full-round action to attack every opponent in range of Bladewhirl, using their highest modifier to attack. This dispels the bladewhirl effect but enemies suffer the extra damage from bladewhirl if they are hit. They can now activate it as a move action.

This replaces Improved Air Bubble.

Improved Wind Power: At 10th level whirlblades must take the Improved Kamitachi wind power.

It also adds the following wind powers to the list:

  • Improved Breeze Step (Su): The whirblade may replicate the spell greater invisibility as a supernatural ability one time per day per Charisma modifier. Use its class level as caster level. It can activate it as a swift action by level 15th. Requires Breeze Step.
  • Improved Paper Cut (Ex): When using the Paper Cut power it inflicts 1 point of bleedout per point of bleed damage it deals with Paper Cut. Now all the attacks made in the same round cause bleeding damage. Requires Paper Cut. A creatures that suffers a bleedout doesn't suffer from bleeding anymore, unless hit again with this power.

This does not alter the Improved Wind Power feature in any other way.

Greater Improved Bladewhirl (Ex): At 11th level they increase the reach of Bladewhirl of 5 feet (1,5 meters) and may activate it as a swift action. If they use the attack option of the Bladewhirl it doubles its range (20 feet-6 meters) or use the Whirlblade's melee reach, if higher.

This replaces Greater Air Bubble.

Final Wind Power: At 20th level whirlblades must take the Greater Kamitachi wind power.

This does not alter the Final Power feature in any other way.

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the bluez in the dungeonv
Article BalanceHigh +
Authorthe bluez in the dungeon +
Identifier3.5e Racial Substitution Levels +
RaceViverrae +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryViverrae skycutters learn the Way of the Kamaitachi, becoming furious whirwind of blades. +
TitleViverrae Whirlblade +